super robot clone

Chapter 155 Steel, follow up

The Pentagon's underground command center. .

Seeing President Ao Guanhai come out of the communication room, everyone focused their attention on President Ao Guanhai in unison.

Just now, when Professor Wells proposed to have a private meeting with President Ao Guanhai, everyone in the command center realized that something beyond their expectations might have happened.

Secretary of State Hillary was the first to lose her composure and asked, "Mr. President, what happened to Captain Peak? How did Professor Wells get out?"

Ao Guanhai shook his head, ignored Hillary's question, but looked at the staff of the Ministry of National Defense in the command center, turned his head and said to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates: "Mr. Gates, prepare a conference room and hold a meeting immediately Emergency meeting of the National Security Council."

Robert Gates was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Soon, the conference room was ready.

Ao Guanhai and a group of members of the National Security Council walked into the conference room.

After everyone was seated, Ao Guanhai scanned the crowd and said, "Today's meeting will be held at the highest level of confidentiality. There will be no clerk and no records of any kind. I have already let the cameras and microphones in the meeting room The staff is closed, and the topic I will talk about next, I hope that after sitting out of this door, everyone will bury it all in their hearts, and they are not allowed to mention it to anyone.”

Everyone in the conference room looked shocked and nodded in agreement.

"Professor Wells just told me what happened after entering the Kahn base, I need everyone's help to make a decision!"

Ao Guanhai relayed what Professor Wells said to the members of the National Security Council sitting here.

Following Ao Guanhai's narration, the atmosphere in the conference room gradually became heavy, especially when Ao Guanhai mentioned the technology of the Kahn tribe, all the people present had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Although the Americans have had a lot of contact with the Kahn people before, it is impossible to judge their specific technical level just by a crashed traffic boat.Now Professor Wells' intuitive experience is even more confusing. This unbelievable technology display is more like a myth than a reality.

And when Ao Guanhai talked about the request put forward by the Kahn tribe, the meeting room was even more quietly audible.

"It's impossible. If we really do what the other side asks and ask China and Russia for the starstone, a world war will definitely break out. This is not in the interests of the United States!" Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen came on general way.

CIA director Leon Panetta frowned and said, "Controllable nuclear fusion technology and a new generation of aerospace engine technology alone are not worth the risk we take."

Ao Guanhai smiled wryly: "Why don't I know! But do we have other options?"

Everyone in the meeting room fell silent.

At this moment, Secretary of State Hillary suddenly interjected: "Since the technological level of the Kahn tribe is so high, why doesn't it go and grab it by itself, and insists on us!"

The conference room was quiet for more than ten seconds, and soon became noisy.

None of the people present here are stupid. They were just caught by the unimaginable technology of the Kahn tribe just now, but after Hillary woke up like this, everyone immediately remembered it.

At this moment, the LCD monitor in the conference room suddenly lit up, and Mr. Kahn's face appeared on the LCD monitor: "Ms. Hillary, I have to admit that you are very smart, but many times a woman's cleverness is not a thing. Good thing. I admit that I can't use violent means to snatch the star stone from China, Russia and other countries, but this does not mean that the noble Kahn people will be held hostage by you stupid humans!"

When he said the last sentence, Mr. Kahn almost shouted out in a growling tone.

Everyone in the conference room was stunned. No one would have thought that the top-secret meeting of the National Security Council of the United States would be monitored by Mr. Kahn.

Ao Guanhai looked up at the camera, and at some point, the indicator light of the surveillance camera on the opposite side lit up again.

Ao Guanhai had to force a smile on his face and said: "Mr. Kahn, I'm very sorry, but your request really makes us very embarrassed! You should be clear that if China and Russia join forces, the advantages held by the United States of America will not Not much, once a war breaks out, it will be a catastrophe for the whole world..."

Mr. Kahn chuckled and said lightly: "What if I can disable all the strategic nuclear weapons of China and Russia? Of course, you don't have to agree. At worst, I will go to China and Russia to cooperate. As long as all the strategic nuclear weapons of the United States are completely disabled , I believe they are happy to reshuffle the world's interest chain. You still have eleven hours, 29 minutes and 46 seconds, and hope to give me an answer before this timeline."

As he spoke, the LCD screen flickered, and Mr. Kahn disappeared instantly.

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other, and Hillary looked at Okukankai and said, "Mr. President, what should we do?"

Ao Guanhai thought for a while, and was about to speak when the door of the meeting room slammed open, and the Deputy Secretary of State in charge of US National Security Affairs broke in and said, "Mr. President, the Green House Guard reported that three UFOs appeared on Captain Peak. In addition , The radar station at Nellis Air Force Base reported that three UFOs appeared on the radar screen and were flying towards Las Vegas at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour."

Ao Guanhai stood up suddenly, and said: "Notify Nellis Air Force Base immediately, and prepare to take off to track and intercept."

"Mr. President! This..." Secretary of Defense Robert Gates hesitated.

Ao Guanhai glanced at Gates and said, "No matter what, this is the airspace of the United States!"


When President Ao Guanhai and Mr. Kahn had a video call in the conference room, they probably never expected that there were two pairs of eyes watching their every move.

"Gang Bian, this guy from the Kahn tribe has a wicked face, and he's not a good guy at first glance! He actually wants to play some kind of world war, I'll rub it, and show him some color later." Chen Xin didn't expect this guy To be so cloudy, to actually want to provoke a world war, I was immediately upset.

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, don't worry, the so-called Kahn tribe is estimated to have risen less than a million years ago. I haven't heard much about it before. What kind of tricks does a fifth-level civilization want to play in front of me?" , see how I deal with him! Hey, old bean, no, there is a situation!"

Gangquan then switched the camera to Captain's Peak, and saw a silver-white light suddenly emitting from the top of Captain's Peak, and then three saucer-shaped aircraft suddenly appeared in the sky above Captain's Peak.

After the three aircraft hovered for a while, they quickly flew towards the southeast at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

Chen Xin was dumbfounded, and shouted: "Gang Bian, follow!"

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