super robot clone

Chapter 146 NSA Confused

Gang Bian shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. I just checked WikiLeaks information through the central computer of the CIA. This organization has a deep background, and there are many chaebol funding behind it. It has connections with many hacker organizations. It's very complicated.. and the other party's registered ip in Chaoda is also fake, they are very careful, obviously they have gone through careful preparations, leaving no trace."

Chen Xin nodded, hesitating a little. If the news was really from WikiLeaks, he would really be interested in cooperating with him, but if it was fake, then the motivation behind it would be worth pondering.

Chen Xin thought for a moment and said, "Gangbang, please reply to the other party."

Gang Bian hesitated and said, "Old Dou, but those monitoring..."

Chen Xindao: "Don't worry about them, they can't intercept our information anyway, and they probably can't do anything except know that we sent an in-site text message to a certain id. And no matter how they search, it's impossible to find us .”

Since the "Goddess of Dawn" incident, many people around the world are paying attention to the new movements of Rubik's Cube every day on Chaoda.In particular, the recent "hunting" live broadcast has greatly increased the interest of intelligence agencies around the world in Rubik's Cube. Almost every day, countless data streams appear on the super-large server, monitoring every move of Rubik's Cube.

It doesn't matter to Chen Xin, anyway, as long as there is steel, these guys won't be able to find him.

Gang Bian said: "Okay, old Dou, how should I write the reply letter?"

Chen Xin thought for a while and said: "Well, let me repeat your record: Dear WikiLeaks, hello! We are very interested in your proposal, and hope that we can establish more information sharing in the future. Contact, the specific contact method is based on text messages in the super base camp military forum, if there is a need for file transfer, we can negotiate and resolve it at that time—the Wisdom Rubik's Cube!"

As soon as Chen Xin's voice fell, the text content in the short text box on the super large page was also entered. Chen Xin said: "Steel, send it!"


The browser page jumps immediately, and the light curtain of the glasses shows that the SMS in the station has been sent.


America, Fort Meade, Maryland, in the forest a few hundred meters away from Washington Park in Baltimore, the NSA headquarters building stands majestically.

"Director, we have received a reply from 'Wisdom Rubik's Cube'."

A young red-haired man stood up and walked towards NSA Director Alexander who was waiting in the studio.

Alexander Avenue: "Continue to monitor!"

The red-haired youth nodded, and then focused on the computer in front of him.

There are more than 20 computers placed in the front and back of the studio, more than ten technical experts are busy but not chaotic, and the sound of keyboard tapping can be heard from time to time.

"It's strange, the server of the super base camp still can't detect any login information of the other party. Jon, did your group find anything?"

The red-haired youth asked another man who was typing on the keyboard.

Jon shook his head and said, "No, no trace was left, as if the id didn't exist. Logically speaking, this is impossible. How did the other party do it?"

Here are basically top-notch masters in the hacker world, and several of them were well-known in the hacker world before joining the nsa.

Just like the red-haired young man, his real name is Mike Jones, but if it is mentioned that his online ID is a mafia boy, few people would not know it.

A few years ago, the famous conficket worm was written by him.

At the end of 2008, the Conficker worm exploited a large number of vulnerabilities in the Microsoft operating system and infected millions of computers and business networks around the world.

Once the conficker worm controls the infected machine, it will connect a large number of computers into a large botnet that can be controlled by the virus creator.

This virus brought Jones a huge amount of income, but unfortunately, in a later invasion operation, Jones stumbled and was forced to come directly to the door by agents.

Since then, he has devoted himself to working for the nsa.

As for the man named Jon who spoke to him just now, he was also not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Jon used phishing attacks to hack into the accounts of tens of thousands of important people in Google Gmail, including senior US government officials, officials from Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries, as well as military personnel and journalists.

During the attack, victims are forced to open the emails of those acquaintances. Email messages using social engineering techniques and highly personalized content can lure them to click on the links sent, which leads them to malicious sites disguised as gmail login pages, stealing Victim's email login information.

Later, Google suspected that the behind-the-scenes of the hacking incident came from China. For this reason, it also announced that it would stop the "filtering and review" of Google's Chinese search service and transfer the search service from mainland China to Hong Kong.

It wasn't until Jon used very clumsy means to blackmail a member of the US Congress that the incident came to light.

For this reason, the U.S. federal court sentenced Jon to ten years in prison. As a result, just after he got out of the court and before he entered the prison, people from the NSA came to his door, saying that as long as Jon worked for the NSA for five years, he could regain his freedom, so Joe En agreed without hesitation.

It can be said that everyone present has more or less similar experiences as the two of them, and anyone here can be regarded as a well-known bigwig in the hacker world.

But no one expected that so many talented people would join forces to deal with one Internet user, and even when the other party was confirmed to be online, they still could not find the trace of the "Wisdom Rubik's Cube", which made people very speechless.

It's as if you know that there is someone standing in front of you, you can hear him speak, you can feel his breath, but you can't see or touch him, which is a bit scary.

Previously, these nsa computer experts conducted a six-month investigation on the "Wisdom Rubik's Cube". This time, they finally used this method to test the opponent, but the result was even more frustrating.

Director Alexander of NSA seemed to be at ease. He knew very well that an organization capable of possessing starstones must have many unique features in the computer field, and how could a few hackers work together to deal with it.

Anyway, the purpose of this operation is not to track down the other party, and everything that should be done has already been done. Director Alexander looked at his watch and said to everyone in the studio: "You continue to monitor, pay attention, do not contact the other party, do not Let’s scare the snake away, and we’ll talk about everything after I come back.”

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