super robot clone

Chapter 145 WikiLeaks

After Andrews left, Yu Shijian said: "Brother Chen, congratulations, I guess this is another big deal."

Chen Xindao: "Brother Yu, please don't bury me. I don't know if there is a Pu! By the way, is there still no one interested in "Country Teacher" these two days?"

Yu Shijian shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's still not very ideal. Hollywood doesn't believe that we Chinese can make good science fiction. During this period of time, I have searched all over Hollywood distribution companies. Many people know that there is a Chinese film in Los Angeles. People are promoting his sci-fi movie. In addition, the theme of "Country Teacher" itself is somewhat different. Although there are distribution companies interested in this movie, most of them are unwilling to take risks and offer a very low price. After all, no one is sure whether such a film will meet the taste of Hollywood audiences."

Chen Xin thought for a while and said, "Then have you tried the sharing scheme that Ms. Mu created in Europe?"

Yu Shijian said: "Why not, but the prerequisite for Ms. Mu's proposal is that it be released on 4000k screens at least 2 yuan in Europe. In the United States, this is almost impossible. No distribution company can make such a promise, and those theaters cannot Willing to arrange films for sci-fi films from China."

Chen Xin thought for a while and said, "Brother Yu, if it doesn't work, let's take it easy. We will consider the release of "Country Teacher" in the Asia-Pacific and European box offices after it is released in North America. If these places can sell well, The Yankee will come after himself."

Yu Shijian sighed and said, "It seems like this is the only way to go now,"

Seeing Yu Shijian's dejected look, Chen Xin was about to say a few words of comfort when Gang Bian's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Old Dou, an organization claiming to be wiki decryption has sent you a private message through a super server."

Chen Xin was stunned for a while before he realized it.

He hurriedly said to Yu Shijian: "Brother Yu, I'm a little tired. I didn't sleep much on the plane before. Why don't we talk about this later!"

Yu Shijian hurriedly said: "Okay, you have a good rest, my room is downstairs from yours, 3328, if you can't find me after waking up, you can call me directly, my mobile phone is always on."

Chen Xin nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Yu, then I'll go to sleep first."

As soon as Yu Shijian left, Chen Xiao hurriedly said, "Steel iron, go super big!"

Chen Xin's short-sighted glasses lit up all of a sudden, and the steel tool directly projected the website of the Super Base Camp onto his retina.

Chen Xin is no stranger to WikiLeaks.

This organization has always claimed to be a borderless non-profit Internet media that wants to help organizations, enterprises, and governments operate under the sun by assisting insiders.

It specializes in exposing files from anonymous sources and web leaks.The website was established in December 2006 and is operated by the sunshine press.A year after its launch, the site claims to have grown its document database to more than 12 million.

WikiLeaks' practice of publishing a large number of classified documents has made it controversial.Supporters believe that WikiLeaks has defended obsession and news zi zi, while opponents believe that the leakage of a large number of confidential documents threatens the national security of relevant countries and affects international diplomacy.

Because "WikiLeaks" collects information through various channels, it has also become a "thorn in the side" of the United States and some other governments.

The previous leaks of the combat records of the US military stationed in Afghanistan made the US government extremely angry.

The leaked documents paint another grim picture of the war in Afghanistan at a time when the American public is increasingly questioning the odds of winning the war in Afghanistan.

The White House has strongly condemned WikiLeaks for leaking to the public [-] documents about the US-led coalition's military operations in Afghanistan.

Spokesman Gibbs argued that most of these leaked documents are low-level reports that have been outdated for several months, and cannot reflect the positive changes brought about by the suppression strategy proposed by US President Okumai.

He also said that President Okumi didn't need to go through the leaked documents to understand the seriousness of civilian casualties, and publishing them would increase the dangers faced by U.S. and coalition soldiers.

But some media say the most immediate danger posed by the leaking of these documents may be to further damage the already shaken confidence in the war in Afghanistan.This may be the most unacceptable situation for the US government.


Italian Foreign Minister Faratini even commented that diplomatic secret reports are likely to cause a "global diplomacy 9.11" incident.

Now the server provider of the "WikiLeaks" website in the United States has stopped serving, and the founder Assange is wanted by the International Criminal Organization's red notice.

What is even more surprising is that on December 12 last year, the British London Jingfang stated that Julian Assange, the founder of the "WikiLeaks" website, was arrested on the same day.

Assange was accused of "raping j" and "obscene" on two Swedish women in August 2010.Swedish prosecutors issued a warrant for Assange's arrest on November 8, and Assange pleaded not guilty.

Afterwards, Assange appeared in court accompanied by his lawyer and answered questions. Assange denied the four charges of sexual assault against him and applied for bail before the decision on whether to extradite him to Sweden, but the judge rejected his request for bail.

Assange's lawyer Stephen said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we see today that Assange will continue to be imprisoned. It is very unfortunate, but WikiLeaks will continue. WikiLeaks is a missile for thousands of journalists around the world. We also heard the judge He said today that he hopes to see the guarantee for himself, and I think he has eaten too. I saw that many people stood up to support Mr. Assange and believe that he is not guilty."

More people believe that this case is purely a political case, rather than a criminal case as claimed by the United Kingdom.

Later, the United States has been trying to extradite Assange back to China, but due to various pressures, it has never been successful.

At such a time, Chen Xin couldn't help but be very puzzled that such a sensitive organization came to him.

In fact, the super-large "Wisdom Rubik's Cube" account has been managed by Gangbang. Before that, some other zhèng fu institutions or organizations sent communication requests to Chen Xin through internal letters, but Chen Xin ignored them all the time.

But the information sent by WikiLeaks made Chen Xin hesitate.

It reads: "Dear Wisdom Rubik's Cube: For your actions on the Internet, WikiLeaks has always held great respect. We welcome any individual or organization to disclose the confidential information of certain countries. Cooperation in a wide range of fields.


Salute - WikiLeaks colleagues"

Chen Xin thought for a while, then raised his head and asked Gangbun, "Gangbang, do you think this information was sent by WikiLeaks?"

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