super robot clone

Chapter 157 Inference

But while Gang Bian was enjoying his gluttonous feast, Chen Xin was not idle.

He was flipping through all kinds of information about the Kahn tribe that Gangzheng had collected from US intelligence agencies.

If a week ago, Ao Guanhai hadn't started the plan to wake up the Kahn clan, Gang Yi might not have been able to find so many top-secret documents through the Internet.

Most of the original intelligence materials of the Kahn family are stored in the secret room of the National Archives of the United States, and there are still decades before they can be declassified.

Unexpectedly, at the request of Ao Guanhai, these documents that had been buried in the pile of old papers for decades suddenly reappeared in the field of vision of the US government agencies, and were entered into electronic devices by various means.

It's just that they didn't expect it, but this brought great convenience to Gangzhen's intelligence collection.

With the gradual connection of various clues, Chen Xin's understanding of the Kahn family is also deepening.

"I didn't expect it. It turns out that the Roswell incident really happened. Many Kahn people died, and they deserve it! If you look for the steel, maybe the Yankee really has a video of dissecting aliens... Hey, I’m sorry, the Yankees used the starstone as a computer chip to do so under the reminder of the Kahn tribe? The Apollo moon landing plan also has the shadow of the Kahn tribe, and the spaceship of the Kahn tribe appeared on the moon... Interesting, really interesting, Gangbang, what do you think the Kahn tribe collected so many star stones for?"

Gang Bian said nonchalantly, "What else can it be besides artificial intelligence?"

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and asked: "Artificial intelligence? Could it be that the fifth-level civilization that can fly faster than the speed of light cannot produce real artificial intelligence?"

Gangbi said: "Curvature navigation is nothing. Ordinary third-level civilization can do it. If it weren't for Gangbi, I..."

In the middle of speaking, Gangzhu suddenly paused, and said: "Forget it, let's not talk about that... Let's talk about artificial intelligence, Laodou, I remember I told you about artificial intelligence when I made Xiaoai last time. On the topic of intelligence, in fact, real artificial intelligence is not that simple at all. It is a product that can only be produced by a sixth-level civilization. The Kahn tribe wants to collect a large number of star stones to create artificial intelligence. It is probably hoped that one day they can repair that ship spaceship!"

Chen Xin was dumbfounded and said, "Steel iron. Could it be that the Kahn tribe can't repair that spaceship by themselves?"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, think about it, for carbon-based civilization, both life and energy are quite limited. A scientific research ship with a fifth-level civilization. There are at least 10 people. Nearly 80.00% of the people in it are Scientists and engineers. However, when the Kann tribe’s scientific research spacecraft crashed into the moon, there were only a few thousand people left on the spacecraft. One can imagine how serious the damage to the spacecraft was. With such a small population, they want to restore A large spaceship is simply a dream. So only with the help of artificial intelligence with infinite life and energy, it is possible to restore the spaceship after thousands of years. And, old man, have you ever thought that when the spaceship crashed? There will still be thousands of people after that time, why is there only a few people left in the Kahn tribe?"

Chen Xin faintly felt the hidden meaning in Gang Yan's words, and asked, "Why? Isn't it because of the exhaustion of energy?"

Steel Iron chuckled and said, "This is naturally one of the reasons, but think about it, old man, what will happen if you put more than 100 people on a small island with limited resources?"

Chen Xin fell silent, and after a while he said, "Cannibalism?"

Gang Beng said: "It's not enough to kill each other. I guess that the scientific research spacecraft of the Kahn tribe could not even obtain resources on the earth to build an atmosphere suitable for thousands of people. So they Over the years, the leadership must have used some method to continuously reduce the population of the Kahn tribe to adapt to the shrinking ecosystem in the spaceship... and the secret base in the Captain's Peak on the earth should be the last of the Kahn tribe. The retreat, the number of people it can accommodate is so limited that it has not been used since it was built... Even when the energy on the spacecraft on the moon was exhausted more than 60 years ago, the remaining population on the spacecraft was far more than ten people, but in order to continue to survive Going down, the spaceship will probably go through a life-and-death fight. Those ten Kahn people are just the last lucky ones. It’s just that their luck is not very good. It crashed in Roswell... Otherwise, a traffic boat with a fifth-level civilization would crash in an atmospheric environment like the earth, and that would be a big joke!"

Chen Xin fell silent, and he faintly felt that Gang Yan's deduction was probably correct.

After a long while, Chen Xin asked: "Gangjun, why didn't the Kahn tribe ask the people on Earth for help?"

Gangzhu laughed and said, "Old Dou, if one day you were in a desperate situation in a closed environment, would you ask the bugs for help?"

Chen Xin said: "We are not bugs!"

Gang Beng said: "Old Dou, don't be naive. From the perspective of a fifth-level civilization, earthlings who are not even a second-level civilization are bugs... Do you know? The detector under me, if the Kahn tribe With enough energy, it can destroy all the military forces on Earth...Of course, I’ve gnawed it out now, so you don’t have to worry about the threat these three probes will pose to mankind!”

Chen Xin couldn't help laughing, and wanted to say something more, Gang Bian suddenly turned over and stood up from the metal surface of the Kahn unmanned aerial vehicle, and shouted: "Old Dou, two F22 Raptor fighter jets were found two hundred kilometers away. 10 kilometers, flying towards us, the two sides are expected to meet in [-] minutes! Hey, wait a minute, these two fighter jets have turned around, quack, they want to circle around from behind to follow the three probes..."

Chen Xin was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What is the Yankee doing?"

Gang Bian said: "God knows, do you want me to tease them?"

Chen Xindao: "Gangbang, don't worry, let's see what the Yankees and Kahns are up to, and wait for an opportunity later."

Gang Bian said: "Understood!"


"Report acc, the current distance from the target is [-] kilometers, and the altitude is [-]."

"acc received, Condor One, ready to turn to heading 156, pay attention to maintain altitude, you go around behind this guy."

"Vulture One understands!"

"Vulture Two understands!"

The binary vector tail jets of the two F22s deflected slightly, and the F22s turned over lightly, and began to circle behind the three UFOs flying in a straight line. (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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