super robot clone

Chapter 126 Black Hawk in China

Everyone in the hall looked at each other in blank dismay, and a few almost laughed out loud.

However, doubts also arise. Is the body of the stealth Black Hawk intact?What's the matter?

They witnessed with their own eyes the whole process of the "Seal" commando hunting and killing LD tonight. The so-called stealth Black Hawk helicopter is obviously the one that crashed by Lao Mei, but somehow the SFA took this helicopter The wreckage of the plane was so displaced that the Pakistani military failed to find even a single part of the wreckage.

But remembering the magic of the sudden war, everyone remained silent, waiting for Peng Guochen to make a decision.

Peng Guochen thought for a moment and asked, "How about the price?"

Chen Xin wrote: "Buy it out, 6000 million US dollars, no counter-offering, the payment method is still the same as before!"

"Then how to deliver it?"

"The delivery location will be sent to you later."

As he said that, the tt dialog box on the screen flashed a few times, and then disappeared quickly.

Colonel Bai Jianguo, Director of the General Office of the Intelligence Department, walked up to Peng Guochen and whispered in his ear: "Minister, do you want to issue a report and report it to the foundation now?"

Since the last cooperation plan with the Bureau of War and Neglect was decided, the military has conveniently allocated a special fund from military expenditures so that it can make transactions with the Bureau of War and Neglect at any time and reduce the review procedures.

Peng Guochen said: "Well, Jianguo, I will leave this matter to you!"


Peng Guochen nodded, turned to Professor Hua Guoqiang, an aviation expert, and said, "Professor Hua, you are in charge of forming an expert team to evaluate this stealth helicopter."

Hua Guoqiang nodded, with excitement on his face, and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away!"

In fact, using 6000 million US dollars to buy a stealth transport helicopter, even at the current price, the price is still a bit high.

But almost no one questioned it. After all, as long as you have a little understanding of China's helicopter industry, you will understand what this aircraft represents.

PLA established the Army Aviation Corps in the mid-80s. At that time, there was a shortage of helicopters in PLA. The domestically produced Zhi-5 was of poor performance. The developed Zhi-6 and Zhi-7 were discontinued one after another. All the helicopters are gathered together. Among these helicopters, the S-1984 Black Hawk imported from the United States in 70 is particularly eye-catching, not only because of its special background, but also because of its excellent performance.

In the early 80s, Sino-US relations ushered in an unprecedented period. The two sides carried out a lot of cooperation in the military field. purchase.

In July 1984, the Chinese government signed a contract with Sikorsky Corporation of the United States to purchase 7 S-24 civilian Black Hawk helicopters, each priced at 70 million U.S. dollars (the newer UH-700L is currently quoted at 60 million U.S. dollars, mh -860g is 60 million U.S. dollars), although for China, which has just started reform and opening up, a Black Hawk equivalent to nearly 1020 million yuan seems a bit extravagant, but later in use it proved that the excellent performance of the aircraft is worth spending so much money to buy.

In November 1984, the first batch of 11 Black Hawks arrived in Tianjin, China, and the last one was delivered in December 4.The aircraft is all manufactured by the American Sikorsky company. It is one of the few American-style equipment in the PLA series that is well-known to the public, and it is also the most excellent general-purpose helicopter owned by the PLA so far.

The aircraft originally used two General Electric ct7-2c with an output power of 1625 shaft horsepower, or a ct7-2d turboshaft engine with an output power of 1723 shaft horsepower.The output power of the gearbox is 3130 shaft horsepower, the internal fuel tank is 1370 liters, and the rotor brake has been greatly improved. The upper main reduction housing of the SH-60 Haiying is used, and the LTN3100VLF navigation system is used to replace the standard Doppler navigation system of the US military. .The maximum take-off weight is 9185 kg, the transition range is more than 500 kilometers, and the external cargo hook can lift 3630 kg of cargo.The aircraft is equipped with two pilots, and the cargo compartment can carry 12 passengers under normal circumstances, and 19 passengers in emergency situations.

Before the introduction of the Black Hawk, our army did not have helicopters that could be used at altitudes above 3000 meters.In the snow-covered plateau with an average altitude of more than 3000 meters, the oxygen content is lower than half of sea level, and the power of any engine will be reduced by about 40%. Moreover, the climate of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is harsh, and general helicopters cannot fly.

There are even rumors that once a domestically-made helicopter flew to Medog for a special mission, and after landing, it found that the fuselage was stretched by one foot, and the aircraft was scrapped.

Even after the introduction, the People's Liberation Army still spent a lot of manpower and material resources to complete the theoretical research on the flight routes of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau above 3000 meters above sea level, take-off weight and load at various altitudes, and solved a series of theoretical problems such as starting power. field test flight demonstration.

It took three months just for theoretical calculations and experiments.The test flight started from the airport at an altitude of 1700 meters and gradually advanced to the plateau.

At altitudes above 3000 meters, the engine power dropped sharply, resulting in insufficient lift for the aircraft.After another three months, our researchers finally overcame technical difficulties and solved the lift problem.In the end, the black eagle flew over the Tanggula Mountains at an altitude of more than 5200 meters and landed in the Ngari area.

The paper "Use and Maintenance of Helicopters on the Plateau" written by our technicians made the world understand for the first time the various characteristics and enormous difficulties of helicopter flying on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.All aspects of the United States also use this as an important result and experience, and Sikorsky has gained a huge advertising effect.

The Chinese government appreciates the plateau performance of the Black Hawk very much. In fact, the S-70 is the only helicopter of the Army Aviation that can operate smoothly in plateau areas.The engine performance of the aircraft is excellent, and there is a complete deicing system on board to reduce the risk of use in plateau areas.

The s-70 has participated in many missions to rescue disaster-stricken areas in Japan and to recover returnable satellites. It has been used intensively, and its total flight time exceeded 19 hours before 11000**.

A high attendance rate will naturally increase the number of accidents. The Black Hawk is mainly used in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where the weather conditions can be regarded as the worst in the world, and there have been too many accidents involving crashes and fatalities.But most of them are caused by climatic reasons or human errors, and only a few are caused by mechanical failures.

According to reports, on October 1987, 10, when a Black Hawk helicopter belonging to an Army Aviation Regiment of the People's Liberation Army was flying in Qinghai Province, its tail rotor suddenly failed and fell to the ground. After landing, it broke into three pieces, killing three and fifteen Injury, the Air Force Flight Accident and Failure Analysis Center immediately sent personnel to the scene to investigate. At the same time, Sikorsky also sent three groups of experts to the crash site to inspect the wreckage. The two sides were deadlocked on the cause of the accident.

Later, our expert team found an imperceptible metal knife mark on the tail rotor of the helicopter. After electron microscope and spectral analysis, it was confirmed that this knife mark that was not detected at the factory caused fatigue and fracture of the metal and caused the crash. , The United States compensated China with 300 million U.S. dollars. This is also the first time that China has successfully claimed compensation from a foreign company since China imported military aircraft.

Both Army Aviation and Sikorsky originally placed great hopes on the Black Hawk. Sikorsky once hoped to deliver 100 Black Hawks to China.However, due to well-known reasons, these ideas fell through after 19**.

Our country tried to imitate the Black Hawk surveying and mapping, hoping to achieve localization like Zhi-8 and Zhi-9, but due to the weak industrial foundation at that time, this beautiful idea failed to be realized in the end.

If our country can successfully imitate surveying and mapping, the transportation capacity of our army aviation will have a qualitative leap.

However, after 19**, although Sino-US relations fell into an impasse again, the supply of spare parts for the maintenance of Black Hawk helicopters has not been interrupted. All walks of life in the United States have not opposed the purchase of the above-mentioned parts and components. China has been able to purchase necessary parts and components from Sikorsky (of course, some domestic parts are also used), which occupies a considerable part of the U.S. military trade with mainland China.

Unable to get more S-70 Black Hawks, Army Aviation quickly turned to buying Russian Mi-17 helicopters.A large number of Mi-17s alleviated the Army Aviation's pressing demand problems.But in general, the advanced surname of the s-70 is beyond doubt.

For example, the t70 engine on the s-700 has only two fuses, and the improved version even cancels the fuse.However, the Mi-8 engine needs to use fuses in many places, with more than 20 adjustment points, and even as many as 45 random tools.In our army, the maintenance of s-70 is much easier for Mi-8 and Mi-17.In terms of plateau performance and corrosion resistance, s-70 has an overwhelming advantage.

More importantly, with the increase of national power, the Chinese Air Force's new generation of 10-ton transport helicopter Z-20 is developed on the basis of the Black Hawk. If you can get a stealth version of the Black Hawk, you can completely refer to this helicopter , On the basis of Zhi 20, China has developed its own stealth transport helicopter.

Thinking about the degree of secrecy the U.S. military keeps about this helicopter, you can understand the tactical value of a fully stealthy transport helicopter.

Especially when it is used in combination with special forces, its role is completely strategic!


Karakoram, the mountains are vast!

In the twilight, the dark gray stealth Black Hawk helicopter passed through the towering mountains silently.

The stars are brilliant, and the silver moon is ashes.

Even in July, many mountains can be seen covered with snow.

"Gangbang, where are we? Have we entered China?"

Gang Bian said: "There are still fifty kilometers left, old Dou, where should we park the plane better?"

Chen Xindao: "Find an uninhabited area close to the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, and then tell the military the latitude and longitude, and they should be able to find it!"


Washington, Pentagon!

U.S. President Okami, General Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of Defense Gates, Director of the CIA Leon Panetta and other military and political officials are sitting in the command center of the Pentagon, anxiously waiting for the latest news ahead .

The "seal" has brought back the body of the bearded man. Although a stealth helicopter that is still under high secrecy has been lost, as long as the identity of ld's body is confirmed, it is still a very successful operation!

Just as Ao Guanhai and the others were talking in a low voice, the operator in charge of communicating with the front suddenly stood up and said with a surprised face: "Mr. President! The dna test result came out, and it must be ld himself!"

The scene was quiet for a second or two, and then cheers resounded through the command center hall of the Pentagon.

Ten years of hunting, once successful!

Since the September 911th incident, Uncle ld has almost become a nightmare in the hearts of Americans. Now that this devil-like figure has finally been killed, everyone feels a sense of relief in their hearts!

Ao Guanhai and Leon Panetta smiled at each other, stood up while applauding and shook hands with the people beside them.

Afterwards, President Okuanhai turned his head and said to the White House officials beside him: "You can get ready. I will deliver a televised speech to the American people in two hours, announcing that this devil has been killed by us!"


Jiangcheng, Jinyuan Community.

Chen Xin said into the headset: "Gangbang, help me find out when the Americans will announce the news of Uncle ld's death, and then we will give President Ao Guanhai a surprise!" (To be continued.)

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