super robot clone

Chapter 130 Wake It Up

Vincent took out more than a dozen documents from his briefcase and distributed them to everyone in the conference room, saying, "Everyone should not forget the Aurora incident half a year ago!"

Everyone in the meeting room nodded in unison. The incident of the Goddess of Dawn has far-reaching influence. At that time, in order to find out the source of the corruption, the federal government spent a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate one by one, but there was no result. Although many spies from other countries were found out later, this The case didn't make any progress.It was not until more than half a month ago that because of the appearance of the f119 version of the J-20 and the second posting of the Wisdom Rubik's Cube in the super base camp, the US intelligence agency linked it with the mysterious Strategic Fudge Agency (SFA).

Secretary of State Hillary said: "Mr. Vincent, what do you mean, the Aurora murder case is also related to hackers?"

The Aurora incident not only had a major impact in the military field, but also caused serious damage to the international image of the US government in the diplomatic field.At that time, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had to make an emergency visit to [-] Western allies including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Australia in order to repair the relationship between the two sides.During that time, whenever Hillary visited a place, a large number of local people would arrive at the scene to commit suicide, which made the former president's wife quite embarrassed. Therefore, Hillary was very impressed with the suicide of the Aurora Goddess.

Vincent nodded and said: "These documents are related to the War and Negligence Bureau collected by the NSA's network monitoring department from the Chinese Internet through the infection program and the NSA key."

The so-called nsa key refers to the second key nsakey in the Windows operating system whose purpose and other details are unclear, and nsa is the abbreviation of the US National Security Agency. A procedural "back door" is installed in the operating system, which is designed for nsa to enter the computers of windows users all over the world when needed.

As for the Infection Project, the NSA implanted spyware in the products of computer and communication equipment companies such as Samsung, Cisco, Huawei, and Dell to steal personal information.

Everyone in the conference room understood what Vincent meant.

Vincent continued: "In addition, we have also monitored a lot of useful information from the wireless communication of the Chinese government. Although most of them cannot be deciphered, after comparing the information sent by the mole, we found that the top Chinese government has already Under the framework of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, a working group was established to deal with the Strategic Deception Bureau headed by Intelligence Minister Peng Guochen, which gathered a large number of top experts and scholars from various fields. We can basically confirm that the Chinese government has already cooperated with the Strategic Deception Bureau (SFA) We have had substantive contact, and I would like to remind everyone sitting here that the fifth starstone is likely to have fallen into the hands of the Bureau of War (SFA)."

Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, nodded, and added: "I don't know if you have noticed that in the operation last night, our combat support department conducted a comprehensive monitoring of the flamingo's forward route. However, no UAVs from the Warfare Bureau have been found that are close at hand. If we replace the UAVs of the other party with cruise missiles, then the Bagram Air Force Base may have already become a sea of ​​​​flames."

The faces of all the people present suddenly darkened.

Ao Guanhai slowly glanced around and asked, "What do you guys think?"

Secretary of State Hillary said: "I suggest that the NSA take the lead and deploy CIA, F**I, and the Department of Homeland Security to form a special task force to deal with the threat of the Strategic Deception Bureau. In addition, we must use the United Nations to position this organization as a Terrorist organizations similar to Al Qaeda, unite NATO countries to launch operations against them, reducing their living space..."

Ao Guanhai lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head again, and looked at the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, with a wry smile.

Although this woman has good abilities, and her husband Clinton is behind the scenes, she can give him good help in the field of economics and diplomacy. As for sex, she often takes it for granted.

"Mr. President, what do you think?" Hilary said without giving up.

Ao Guanhai said: "There are star stones in Zhanhu Bureau!"

The meeting room suddenly fell silent, and Hillary's face was a little ugly.

Most of the people present basically understood the meaning of the star stone. An organization with a star stone can pose a serious threat to American society in the field of computers.

Especially with the popularization of personal smart terminals, the significance represented by Starstone Computer will only become more and more important.

And so far, the Zhanhu Bureau has demonstrated extraordinary technical capabilities both in the process of scrambling for starstones and hunting Ben.ld, and the threat to the United States is far beyond what ordinary terrorist organizations can match .

What's more, no one knows what is hidden behind an organization that can use star stones.

Ao Guanhai's gaze became sharp, deep and resolute.

Mike Mullen faintly sensed some kind of determination from Ao Guanhai's gaze, and asked in surprise, "Mr. President, what do you mean?"

He slowly glanced around, and said: "Everyone, I think, I need to obtain authorization from the military and the National Security Council to wake it up and restart the Roswell project!"

A needle drop could be heard in the conference room!

After a long time, Secretary of State Hillary said: "Mr. President, we...are we going to fight too much, and we only have the second star stone in our hands, will it help us..."

Ao Guanhai said: "Don't forget, the fourth and fifth star stones have appeared in recent years, we have enough reasons to wake it up!"


Chen Xin was woken up by a piercing phone ringing, he pressed the answer button in a daze, and lazily said, "Hello, who is it?"

Mu Yunshan's sweet voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "I said Young Master Chen, are you still sleeping now? Why do you look weak? Did you overwork yourself last night?"

Chen Xin was startled for a while, then regained consciousness, rubbed his face with his hand and said, "Hey, how do you know I didn't sleep last night? Why don't you come over too, I didn't enjoy last night, let's fight again! "

Mu Yunshan giggled coquettishly, and said, "Okay, I'm at Jiangcheng Airport right now, come and pick me up quickly!"

Chen Xin jumped off the bed, made a contemptuous gesture towards the steel plate on the sofa who was eating gold, and threw a coin left in the jeans that had been changed, and said with a smile: "Then I'll go and pick it up." You, don't let me go!"

Mu Yunshan said: "I'm at the gate of the airport right now, you have to arrive within half an hour!"

Chen Xin wondered, "No way, are you really in Jiangcheng?"

Mu Yunshan said: "Why, can't I come? Anyway, I have to see my parents. With your frustrating appearance, what should I do if I don't take you for a long time and scare my grandparents?"

Chen Xin couldn't help crying and laughing, and said: "Don't make me too handsome! If your grandparents recognize me by then, then you will die!"

Mu Yunshan snorted and said, "Don't talk nonsense, come here quickly, if you don't come, I will directly kill you at home!" (To be continued.)

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