super robot clone

Chapter 160 Crossfire

As pieces of information came together, the sweat on Brigadier General Lawrence's forehead was also constantly oozing.

No matter how sluggish they were at this moment, everyone in the control tower knew that something was wrong.

If there is a problem with one radiation monitoring system, it is still possible, but if all the radiation monitoring systems have problems, it can only mean that something is wrong elsewhere.

You must know that in addition to being the air combat center of the US Air Force, Nellis Air Force Base is also an important strategic nuclear weapons base for the United States.Although the U.S. military has never disclosed the number of nuclear warheads in the base, Brigadier General Lawrence knows very well that the Nellis Air Force Base stores more than 900 nuclear warheads, accounting for one-fifth of the U.S. military's nuclear weapons reserves.

In the Nellis base, there are also as many as fifteen intercontinental missile silos, and each silo stores three "Minuteman" type III intercontinental nuclear missiles. It is an important base for the US military's land-based strategic forces.

If something went wrong with these nuclear weapons, the only way for Brigadier General Lawrence was to go to court-martial.

But before that, Brigadier General Lawrence had to fulfill his duties. He said to the communications officer, "Send someone to check the situation inside the nuclear arsenal immediately. In addition, report the current situation of the base to the Pentagon!"



"Dude, all the nuclear warheads the Yankees deployed at Nellis Air Force Base are gone!"

Steel Iron sat on the shell of a flying saucer, clasped his hands and looked at the chaotic Nellis Air Force Base below and sneered.

Chen Xin took a deep breath and said, "The Kahn tribe is very generous. Steel, tell me what happened to the silver light in the Kahn tribe's unmanned aerial vehicle? All nuclear weapons in the Sri Lanka Air Force Base have been eliminated?"

Gang Beng said: "Actually, it's not too difficult to understand. These silver lights contain a kind of ray that humans haven't discovered yet. We call it the material disintegration ray. Humans can discover this after they enter the second-level civilization." A kind of ray, but if you want to use it in interstellar warfare, you need at least a fourth-level civilization. Of course, because of the energy supply, the Kann tribe also uses a castrated version of the material disintegration ray, which only targets radioactive heavy elements It works. After this kind of ray bombards the nucleus of radioactive elements, it can greatly shorten its half-life. Although the nuclear weapons stored by the U.S. military at Nellis Air Force Base are mainly thermonuclear weapons, they also contain a large amount of weapon-grade plutonium-239 , The half-life of this element is about 2.4 years. After being irradiated by the material disintegration ray, it decays into radon and other elements in just a few seconds. That's why the Kahn tribe dared to promise that China and Russia The nuclear weapons in your hands have become a pile of scrap metal!"

Chen Xin was stunned.Suddenly thought of a question.Asked: "Such a large-scale decay of matter, wouldn't the various radiations released be very terrifying? I'm afraid no one at Nellis Air Force Base will be able to survive!"

The iron rod quacked and said with a smile: "Old man, you are thinking too much, that Mr. Kahn is short of energy. How could he let go of these high-energy particle streams! I guess the Nellis Air Force Base is probably monitoring even the slightest radiation. It's not here!"

Chen Xin laughed and said, "Then the Yankees are at a loss? It's a pity that these radiations are not used on our own people!"

The steel coin flashed its electronic eyes and said, "It's good luck for Laomei, by the way, Laodou, now that the performance of the Kahn tribe has ended, shouldn't it be our turn to play?"

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and said, "Gangbang, what do you want to do?"


Washington, Pentagon underground command center.

While President Okumai and Mr. Kahn were sitting face to face, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates hurriedly opened the door of the communication room, glared at Mr. Kahn and said, "Mr. Kahn, did you do it? What was done to Nellis Air Force Base?"

Ao Guanhai quickly asked: "Minister Gates, what happened?"

Robert Gates said: "We have just received a report from Nellis Air Force Base that the radiation values ​​detected in the nuclear arsenal are all zero. In addition, the radiation values ​​detected in the 15 intercontinental missile silos are also zero!"

Ao Guanhai's expression changed suddenly, and he turned to Mr. Kahn and said, "Mr. Kahn, I think I need an explanation!"

Mr. Kahn smiled and said nonchalantly: "There is no need to explain. I did this. I said before that I could solve the nuclear issue between China and Russia. Aren't you still skeptical? Now I just prove it to you , I have the ability to do this!"

"You..." Secretary of Defense Robert Gates pointed at Mr. Kahn, almost speechless in anger!

If the more than 900 nuclear weapons in the Nellis Air Force Base are really turned into a pile of scrap iron as he said, it will be far from a problem of losing hundreds of billions of dollars to the US military.

Although the United States, Russia and other countries have been reducing the nuclear arsenals of both sides in recent years, the old-fashioned nuclear warheads that are about to be decommissioned are actually dismantled. As for the research and deployment of new-generation nuclear weapons, they have not stopped at all.

As one of the main strategic nuclear arsenals of the United States, Nellis Air Force Base stores mostly new types of nuclear warheads, and the longest service life does not exceed 20 years. Such a nuclear arsenal alone is comparable to the sum of the nuclear weapons of China, Britain, France and other countries Yes, now it's gone!

How can this prevent Robert Gates, who is the Secretary of Defense, from being angry, losing so many nuclear weapons, and even have a serious impact on the future nuclear security of the United States.

Ao Guanhai took a deep breath, looked at Robert Gates and said: "Mr. Gates, I have seen it now, but the matter is of great importance. I hope to give us another 24 hours? After all, war is no small matter." !..."

Ao Guanhai was about to continue talking, but Mr. Kahn's face suddenly changed, and he interrupted Ao Guanhai: "Stop talking! How dare you attack the aircraft of the Kahn clan!"

The door of the communication room was slammed open, and CIA Director Leon Panetta broke in and said, "Mr. President, there was an exchange of fire between the F22 fighter jets at Nellis Base and the Kahn aircraft, and the two sides are currently fighting!"

Mr. Kahn looked at Ao Guanhai blankly and said, "Hmph! No matter how poor our Kahn tribe is, it's not our turn for bugs to crawl on our heads and shit. Americans, you wait for me!"

The LCD screen flashed, and Mr. Kahn disappeared immediately!

The three people in the communication room looked at each other, Ao Guanhai picked up the shorthand notebook on the table and threw it on the ground: "Fuck, a bunch of stupid pigs! Let the Commander of Nellis Air Force Base get out immediately, defy the military order, does he want to go to a military court? ".

At this time, General Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, walked in, and said with a heavy expression: "Mr. President, I have ordered the Air Force fighter planes to carry out uninterrupted bombing patrols on Captain Peak within 24 hours. In addition, the strategic nuclear strike force also We are ready to use all means to destroy the opponent when necessary!"

Ao Guanhai took a deep breath and nodded towards General Mike Mullen. (to be continued...)

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