In fact, many of the tourists who received the news at this time had thoughts similar to Bob's.

A few days ago, the jewelry escort car robbery in Los Angeles caused a sensation throughout the United States.

At that time, an escort car carrying jewelry ready to participate in the exhibition was forced to stop on the Los Angeles Beltway. The robbers were equipped with a large number of automatic weapons, and ordinary escorts were no match for them. As a result, all the jewelry in the car was looted empty.

Later, some media estimated that the value of the robbed jewels was as high as more than 8000 million U.S. dollars. The criminals involved in the hijacking operation were very sophisticated. The whole robbery process lasted less than 3 minutes. The robbers only fired three shots. No one was hurt. When the police arrived at the scene, they found only eight unconscious escorts. As for the jewels, they had disappeared.

Two days have passed, and the police suddenly announced that the robbers had sneaked into Yosemite National Park. For this reason, a large number of police forces were dispatched to seal off the entire park. This is an extremely rare scene in American history. .

At this time, the tourists in the entire Yosemite National Park were attracted by the huge movements of the military and police. Everyone was curious about what would happen next?

After all, this kind of thing is usually only seen in Hollywood movies, but now it is reproduced in reality, and many people are more interested in it.

However, they soon discovered that it was not an easy task to follow along to watch the excitement. Humvees, armored vehicles, and military trucks carried National Guard soldiers from ca120 to ca140. Highway CA41 entered the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the number of soldiers participating in the mountain patrol completely exceeded their expectations. What made them speechless was that there were many miniature drones in the sky at some point.

These drones are usually only the size of a millstone, and they fly according to a predetermined cruise route over Yosemite National Park. For tourists who are found in the wild, helicopters will soon appear above their heads, and then they will be fully censored. Armed soldiers were forcibly taken away from the Sierra Nevada.

As for the resort towns near Yosemite Valley, they have all been taken over by the military and police.

This small town is basically dominated by tourism and catering, and there are restaurants, hotels, and supermarkets everywhere.There are even many wooden houses in the town.Exclusive rental for those planning an extended vacation in Yosemite National Forest.

"Xiao Chen. I just stood at the window and saw a lot of policemen coming outside. Is something wrong?" Yu Shijian yelled as soon as he came down from the upstairs bedroom early in the morning.

He and Chen Xin arrived in Yosemite National Forest Park yesterday, because Thomas Tull had something to do in Seattle.Temporarily unable to come over to meet with Chen Xin.Therefore, after seeking Chen Xin's opinion.So he asked Andrews to arrange Chen Xin and Yu Shijian in a holiday villa in Yosemite National Forest Park. On the one hand, there are many people in Hollywood, and it is not convenient for the two sides to negotiate.On the other hand, Yosemite National Forest Park has beautiful scenery and is suitable for self-driving and hiking. It is very popular with tourists, and Chen Xin can just have fun here for a few days.

Of course, all these expenses are basically paid by Legendary Pictures.

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and just about to speak, there was a knock on the door outside.

Andrews, who was accompanying Chen Xin for breakfast in the dining room, hurriedly said, "Mr. Yu, you have breakfast first, and I'll open the door."

As he spoke, he got up and left the restaurant. An English conversation soon rang out at the door. After a while, Andrews returned to the restaurant with a sullen expression on his face, and said, "Sorry, Mr. Chen, our vacation plans have fallen through."

Chen Xindao: "What happened?"

Andrews said: "A group of armed robbers broke into the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the police are surrounding them. During this time, Yosemite National Park has entered a fully closed state, and we can't go anywhere."

Yu Shijian was stunned, and said, "Andrews, what do you mean we can't go anywhere?"

Andrews shrugged and spread his hands: 'I think so! '

Chen Xin and Yu Shijian looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

It doesn't matter to Chen Xin, he is used to staying at home, if he can't go out, he can't go out, living in this small town is fine.Anyway, as long as there is a wifi network, he will not be bored.

It just so happened that he could take advantage of this time to make this fps game on his laptop with Gang Bian!

Yu Shijian would be miserable, he had long been accustomed to the life in the glamorous world outside, and now asking him to go to a small mountain village to live an ordinary life for a few days, it would be harder than killing him.

What's more, when he came to the United States to promote "Country Teacher", he didn't even bring the newly acquired Xiaomi with him. No one thought that he would be trapped in an isolated town when he went out to play.

After breakfast, Chen Xin directly went back to the room to surf the Internet, while Yu Shijian and Andrews went out to check the situation outside.

As soon as he arrived in the room, the steel coin slipped off Chen Xin's body at once, and by the way he took out a few coins from his pocket, and kept throwing them into his mouth.

Chen Xin turned on the laptop and asked, "Gangyi, is there any movement from WikiLeaks at Chaoda?"

Since the reply to WikiLeaks the day before yesterday, there is still no movement from the other party, which makes Chen Xin a little strange.

But he doesn't care, anyway, no matter who the other party is, as long as the steel coin is still there, no one can find him.

Gang Bian said: "Not yet! By the way, old Dou, what are we going to do next?"

Chen Xin said with a smile: "Make games! Remember that I told you about the fps No. 1 shooting game. Let's take advantage of this time to try to make the framework of this game first."

As for this fps stand-alone game that has been named "Warfront", Chen Xin already has a well-thought-out plan.

The game is mainly based on the high-intensity local war between China, the United States and Japan that was triggered during the process of pla's recovery of Treasure Island.

Of course, due to political considerations, Chen Xin will not directly state the specific background of this game. The three countries are replaced by country a, country c, and country j.

In the process of country c regaining its territory, country a and j intervened arbitrarily, and the protagonist was an ordinary soldier in the landing force of country c.

Anyway, as long as Mu Lao's shadow exists, the review department should not embarrass Digital Cybertron in this regard.

This kind of thing has always been done by Laomei, and it is more direct.

Like the latest "Battlefield 4 The Rise of China", it mainly tells about a lightning raid conducted by the squadron's ground troops with air superiority on a US military base located in a mountainous area, as well as an encounter in the desert.Judging from the promotional video of Battlefield 4 China's Rise, many of China's current advanced fighters, tanks, and even J-4 heavy fighters and wz-20 armed helicopters will appear in "Battlefield 10 China's Rise". (To be continued..)

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