super robot clone

Chapter 116 Military Orders

It has to be said that Chen Xin's plan is very attractive, and as long as there is sufficient financial support, it will have a great possibility to become a reality. .

If this project can be successfully completed in the end, Cybertron Digital will surely become the world's top interactive entertainment company by then.

Taking a company from scratch to the top of the world in its field is something any professional manager aspires to do.What an honor it would be if it could be done by Wu Jun himself.Thinking of this, Wu Jun felt his blood boil.

But what made him even more curious was the origin of the Xinghuan Group behind Chen Xin, which had such strong financial strength.Just because Chen Xin didn't want to say more, Wu Jun didn't ask any more questions.

The two chatted for a while, Wu Jun suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Mr. Chen, by the way, how is the development of the game you mentioned before, how is it going now? The staff of the game department said that they recently sent you No reply to emails."

Chen Xin patted his head and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't watched too many things lately. I will deal with the game in the next two days. You should finish the plan for the science fiction film and television city first, and then watch "Country Teacher"." For the global box office, if the time is right, we will directly contact Jiangcheng Municipal Axe to invest! By the way, how many people are there in our game department?"

Wu Jun said: "The 59 people are basically planners and artists. Programmers and game architecture designers are not recruited according to your intention."

Wu Jun actually didn't understand Chen Xin's thinking. If it is said that the company lacks experienced technicians in the company and can only be handed over to overseas technical teams, then it is a bit hard to understand that the game still does this.

The domestic game market has developed very rapidly in recent years, and there is no shortage of professionals in the game field. In addition, Wu Jun himself is from this industry and has a deep understanding of the game field. Therefore, he can definitely help Chen Xin form a powerful company. Strong game studio.Coupled with the support of Cybertron Digital's overseas technical team, it is not particularly difficult to produce a game with excellent graphics and excellent effects.

However, the two sides have cooperated for so long, and it is not uncommon for Chen Xin and Wu Jun to have seen some unexpected things, so he did not take them to heart.

Chen Xin thought for a while and said, "After I read their emails in two days, I will call everyone for a meeting. After we have selected a theme, we will prepare to develop it!"

Wu Jun nodded and said yes.

At this moment, the voice of Gang Bian suddenly sounded in Chen Xin's mind: "Old Dou, the General Staff has sent a document, do you want to see it?"

Chen Xin remained calm and said to Wu Jun: "Old Wu, I won't go to the company later, take me home first."



As soon as he returned to Jinyuan Community near Jiangcheng People's Hospital, Chen Xin turned on his computer and logged on to tt, and saw a dialog box for pdf file transfer.

Chen Xin chooses to click download, and the file opens.

To Chen Xin's surprise, the document was not long, only a few pages, and at the beginning was a short greeting letter:

Comrades of the Bureau of Strategic Deception, hello everyone, on behalf of the Central Committee of the ruling party, I would like to express my thanks to you all.This military product trade is the first real formal cooperation between our two sides, and we hope that it will last for a long time in the future.Due to the limited time, we can only list the first batch of military trade lists at present, and the specific handover matters are at your convenience.

First: F119, 117s aero-engine bearing manufacturing process and process, and purchase 5000 sets of related parts, quotation: [-] million US dollars.

Second: Ten sets of active phased array radar tr components, priced at USD 500 million.

Third: Towed array sonar 500-meter segment, quotation: [-] million US dollars

Fourth: 100 yuan for submarine anechoic tiles, quotation: 500 million US dollars


Chen Xin stroked his chin and looked at the procurement form listed by the general staff with great interest. Although the total cost was less than [-] million US dollars, Chen Xin seemed to see a shining golden road in front of him.

This procurement form has obviously been carefully designed. Although the quantity of procurement is not large, each procurement plan is related to the weak project of the Chinese [***] side.

After buying these parts, they must be used for testing. Once the surname can be proved, follow-up orders will be sent in a steady stream.

The only thing that surprised Chen Xin was that China only purchased the bearing parts of the F119 and 117s aero-engines, but did not purchase the turbine disks. Obviously, China's level of aero-engine turbine disks is higher than Chen Xin imagined.

Chen Xin was not surprised as to why he purchased the bearing parts.

Although bearings are inconspicuous, they have high technical content in the industrial field, and can even be used as an important standard to measure a country's technological and industrial strength.

In today's world, the world's technological and industrial powers are without exception the bearing research and development and manufacturing powers.One of the important manifestations of the reason why my country is a big industrial country rather than a strong industrial country is that the bearing industry is large but not strong. In 2010, the sales volume of my country's bearing industry reached 1220 billion yuan. The production is mainly low-end bearings, while high-end bearings mainly rely on imports.

As for the high-reliability and high-precision top-level bearings used in aero-engines, they have become the "Mount Everest" that China cannot climb in the research and development of aero-engines.

Taking the main bearing of an aero-engine as an example, the main bearing is one of the key components of an aero-engine.Running under the conditions of high speed, high temperature and complex stress, the quality and performance of the main bearing directly affect the performance, life and reliability of the engine.

One of the key indicators of an aero engine is high reliability.In order to ensure reliability, one of the prerequisites is to ensure that the bearings in the engine have a long life-the life of the main bearing. The aero-engine of military aircraft requires more than 3000 hours, and the aero-engine of civil aircraft has higher requirements, reaching tens of thousands of hours.

The working environment of bearings in aero-engines can be described as "purgatory". They not only have to run at a speed of tens of thousands of revolutions per minute for a long time at high speed, but also bear various forms of stress extrusion, friction and ultra-high temperature.

In addition, for general structural components, safe use can be guaranteed even if there is a slight crack-this is called damage tolerance in the field, but there is no damage tolerance for key transmission components such as aero-engine main bearings. In the process of use, no damage such as cracks is allowed.However, the main bearings of China's current aero-engines have limited service life, and the bearings have become the "short board" in the barrel principle.

At present, our country is making every effort to develop bearings, one of the key components required by aero-engines, which is a road with no other choice.Although the aero-engines used in civil aircraft can be imported from the West, the West will not sell the high-end bearings configured in the aero-engines to China in order to prevent the aero-engines being developed in China from becoming its competitors by installing imported bearings. As for military aero-engines , the West even embargoes the whole machine to China, and it is even more impossible to sell the high-end bearings configured in it to China.

If this shortcoming is not resolved, the development of China's aero-engines will be severely restricted and affected.Although the bearing is a component, its precision, performance, life and reliability play a decisive role in the precision, performance and reliability of the main engine (such as aero-engine). The backwardness of bearing technology has caused serious damage to the Chinese industry. Impact.

But after all, these belong to the decision makers. All Chen Xin can do is to try his best to push. As for how much they can learn, it depends on themselves.

Apart from the bearings, the tr components of the phased array radar and the towed array sonar are not too difficult for the steel box. The only thing that Chen Xin finds a little tricky is the anechoic tiles used for submarines.

The origin of anechoic tiles can be traced back to the end of World War II, when the German Navy was losing ground. In order to save the defeat and reduce the loss of U-boats, the German Navy began to install a layer called " The synthetic rubber anti-sound material of "Ali Berich" is about 30mm thick and has a cylindrical cavity with a diameter of 2-5mm inside.It absorbs sound energy by using the deformation of bubbles generated when sound is incident, and plays a certain role in reducing reflection and noise inside the boat.This "Aliberich" synthetic rubber sound-proof material may be regarded as the world's first sound-absorbing tile used in real boats.

At present, the anechoic tiles used in the world generally use rubber as the material, which is really embarrassing for steel. (To be continued.)

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