"Xiao Chen, you have a heart!" Mr. Mu patted Chen Xin on the shoulder, then turned his gaze to the computer screen. .

Chen Xin can completely understand Mu Lao's mood.

After the end of the aircraft carrier dream in the 80s, in the 90s, as China's comprehensive national strength continued to increase and the domestic and international situation changed, the Chinese Navy's aircraft carrier plan was restarted.

At this time, the "Varyag" anchored at the Black Sea Shipyard in Ukraine came into the sight of the Chinese side.

After several years of hard work, the "Varyag" was moored at the wharf of Dl Port in 2002.

However, due to the lack of relevant facilities for domestic construction of aircraft carriers, the hull surveying and mapping work also takes time, and the stop of "Varyag" lasted for three full years.


Since then, the "Varyag" has started the whole process of phoenix rebirth.

In early August 2005, Varyag appeared at the 8-ton shipyard berth with a new livery of PLA standard navy gray.

In December 2005, most of the flight deck has been painted with a yellow base, and there are cars hanging on the deck.

On the morning of April 2009, 4, Varyag left the original berth driven by several tugboats.In the morning of the same day, Varyag entered the 27-ton dock of the newly-built third workshop of DL Shipbuilding Heavy Industry on Xianglu Jiao.

At the end of May 2009, the Soviet Naval Aviation badge on the bow was being removed, and the Russian ship name "ВАprГ" on the side was also removed.

On August 2009, 8, Varyag's bridge renovation work officially began.

In early September 2009, scaffolding appeared again on the bridge of Varyag.

In early October 2009, the installation base of the phased array radar appeared on the repaired bridge of Varyag.

On December 2009, 12, the tower mast was hoisted on the bridge of Varyag.

On the morning of March 2010, 3, Varyag, driven by a tugboat, left the dock that had been spent for nearly 19 months, and berthed at the 11-ton South Outfitting Wharf, which is only "a wall away" from the original dock.New fall-up rails appear on the flight deck.The cabin of the hull is changed to a fully enclosed design, and all the original portholes are cancelled, which will greatly improve the habitability and three defense capabilities, especially suitable for the hot South China Sea.

Until now, after six years of reconstruction, the "Varyag" has been reborn from the ashes, and the sea trial report has been placed on the table in Mu Lao's study.

It's just that the old man is now retired and his identity is sensitive, so it's not convenient to go to dl at this time.He never expected that Chen Xin would actually make such a realistic CG video of an aircraft carrier and put it in front of him. For a moment, the old man felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Compared to Mu Lao, Qiao Lao's attention was more attracted by the CG technology in the video.

As a computer expert, although Qiao Ting had learned that Cybertron Digital's cg technology is very powerful from Qiao Ting, he never thought that the other party had reached such a level.

The picture processing of the whole video is very realistic, whether it is color rendering or other aspects, it looks extremely good, and many places have completely exceeded the feeling in Hollywood blockbusters. At first glance, there is almost no difference from the real one.

Qiao Lao didn't expect such a company to appear in China, but he said that he didn't have too much doubt in his heart. CG has always been a skill that combines technology and art. As long as you are willing to spend money and energy, there is no picture that CG cannot express.

Just when several people in the courtyard were attracted by the wonderful scenes in the video, a voice suddenly broke in: "Hey, grandpa, what are you watching?"

Chen Xin raised his head, and Qiao Ting walked in from the small courtyard door.

"Little Qiao, you're here, come and sit down quickly. I'll ask Aunt Zhang to add two more dishes. Tonight, you and Old Qiao will have dinner at Grandpa Mu's place!"

Qiao Ting is obviously very familiar with Mu Lao, and she doesn't seem to be pretentious at all. Hearing this, she smiled and said, "Thank you, Grandpa Mu! Then I won't be polite."

As she spoke, she walked up and nodded to Chen Xin and Mu Yunshan, sat down beside Qiao Lao, and looked at the computer screen.

Mu Yunshan curled her lips, turned her head away, and said nothing.


United States, Area 51, 980 seven meters underground.

Under the leadership of Dr. Wells, the chief scientist of the "Green Room", American President Ou Guanhai, Secretary of State Hillary, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen and other politicians passed through several security doors and came to a huge underground space Inside.

This is the supercomputing center of the Green House. In the center of the circular master console is an arc-shaped glass dome with a diameter of more than 50 meters.

Through the glass cover, it can be seen that there is a large underground space under the master control center, which is densely distributed with pipelines.

On the right side of the glass cover, you can see the wreckage of a saucer-shaped aircraft with only half of it left. The diameter of the aircraft is only about 100 meters. Due to the refraction of light, all this looks a bit dreamlike.

Dr. Wells said to a staff member in a white coat next to him, "Hoffman, let's get started!"

Hoffman tapped lightly on the curved glass light screen, and the top of the curved glass cover in the center of the console suddenly lit up out of thin air.

"Oh my gosh! Holograms!"

Clinton Hillary covered her mouth and stared dumbfounded at everything in front of her.

Although Ao Guanhai had been here once, he was equally excited and couldn't restrain himself.

The holographic projection with a diameter of more than 50 meters gives people a different visual experience than the so-called 3D movie.

After a burst of brilliant light, a phantom of a spherical building appeared on the holographic projector.

Dr. Wells said: "This is a [-]:[-] architectural miniature model of the Green House."

There was a slight discussion at the scene.

Hillary secretly calculated that the diameter of this spherical holographic projection is about 50 meters, with a ratio of one to ten. In other words, the entire green house is a super underground space with a diameter of up to 500 meters.

Even on the ground, such a superstructure with a diameter of 500 meters is also an incredible existence, let alone more than 1000 meters underground.

It was hard for Hillary to imagine what kind of mood the president of the United States had to start the most ambitious project in human history.

"This is the control center we're in," said Dr. Wells, who lit up an area above the "Green Room" virtual projection in red.

Then, he lit up an area directly below the control center: "This is the storage area for alien creatures and the frozen area. Under normal circumstances, no one is allowed to enter this area." (To be continued.)

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