13 kilometers northeast of the central business district of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, Nellis Air Force Base, the harsh air defense sirens sounded. .

Because of its proximity to the Nevada Desert Proving Ground, Nellis Air Force Base has always been the location of the U.S. Air Force Air Operations Center, and it is also the place where the U.S. and its allied air forces conduct tactical training. It has a wide reputation around the world.The annual air combat exercise "Red Flag Military Exercise" is held at the base.

In addition, because Nellis Air Force Base stores nuclear warheads and deploys the most advanced fighter jets of the U.S. Air Force, and the Nevada test and training range related to the base has the legendary Area 51 where alien corpses are kept. Leith Air Force Base is shrouded in mystery.

In many American blockbusters and games, Nellis Air Force Base is often used as the mother base of advanced weapons and the first target of aliens to attack.The air force base filmed in the movie "Transformers" is none other than Nellis Air Force Base.

Nellis Air Force Base is also mentioned frequently in many games. The GTA game San Andreas developed by rockstar, the military base northeast of Las Vegas is based on this.

Of course, as a veteran who has served in Nellis Air Force Base for more than ten years, Lieutenant Colonel Andy naturally knows that most of the plots that appear in movies and games are nonsense.

Lieutenant Colonel Andy is a pilot of the No.60 No.15 Fighter Squadron of the U.S. Air Force. He used to fly the F[-] "Eagle" fighter jet to participate in the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War, and has rich practical experience.

In 2007, No.60 No. 22 Fighter Squadron began to equip the world's most advanced f[-] "Raptor" fighter. Although this fighter had various minor problems at the beginning of its service, Lieutenant Colonel Andy still loved his new car. .

Compared with the F15, the F119 binary vector engine endows the F22 with unparalleled maneuverability and flight capabilities. Coupled with the excellent avionics system and flight control system, the F22's flight experience has been completely upgraded to a higher level.

Lieutenant Colonel Andy has always been proud of being an F22 pilot. The only thing that makes him regret is that after the Iraq War in 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Andy and his beloved car never participated in actual combat. Chance.

Even in the Libyan civil war that has intensified recently, the U.S. Air Force has no intention of sending F22 to the field, which makes Lieutenant Colonel Andy very aggrieved.

In his view, in order to maintain the invincible reputation of F22, the Air Force and arms dealers are deliberately suppressing F22's actual combat opportunities, but how much prestige does F22 still have now?

The air battle that took place in Tokyo, Japan at the beginning of this year has long discredited the F22. Two F22s were shot down, and the pilot was killed and one injured. This fighter that was blown into the sky is no longer miraculous in the eyes of the world.

In the eyes of Lieutenant Colonel Andy, although the F22 is not as invincible as the arms dealer boasted, it is indeed a very good aircraft, but no matter how advanced a fighter is, if it does not participate in actual combat, it is just a decoration.

It's as if the young eagle will never become a real "bird of prey" if it doesn't fight in the sky!

It's just that Lieutenant Colonel Andy didn't expect that, just when he thought that his chance of driving the F22 to participate in actual combat was far away, the harsh battle alarm suddenly sounded over the Nellis Air Force Base.

"Lieutenant Colonel Andy, what happened?"

When the pilot was preparing the room, Lieutenant Colonel Andy jumped up, picked up his own flight helmet from the shelf, and then turned around and said to wingman Captain Allen: "Battle alert!!!"

Captain Allen was slightly taken aback. Compared to Lieutenant Colonel Andy, a veteran with [-] hours of flying experience, a pilot like him with less than [-] hours of flying experience can only be regarded as a novice, let alone the other party. Also participated in real combat.

But remembering what Lieutenant Colonel Andy said just now, Captain Allen jumped up: "Battle alert???"

The two pilots on combat duty soon came to the tarmac, and the ground crew had already loaded the missiles on the fighter jets.

Two AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air combat missiles, six AIM-120C7 air-to-air interceptor missiles.

Captain Allen was taken aback. Could it be real combat?

This is the mainland of the United States, who dares to attack the United States.Captain Allen didn't have time to think about it, he quickly climbed into the cockpit along the gangway, switched on the power, connected the helmet to the fighter jet, and soon, the voice of the tower commander sounded in the earphone: "acc calls Condor One, acc calls Condor Two."

"Report from Condor One."

"Report from Vulture Two."

Captain Allen was a little surprised, ACC is the abbreviation of the US Air Combat Command (Air Bat Mand), but if it is a general combat mission, there is no need for ACC to personally command it!

The voice in the earphones continued: "I am Brigadier General ACC Lawrence, and now I am reporting the combat mission as follows: The Nellis radar station just reported that three UFOs were found over the Yosemite National Forest Park northwest of Las Vegas, It is flying towards Las Vegas at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour. Now I order that Condor [-] and Condor [-] will immediately conduct an accompanying flight to approach it. Note that no matter what you see, if there is no commander According to the order of the Ministry, any form of provocation and attack is strictly prohibited!"

"Vulture One understands!"

"Vulture Two understands!"

The roar of the f119 suddenly increased, and the light blue tail flame was particularly conspicuous in the night. The two f22s were like arrows shooting straight into the blue sky.


"Damn it, gold alloy!!!"

As soon as the steel pendulum got close to the three planes flying in an equilateral triangle, it yelled loudly.

Chen Xin was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Steel, what kind of gold alloy?"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, this is one of the most delicious metal alloys in the universe. Through atomic reconstruction of gold elements, the strong interaction force inside the nucleus can be moderately derived without causing drastic changes in the structure of the nucleus. This new type of metal is not only tough, but its density is only half that of gold, and it also has a good defensive effect on energy weapons. It is the main material for the construction of star warships by level [-] civilizations. However, the Kann family has already entered level [-] I am civilized, and I am still using this material to make unmanned detectors. It seems that I am also a junior in the fifth-level civilization...Old man, I suddenly feel very hungry..."

Chen Xin said speechlessly: "Didn't you just run out to eat an abandoned car at night?"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, but I'm still hungry!"

The glasses immediately projected the picture seen by Gang Beng onto Chen Xin's retina. Chen Xin looked at the three disc-shaped aircraft with a diameter of about ten meters and a silvery white luster on the surface, and swallowed. : "But steel coins, what if you eat them and are discovered by the Kahn tribe?"

Seeing that there was a sign of letting go in Chen Xin's tone, Gang Zheng quickly said: "Old Dou, don't worry, I will only eat part of it, and it will not damage the key facilities of these unmanned aerial vehicles. There will be any impact, besides, Mr. Kahn is not in these aircrafts, so it is impossible to find us!"

Chen Xin was a little speechless to this guy, and didn't know how it had been in the universe for tens of millions of years, and when it came to eating, why the usual shrewdness disappeared.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Xin said, "Then... well, but don't eat too much!"

"Okay!" Steel Nugget yelled excitedly, and plunged into the inside of the flying saucer.

Chen Xin's glasses suddenly appeared blank, and only the excited exclamation and chewing sound of the steel coin were left in his ears.

After about 5 minutes, the steel 镚 got out of the flying saucer and plunged into another flying saucer.

Chen Xin found that the silver light on the surface of the flying saucer that had been ravaged by the steel hammer seemed to have dimmed a lot.

After eating a lot of the gold alloy in the three flying saucers, the steel 镚 slowly revealed its figure from the last flying saucer, and shouted: "Old Dou, I'm so full, I can have a month... Oh no...you don't have to eat for a week!"

Chen Xin rolled his eyes. In terms of food, Chen Xin didn't have any confidence in this guy's guarantee.

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