super robot clone

Chapter 149 Game Level

As for the specific levels of "Warfront", Chen Xin actually already had a draft in mind.

At the beginning of the game, the PLA infantry unit secretly infiltrates through helicopters, and then guides the SW-1 long-range guided rocket launcher to attack the enemy's air defense positions and radar stations on the subsidiary islands.

The protagonist and his comrades took advantage of the night to take advantage of the low-altitude and covert flight in a helicopter. After the aircraft landed at the designated position, they manipulated the laser guidance device to illuminate the target. The front-line guidance operation was quickly discovered by the sensors of the garrison, and the battle began. In order to ensure that the laser guidance equipment is not destroyed by the opponent, the infantry unit equipped with night vision goggles and thermal imagers put up a tenacious resistance.

Until the arrival of long-range strike firepower, the air fuel rocket warheads filled with methyl acetylene showed great power, causing extremely terrible damage to the enemy's unprotected ground combatants, air defense missiles, radar and other electronic equipment. The infantry detachment where the protagonist is located finally escaped from danger due to preventive work in advance.

After the raid in the middle of the night, the affiliated islands were captured by our army. With the latest amphibious landing ship in service of our navy as the core, supplemented by three Kunlun Mountain-class dock landing ships and dozens of tank landing ships, the huge landing formation started from Starting from the southeast coastal port, they landed on the subsidiary islands in the early morning, established a rear camp, and prepared to use the subsidiary islands as a springboard to attack the main island.

This is the main plot of the first level Night Attack. As long as the player successfully completes the scheduled tasks, he can enter the second level to land on the beach.

The battle is still going on. After a night of rest, the protagonist's troops were incorporated into the second wave of troops landing on the main island. With the support of shipboard and air firepower, the brutal beach landing battle began.

The first wave of landing troops suffered huge casualties when they landed, and finally established a solid firepower point on the beach. Follow-up support followed. In the rain of bullets, the protagonist rushed to the beach on an air-cushion landing craft.Under the cover of the main battle tanks, the first-line beachhead enemy troops began to be cleared.

In Chen Xin's plan, the entire beach landing process will be extremely cruel. In order to deal with the enemies in the concrete tunnel, flamethrowers, anti-tank missiles, rockets, etc. will be used in turn.At the same time in order to increase the playability of the game.Chen Xin will set up various small plots in the game, allowing the protagonist to use these weapons with his own hands.

After several hours of high-intensity fighting, the last remaining enemy forces on the beachhead were annihilated.The company where the protagonist is located is seriously downsized, with more than one-third of the casualties.

But they had no way to rest. The latest intelligence showed that the enemy army had organized a division of armored troops, which would arrive at the coastline in an hour, and planned to drive our army into the sea while our army was not gaining a firm foothold.

However, it will take twelve hours for our army's follow-up reinforcements to arrive, so the front-line landing troops must organize defenses on the spot to block the enemy's counterattack.

at this moment. The naval and air forces of countries a and j began to harass the northern airspace of the main island. Country c had to mobilize some naval and air forces to drive away. In addition, the enemy has strengthened electromagnetic interference. The fire support of the navy and air force will be in the next period. There will be a certain degree of reduction over time.

Under such unfavorable conditions, the third hurdle begins.

Before the defensive battle begins, the protagonist will receive a mission from his wounded comrades.Protect the digital soldiers of the class.

The so-called digital soldiers can be regarded as the most basic node in the army command system of country C. The digital soldiers receive orders from their superiors through personal smart terminals, understand the situation on the battlefield, and share relevant information with other comrades in the squad.

This can be said to be a digital army with the characteristics of country c.Compared with the fully digital army of country a, this investment is within the burden of country c's national power, and it also raises the combat effectiveness of the army to a new level.

Because the digital soldier shoulders heavy responsibilities, under normal circumstances, special personnel will be arranged for protection. In fact, this is not only protection, but also surveillance. Once the digital soldier is injured or may be captured by the enemy, the person protecting him must point his gun at his comrades. , kill it in advance to prevent leakage.

The personal smart terminal carried by the digital soldier also has a self-destruct device. Once it is opened in the wrong way or the password is entered incorrectly, a high-intensity current will be excited inside it to burn it down.

In the defensive battle of the third level, the main force of the protagonist is the main attack direction of the enemy, and with the help of the cover of the fog, the advantage of the defending side is reduced to the minimum.

In this case, both the enemy and the enemy have engaged in an extremely tragic offensive and defensive battle. The position where the protagonist is located will be attacked by the enemy's m1a2 color p main battle tanks and armed helicopters in turn. During this process, the character controlled by the player will Try to use anti-tank missiles, anti-tank mines, large-caliber sniper rifles, etc. to attack enemy tanks and gunships to reduce the pressure on the forward positions.

In the highest difficulty, the enemy will launch a charge regardless of casualties and attack our defense line several times. Only when the protagonist destroys more than four enemy tanks and two or more armed helicopters can he defend the defense line, even in the lowest difficulty In the game, the game character has to destroy two enemy tanks and an armed helicopter to complete the task.

After repelling five waves of enemy attacks in a row, our support finally arrived. Under the combined attack of sea and air, the enemy finally couldn't bear the huge casualties and retreated to the city of JY, ​​20 kilometers away.

The fourth hurdle city street fighting started.

At the beginning of the urban street fighting, the resistance of the remnants of the enemy army was extremely limited, and our progress was very smooth. However, when our army entered the center of jy city, our army suddenly encountered extremely violent attacks, and at the same time, electromagnetic interference became unprecedented. The intensity of the air support dropped to almost zero.

At this time, the player will get new news that the coalition forces of country a and country j have fully intervened in the battle to recover Treasure Island. The player must stick to the city center with our remnants for four hours, and then choose to break out after the air support resumes.


Chen Xin told Gang Bian his ideas one by one. He had read a novel called "Red Light (Taiwan Strait War)" a long time ago. Chen Xin was deeply impressed by the description of how the local wars were fought under these conditions. "War Front" was adapted from this novel.

Compared with the "Battlefield" and "Call of Duty" series of games that are more inclined to special operations in the old United States, "Warfront" will show more of the process of modern high-tech warfare, especially when the strength of the enemy and us is equal, its tragic The extent has far exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

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