super robot clone

Chapter 159 Radiation is 0

Just when Ao Guanhai was at a loss, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates hurried over and whispered a few words beside him.

"What?" As soon as Ao Guanhai finished listening, he stood up immediately and said, "Let's go, let's go."

In the command center, many people focused their attention on Ao Guanhai, and they didn't know what the Minister of Defense said to Ao Guanhai, which shocked the president so much.

Ao Guanhai did not explain, but came to an independent communication room with Secretary of Defense Gates. On the LCD screen of the communication room, Mr. Kahn had been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Kahn, what happened to those three UFOs? What do you want to do? Do you want to completely expose yourself to the public eye?" Ao Guanhai asked impatiently as soon as he entered.

Mr. Kahn smiled and said: "Mr. President, there is no need to make a fuss. This is just an unmanned detector of our Kahn family. It is not very aggressive. And our goal is not Las Vegas, and it will not be discovered by the public." !"

President Ao Guanhai frowned and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Mr. Kahn waved his hand and said with a smile: "Wait a little longer, I believe there will be news soon, and then we will have a good talk."

Ao Guanhai stared at the other party and fell silent.

After a while, the Minister of Defense opened the door and came in, whispering in Ao Guanhai's ear: "Mr. President, those three UFOs have turned towards Nellis Air Force Base."

Ao Guanhai's expression froze, and Mr. Kahn on the LCD screen smiled and said: "Your Excellency, please be safe and don't be impatient!"


Nellis Air Force Base.Airport control tower.

The radar officer is constantly reporting the latest status of the three UFOs: "The target is still 40 kilometers away from Las Vegas, and it is expected to arrive in 5 minutes... the distance is 30 kilometers. There are still 4 minutes... Hey, no , The target accelerated and turned, speed 1.2, 1.8, 2.5... Mach [-], Mach [-], Mach [-]! My God. It's coming towards us!"

"The air defense force reported that the Patriot missile has locked on the target and is ready to launch and intercept it at any time."

"Condor 22 and Condor [-] report that the F[-] fighter jet is speeding up to follow up and can launch an attack at any time!"

The atmosphere in the tower suddenly became tense.

All eyes were on Brigadier General Lawrence, the tower commander.

"General, what should we do?"

Sweat appeared on Lawrence's forehead, and he asked, "What did the Pentagon say? Has there been any news yet?"

The communications officer said: "It's still the original order. The Pentagon requires us to continue to follow up and observe, and no attack or unfriendly behavior of any kind is allowed!"

Brigadier General Lawrence slammed his fist on the table and cursed: "F*ck, a bunch of bureaucrats!"

At the moment he spoke, the huge roar from the f22 fighter jet could be faintly heard in the northwest direction of the airport.Many people came to the window one after another, hoping to see the situation in the sky through the glass.

But the next second.People will find this action redundant.

I saw three dazzling silver lights suddenly lit up in the sky, shining straight down from more than 1000 meters in the air, forming three light spots of hundreds of square meters on the ground.These light spots are moving towards the airport at high speed.

In the eyes of Lieutenant Colonel Andy and Captain Allen, the three UFOs seemed to be three huge searchlights, and the light penetrated a distance of nearly a kilometer.Shine the ground brightly!

"God...God...what are they going to do!" Captain Allen exclaimed.

Lieutenant Colonel Andy swallowed his saliva, increased the throttle of the F22 and said: "Captain Allen. Keep calm and continue to follow and observe!"

The silver spots quickly swept towards the Nellis Air Force Base. One of the spots touched the airport runway of the Nellis Air Force Base first, and the other two spots suddenly dispersed, and the inside of the Nellis Air Force Base moved around. Scanning, looks like it's looking for something.

The Nellis Air Force Base is mainly composed of two 3-kilometer-long flight strips and a large number of solid fortifications, arsenals, underground aircraft forts, anti-aircraft missile positions, and military living quarters, covering an area of ​​nearly 4000 hectares.

These three light spots have a clear division of labor and scan according to their respective areas.

At the beginning, the light spot caused quite a bit of confusion at Nellis Air Force Base. Many soldiers on duty on the runway scattered and fled when the light spot moved over, hoping to get out of the range of the light spot.

But soon they discovered that even if they didn't escape, these light spots didn't seem to have any effect on the human body.

Everyone in the tower looked at each other in blank dismay. Everyone didn't understand what the three UFOs were doing, and now it seems that these silver lights don't seem to have much lethality.

While everyone was still wondering, a silver light suddenly passed over the tower, and everyone squinted their eyes involuntarily, blocking the harsh light with their hands.

But in the next second, an astonishing scene appeared. All the electronic equipment on the tower had abnormalities to varying degrees. The clear picture on the LCD screen disappeared and was replaced by various mottled color blocks. The pointer is also constantly turning, making a sizzling sound.And some of the indicator lights that had been on all the time suddenly became flickering, and everything seemed to be messed up.

Everyone in the tower was at a loss by the scene in front of them.

This abnormality lasted for about a minute, and the electronic equipment in the tower gradually returned to normal.

"What the hell just happened?"

The navigation radar officer murmured.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay, and they also wanted to know the answer.

The chaos caused by the light spot at Nellis Air Force Base lasted for more than ten minutes before gradually calming down.With the recovery of various electronic equipment, the communication between the tower command center and major units has also returned to normal.

"The radar station reports that the electromagnetic anomaly has been ruled out, and radar monitoring has resumed."

"A report from the air defense missile position, all missile weapons are normal, and no abnormalities have been found!"

"Hangar report, all fighters have found no abnormalities..."


As the news continued to gather, the atmosphere in the control tower gradually relaxed. There were no casualties, and the equipment seemed to be not damaged much!

Brigadier General Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to take a sip of coffee to ease his mood, when the next message made his expression freeze.

"The nbc arsenal reports that the nuclear radiation detection system in the warehouse is damaged, and all monitoring instruments show that the radiation value is zero."

"The No. 1139 silo reported that the radiation monitoring system in the silo was damaged, and all monitoring instruments showed that the radiation value was zero."

"The No. 1978 silo reported that the radiation monitoring system in the silo was damaged, and all monitoring instruments showed that the radiation value was zero."

……(To be continued. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

ps: Is it possible for a miracle to happen? It’s the last few hours, let’s see the explosion of the steel 镚

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