Stevenson is a columnist for The New York Times. He has written several best-selling books on politics and economics.

That night, after having dinner with his wife and children, he received a call from the editor-in-chief of The New York Times, Hoffman, asking him to turn on the TV quickly, saying that he had received a notification from the White House, and in a while, President of the United States Okumami There will be a televised address to the world.

Stevenson was a little strange. Unless there were any emergencies, Ao Guanhai would usually notify in advance when making televised speeches, and would not go into battle so hastily.

What's more, the world and the country seem to be relatively calm recently. Issues such as global warming are not up to Ao Guanhai to speak out in the White House. The US health care reform is still deadlocked in Congress. There will be no results for a while, so what will be important The matter needs Mr. President to come forward in person!

Just when Stephenson was still wondering, Ao Guanhai on TV walked into the White House press conference hall with a smile on his face, and it was already full of reporters from all over the world.

It could be seen that Ao Guanhai was in a good mood, Stevenson picked up a pen and paper, and prepared to record the key content of Mr. President's speech, so that he could comment on it later.

With a smile on the corner of Ao Guanhai's mouth, he looked down at the speech, then looked up and glanced around, and said in his usual tone: "Tonight, I can announce to the American people and the world that the US government The operation to eliminate al Qaeda leader Bend has been completed..."

Stevenson only felt a bang in his head, and was stunned for a while.

After staying there for quite a while, he jumped up from the sofa and yelled towards the kitchen: "Tiffany, ld is dead, ld is dead!"

"Steve, what are you talking about? What's dead?"

asked the wife, poking her head out of the kitchen.

"Ben.ld is dead, Ben.ld is dead!!!" Stevenson just kept repeating this sentence.

"What, Ben.ld is dead?" His wife's eyes widened. Even though she was not interested in politics, Tiffany knew how much this bearded man had influenced the United States in the past ten years.

Stevenson beckoned to his wife, and Tiffany hurried to sit down beside him.

For Ben.ld, Americans have very complicated feelings. When the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were bombed, almost all Americans were cursing this cold-blooded demon.

But after so many years, the huge cost brought by the war on terrorism has had a profound impact on American society. In Afghanistan and Iraq, Uncle Sam wields a big stick and is invincible in front of the world. But ten years have passed, and the ruins are still ruins. The good life I was looking forward to did not come.

Uncle ld also disappeared for ten years. During these ten years, Uncle ld was like a nightmare, looming over Millikin.

Just when the American people had no hope of catching this guy, news came that Uncle ld was shot dead.

While everyone was astonished, the originally tense heartstrings suddenly loosened a lot.

But the surprise was not as strong as expected. Stevenson put his arms around his wife and sighed softly.

"What's the matter with you, honey?" Tiffany asked.

Stevenson smiled wryly, "I'm thinking about how to deal with the editor's reminder tomorrow."

"Is it hard to write?"

Stevenson shook his head, and was about to speak, when he saw a White House press officer walking up to Ao Guanhai and whispering something in his ear on the TV screen, the smile on Ao Guanhai's face disappeared instantly, almost gloomyly Water dripped out.

Then, Ao Guanhai dropped the speech directly and walked towards the small door of the press conference hall next to him. As soon as he reached the door, Ao Guanhai directly raised his foot and kicked down on the small door.


Even Stevenson in front of the TV could feel Ao Guanhai's anger!

"Oh my God, what happened?" Tiffany exclaimed, covering her mouth.

Stevenson murmured: "Something has happened, it must have happened, isn't the bearded man dead??? Otherwise, it is impossible for Mr. President to slam the door and leave at this time!"

Tiffany said, "How is this possible?"

At the same time, this reaction continues to play out in thousands of households across North America.

Just when the two were still guessing wildly, the phone rang suddenly.

Stevenson looked at the phone and said, "The editor's phone!"

He pressed answer directly, and after a while, his expression changed. He turned to his wife and said, "Tiffany, bring my laptop here."


Washington, the White House.Although there has been an uproar in the outside world, everyone in the meeting room still looks calm.

Ao Guanhai also came out of the emotions not long ago. Although his face was sinking like water, there were not many traces of losing his composure on the surface.

The meeting of the National Security Council was very high-level, and not only the US Secretary of State Hillary, CIA Director Leon Panetta, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mike Mullen, Secretary of Defense Gates and others attended the meeting, Even the principals of the National Security Agency (NSA), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), and FBI were present.

Phelps Lin, director of the US National Reconnaissance Bureau, said: "Mr. President, NRO experts have studied these photos and can basically confirm that they were taken by the full-color night vision device on the aircraft. As for how the other party did this One point, it’s not clear yet.”

Ao Guanhai turned his attention to Mike Mullen, and Mike Mullen said: "The Afghan garrison said that they did not find any electromagnetic anomalies last night."

Phelpslin said: "Judging from the follow-up photos, the other party obviously knows our course of action well. From the beginning to the end of the operation, we have been under the surveillance of this mysterious organization!"

CIA Director Leon Panetta said: "The exact time of this operation was not confirmed until yesterday afternoon. The flight route was sent directly from the Pentagon to the US military headquarters in Afghanistan. There were no more than ten people who knew about it. Everyone went through strict There is almost no possibility of any leaks!"

At this moment, Vincent, director of the National Security Agency (NSA), who had been silent until now, asked, "Is it possible that the other party obtained this information through hacking?"

Everyone was taken aback by Vincent's question!

However, the people in the conference room were not surprised that Vincent could raise this question.

You must know that NSA is the institution that employs the most PhDs in mathematics, computer science and linguists alone in the world, and it is also the most mysterious intelligence agency in the United States. Because it is too mysterious, it is not even understood by other departments of the US government, so its abbreviation NSA is often dubbed "nosuchagency" (no such agency).

As the super intelligence agency with the highest level of secrecy, the largest expenditure, and the largest number of employees in the United States, NSA is also the center of all intelligence agencies in the United States.

It is nominally a department of the Department of Defense, but in reality it is an organization that reports directly to the president and provides intelligence to the National Security Council.It can even monitor senior officials of other US intelligence or government agencies, including the CIA and FBI.

Therefore, as soon as Vincent's opinion was uttered, everyone paid attention to it! (To be continued.)

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