Dr. Wells continued to light up various areas of the "Green House", introducing the living area, energy area and research area of ​​the "Green House". .

Because these scientific researchers have lived and worked underground for many years, the US government has equipped this miniature underground city with extremely complete living facilities.

In order to allow them to adapt to underground life as much as possible, the construction department not only simulated blue sky and white clouds, wind, frost, rain and snow, and four seasons of spring and summer in the living area through virtual projection, but also established a special botanical garden to purify the environment inside the green house.

In addition, the researchers in the "Green Room" are all admitted to this department after a strict review. Everyone is basically a staunch patriot. Condition.

Moreover, most of the family members of these researchers also live in cities near Area 51. Every year, they spend about three months returning to the ground to reunite with their families.

It's just that no matter they are traveling or doing anything with their families, as long as they are still on the ground, there are basically frightful agents around them to monitor and protect them.

As for the energy supply inside the "Green House", it is provided by two sets of AP1000 pressurized water reactors of Westinghouse with a design life of 60 years. The safety system adopts a passive design and is arranged in the containment. The containment is Double-layer structure, the outer layer is prestressed concrete, and the inner layer is steel plate structure.

This kind of reactor can be regarded as the safest and most advanced third-generation nuclear reactor in the world. It only needs to maintain the most basic maintenance on weekdays. The replacement cycle of nuclear fuel is more than 30 years, which is the energy supply for the entire "green house". guarantee.

Since the "Green House" was built under extremely confidential conditions, the annual operating funds and scientific research funds of the "Green House" are all through the secret channels of Congress, with a budget of tens of billions of dollars. Knowing the existence of this fund, even those old congressmen who know some of the secrets don't know what the money is used for.

After briefly introducing the situation of the Green Room, the light screen in front of Dr. Wells suddenly lit up. Dr. Wells turned his head to Okamikai and said, "Mr. President, the thawing process is ready and can be started at any time!"

Ao Guanhai nodded, handed a USB device in his hand to Wells, and said, "This is the activation password, prepare to unfreeze it!"

Dr. Wells took the device from Ao Guanhai's hand and connected it to a USB port on the main console.

Soon, a piece of garbled code flashed on the light screen, and the color of a virtual button that was originally red on the left side of the light screen immediately turned green.

Dr. Wells immediately pressed the button, and everyone at the scene felt a slight vibration from the ground, accompanied by a faintly audible roar.

Dr. Wells said: "The compressor is on!"

At this time, the holographic projection screen in the control center suddenly changed, and four glass containers filled with light green liquid appeared on the projector, and there were faintly floating bodies of several strange creatures.

"What's this?""

Secretary of State Hillary felt numb in her heart, and couldn't help but clenched her handbag tightly.

No one answered Hillary's question. Ao Guanhai turned his head and asked Wells, "Doctor, how long will it take to complete the thawing?"

Dr. Wells said: "According to previous experience, Mr. Kahn will have to wait at least 12 hours to meet with you."

Ao Guanhai nodded, glanced at Hillary next to him, then turned around and said to the people behind him: "Then let's wait in the lounge first!"


In the lounge, Secretary of State Hillary, who was already full of doubts before, said to Okankai: "Mr. President, can you tell us the ins and outs of this base now?"

Secretary of Defense Gates, CIA Director Leon Panetta and others who came with Ao Guanhai also cast doubtful eyes on Ao Guanhai.

In fact, among the people present, except for Ao Guanhai and Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the others only knew part of the specific situation of the "Green Room".

Ao Guanhai nodded, thought for a while and said, "You all should have heard of the 'Roswell' incident, right?"

Everyone present nodded.

Roswell is a city in southeastern New Mexico, USA, located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.The population is 3.9.

On July 1947, 7, the "Daily News" in Roseville, New Mexico, USA published a "sensational" news: "The Air Force found a falling flying saucer in Roseville."

The news was immediately reprinted by the "New York Times" and other major newspapers, and the radio wave carried the news all over the world.The news was like a blockbuster, causing an uproar among the American public.

Later, the U.S. government insisted that it was just a crashed U.S. reconnaissance balloon, but widely circulated that it was the crash of an alien flying saucer.

Since then, "Roswell" has almost become synonymous with ufo.

Hillary frowned and said, "Mr. President, what do you mean, the legend about the crash of the 'Roswell' alien spaceship is true?"

Ao Guanhai smiled wryly and said: "Not only is this matter true, but the truth is even more exaggerated than you imagined! Let Dr. Wells introduce the details to everyone!"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Dr. Wells who accompanied these military and political officials to the lounge.

Dr. Wells said: "You must have seen the broken flying saucer under the glass cover of the control center and the body of the Kahn tribe just now, right?"

Everyone in the lounge nodded.

"They are called the Kahn family?" Hilary asked in surprise.

Dr. Wells hummed, and said: "During the Roswell incident, we found the bodies of ten Kahn people and the wreckage of a flying saucer! Among the ten Kahn people, six of them died of serious injuries. The remaining four were submerged in the four terrariums we saw earlier."

Professor Wells paused, and continued: "The word Kahn is what they call their own civilization. We don't know the specifics very well, only they know it. According to previous data, the Kahn people came from a distant place. The Large Magellanic Cloud, they have come to Earth on scientific research ships for more than 5000 years!"

Everyone at the scene let out a cry, and Alexander, the director of the NSA with a background in science and engineering, was even more surprised: "How is this possible?"

Professor Wells shook his head and said: "I also don't understand, they are not the intelligent civilization of the Milky Way, but the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way (circling around the Milky Way, with a distance of about 16 light-years and a diameter of about 1/20 of that, the number of stars is about 100 billion) this kind of flight across the galaxy is beyond my imagination, but I think they should not bother to deceive us on this."

"And what happened next?" Hilary asked.

"Later we rescued four of these ten people, and one of them woke up and communicated with the staff at that time in English proficiently. Most of the information we know today is obtained from that time." ( To be continued.)

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