super robot clone

Chapter 127 Hello, President Okukanhai

In the twilight of the morning, a dark gray stealth helicopter came out of the vast mountains without a sound, and landed slowly on the vast plateau. The wind blew away the sand and rocks, startling a group of Tibetan antelopes and wolves not far away. .

Two hours later, two Mi-17 helicopters belonging to the Army Aviation of the LZ Military Region, carrying a squadron of special forces members and aviation experts from the YL Test Flight Institute, slowly landed in the area designated by the General Staff.

While still in the air, everyone was stunned by the angular, sci-fi helicopter on the ground.

The Mi-17 had just landed, and Zhu Xiaohang, the leader of the helicopter professional group of the Flight Test Institute, jumped out of the cabin first.

The special forces members in another helicopter also jumped out of the plane one after another and organized vigilance around.

As an expert in the field of helicopters, Zhu Xiaohang often has access to information about new helicopters from all over the world, but this is the first time he has seen this legendary stealth Black Hawk.

This helicopter should be a modification of the traditional "Black Hawk" helicopter. At least the power system is similar, but the specific model is still unknown.

Judging from the hub, this should be a highly modified Black Hawk helicopter. The entire fuselage is covered with a substance similar to radar-absorbing paint. There is a short 5-blade tail rotor, one more than the regular "Black Hawk".

This kind of tail rotor makes a sound similar to "humming" when it rotates, which is much smaller than the original "chug" sound, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing noise.

Zhu Xiaohang took several technicians up to check whether the helicopter was damaged, and there were also special staff responsible for videotaping and taking pictures of the entire operation.

Relevant picture materials were transmitted to the rear headquarters via satellite as soon as possible.


Wearing sunglasses he got from nowhere, Gang Bian was lying lazily on top of the fuselage of an Airbus A340 with his legs crossed. At an altitude of [-] meters, the morning sun had become extremely dazzling.

"Old Dou, I'm already on the flight from Dubai to Pearl City, and I'll be home in three hours!"

Chen Xindao: "Gangbang, you did a great job. I checked just now, and the 6000 million US dollars has already arrived in the account. I'll give you another meal later!"

The steel coin immediately jumped up, jumped a few times on the top of the machine, and shouted: "Old Dou, I want to eat gold!"

Chen Xin smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's already prepared for you."

The iron rod chuckled and said, "Old Dou, I almost forgot to tell you that the White House announced half an hour ago that President Ou Guanhai will give a televised speech in 10 minutes!"

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and quickly said: "Gangbi, then I'll go to Chaoda and say hello to President Aoguanhai first! I'll go to sleep later, I was exhausted last night."


[-]:[-] p.m. Eastern Time, Washington, White House Press Room!

Almost the main reporters of the world's major news media stationed in Washington have received the news that President Ao Guanhai is about to give a televised speech. Everyone is guessing what Ao Guanhai is going to do, because there is nothing particularly important whether it is international or domestic. The matter required Ao Guanhai to come forward in person.

Ten minutes later, at 10:[-] p.m. Washington time, President Ao Guanhai walked into the press conference hall with a happy face, and the flashing lights on the scene suddenly rang.

Those reporters were used to dealing with Ao Guanhai and White House press officials, and they could tell at a glance that Ao Guanhai was in a very good mood.

Since it was just a televised speech and no interview process was arranged, the reporters also cooperated and did not ask questions.

Ao Guanhai stepped to the microphone, opened the speech script, looked down at the script, then looked up at the camera, and said to the hundreds of millions of viewers in the United States and even the world who were watching the live TV broadcast: "Tonight, I can speak to the United States. The people and the world declared that the United States had completed its mission to eliminate al Qaeda leader Ben Id, a terrorist who slaughtered thousands of innocent men, women and children."

With a bang, at the moment when it was said to eliminate Uncle ld, all the reporters below stood up at once, and the audience was in an uproar, and the security personnel on the scene had to stand up to maintain order.

Ao Guanhai looked at the stunned expressions of everyone proudly, smiled, and continued: "Nearly ten years ago, on a sunny morning in September, the American people suffered the worst attack in history. The memories of our nation linger. The hijacked plane pierced the breezy September sky; the twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed; black smoke billowed from the Pentagon; The wreckage, the heroic actions of the passengers prevented more tragedy and destruction..."


At the same time that Obama delivered a televised speech, the Super Base Camp Military Forum.

onono008 is the moderator of the ultra-large military talk forum. Compared with the moderators of the weapons forum, the moderators of this forum have a much larger workload. The military fans in it often discuss some sensitive topics, and some posts involving sensitive words are It will be automatically transferred to the background of the moderator by the system, and it needs to be reviewed before it can be published.

So there are moderators on duty almost all the time.

Seven o'clock in the morning capital time.

As soon as onono008 got up, he boarded the super large, went to the background to finish processing some of the backlog of posts in the early morning, and then entered the military chat forum to see if there were any topics he was interested in.

As soon as I saw the third article, onono008's eyes widened. The title of the post was "Uncle ld's hiding place exposed, the SEALs killed him with one blow." Onono008 glanced at the person who posted it, and immediately shouted: " Wisdom Rubik's Cube!!!"

onono008 quickly clicked on the post, and at the beginning was a bird's-eye view of a military base, which should be the same as a US military base in terms of layout.

On the runway, four strangely shaped helicopters parked on the runway.

onono008's first reaction was that these photos were fake. As a military fan with more than ten years of military experience, he has never seen these helicopters with obvious stealth features, but netizens have seen many stealth helicopters in ps .

But thinking about the great name of [Wisdom Rubik's Cube], onono008 took a closer look.

This time, he was a little surprised. There was a trace of photoshop on the photo. Onono008 looked down, and a caption was written under the photo: Afghanistan, Bagram Air Force Base of the U.S. Army, four stealth Black Hawks are ready for departure Prepare. (photo taken by full-color night vision device)

The second is a photo of the SEALs boarding the plane, and the third to sixth helicopters took off one after another.

The next step is to infiltrate the enemy's territory, fly at ultra-low altitude, reach the target, secretly land, the plane crashed, ld was killed and other photos, each photo will have a short text description.

onono008 was dumbfounded, and murmured, "Could it be that Rubik's Cube Master's post is real? How did he get these photos? It's too incredible!"

onono008 hurriedly logged into the major portal websites, but there was no news of Uncle ld on the homepage!

When onono008 saw this post, many netizens who woke up early in the morning were stunned by the news of the explosion. Although it was seven o'clock in the morning and there were not many people on the Internet, the news passed quickly. Various social tools spread.

The news from the reporters is more sensitive, especially military reporters like Pei Sheng, who have received a call from the website before, saying that Uncle ld has been killed by the US Navy SEALs and that Ao Guanhai is giving a televised speech at the White House.

But in less than 5 minutes, the call came in again, asking him to go to the super-large military chat page to see the new post of Wisdom Rubik's Cube.

In fact, no matter the Chinese domestic media or foreign media, they all noticed Chaoda's post immediately.


Washington, the White House.

The televised speeches continued.

"Over the past decade, thanks to the tireless and heroic work of our military and counterterrorism professionals, we have made tremendous progress in our fight against Al Qaeda. We have thwarted multiple terrorist attacks and strengthened homeland security.

In Afghanistan, we overthrew the Taliban regime that provided shelter and support for Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.Around the world, we have worked with our allies to apprehend or kill large numbers of Al Qaeda terrorists, including those involved in the 911/[-] attacks. "

Ao Guanhai spoke with high spirits. After ten years of work, once he succeeds, this can be regarded as the most glorious moment since he became president.

Just when he was in high spirits, he soon felt something was wrong. He was concentrating on listening to his speech. There was a sudden commotion from the reporters, and whispers could be heard. Although Ao Guanhai was unhappy, he still Keep smiling face! (To be continued.)

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