Rewind time to 5 minutes ago.

Lieutenant Colonel Andy and Captain Allen stared furiously at the sight of three UFOs from alien planets entering the sky above Nellis Air Force Base.However, the military order was like a mountain, and they also had no good solution, they could only wander around behind the ass of these three saucer-shaped aircraft.

"Captain Allen, it won't work like this. They are too scattered, and their maneuverability is far better than ours. Let's do this now. You track target 03, and I will track target 02. Once they move in formation, we will start again." Confluence!"

"Condor Two understands, Lieutenant Colonel Andy wishes you good luck!"

"good luck!"

The two f22s swung their wings, their tail nozzles deflected, and they separated at once.

At this moment, Captain Allen only felt that the F22 fuselage shook, as if the plane had hit something, but he didn't have time to think about it. In the next second, he rolled his eyes and passed out.


"Old Dou, you've got it under control, the shock effect is good! Let's see mine next!"

The moment the steel 镚 merged into the F22, the perspective of the cabin was transmitted to Chen Xin's black-rimmed glasses, making Chen Xin feel as if he was flying the plane.

Chen Xin shook his head. The visual effect provided by the steel hammer was excellent. Although it couldn't compare with the real air battle in Tokyo last time, it was infinitely better than those flight simulation games.

"Steel, it feels good! By the way, don't rush to attack the opponent, let's see if we can attract these flying saucers!"

Gang Bian was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Old Dou, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xindao: "Gangyi, I suddenly thought of a very interesting method. How about we stage a battle to defend the earth in front of the public?"

Gang Bian said: "What battle to defend the Earth?"

Chen Xindao: "The three unmanned aerial vehicles that angered the Kahn tribe, I think that according to the temper of that Mr. Kahn, we will definitely not let it go. At that time, we will attract each other to Las Vegas, which is fifteen kilometers away. Clean it up, anyway, you have already emptied the gold in these three flying saucers, and then you only need to use ordinary missiles to shoot down the three flying saucers from aliens. Tell me, will we occupy the headlines of the world media tomorrow? ?”

Gang Bian was a little strange and said: "Old Dou, don't you like to show off?".

Chen Xin said: "You are stupid. At this moment and at that moment, Captain Allen is not me on the plane! Besides, haven't you thought about it? As long as the topic of aliens is heated up all over the world, to Is it easier to attract people's attention to sci-fi movies like "Country Teacher"? Maybe it can also open up the North American market!"

In fact, this idea just popped up in Chen Xin's mind.As a result, the more he thought about it, the more feasible the plan was.Anyway, there were very few movies about alien civilizations during this period.At that time, "Country Teacher" will take the opportunity to hype, and it will be difficult for this movie to become popular.

The steel hammer quacked and said with a smile: "Old Dou, you can think of this. It's too wild and unconstrained! But... I like it..."

Captain Allen's f22 seemed to have been injected with chicken blood for an instant, with a bright blue tail flame bursting out from the tail nozzle, and it swooped towards the No. 02 flying saucer of the Kahn family.

On Chen Xin's glasses, the entire sky suddenly hung upside down, and then, when the distance was less than 700 meters from the opponent, the m22a61 six-tube 2mm cannon equipped on the belly of the f20 burst out dazzling sparks at a speed of 7200 per second. More than a dozen tracer bullets were fired at target No. 02 at the speed of the attack!

The No. 02 flying saucer moved sideways a little like a frightened deer, and the tracer bullets brushed against the edge of the flying saucer!

"Captain Allen, what are you doing?"

"Vulture Two! Condor Two! It is strictly forbidden to attack the other party, do you hear me, it is strictly forbidden to attack the other party!"

The calls of Lieutenant Colonel Andy and the control tower sounded in the headset, but it was a pity that Captain Allen had already drooped his head and was so dizzy that he could no longer faint.

"Steel, be careful of the opponent's counterattack!"

The No. 02 flying saucer paused for a second or two, and then, like an enraged Red Bull, it slammed into the F22 controlled by the steel 镚!

f22 turned upside down, changed direction instantly, and ran away directly.

Lieutenant Colonel Andy, who was not far away, was also stunned by the scene in front of him. Captain Allen, who was bold enough to attack his opponent just now, just ran away?

UFO No. 02 naturally refused to let it go, and chased after the F22 driven by Gangbi.

Even the other two UFOs of the Kahn family stopped wandering over the airport and chased them directly.

The three UFOs and F22s quickly left the Nellis Air Force Base one after the other, and flew straight towards the brightly lit Las Vegas more than ten kilometers away.

Lieutenant Colonel Andy gritted his teeth and hurriedly drove the f22 to follow.

Inside the control tower at Nellis Air Force Base.

Brigadier General Lawrence, who was tormented by the mysteriously disappearing radiation, was stunned by the scene before him, and almost everyone in the tower was at a loss.

After all, the situation encountered tonight was too bizarre, completely beyond the capabilities of these soldiers.

At this moment, the tower radar official said: "Okay, Condor [-] is flying towards Las Vegas!"

Brigadier General Lawrence's face changed instantly. Everything that happened at Nellis Air Force Base tonight will definitely be included in top secret documents by the US military. If he accidentally caused casualties, he couldn't even imagine what would happen next!

Brigadier General Lawrence said quickly: "Give me the headset, and I'll contact Captain Allen!"

Soon, the call from the airport tower sounded again in Captain Allen's earphone: "acc calls Condor [-], acc calls Condor [-]! This is Brigadier General Lawrence, Chief of Staff of the Air Combat Command. Please answer, I am Air Combat Command Chief of Staff Brigadier General Lawrence, please answer!"

The tower gradually became quiet, but Commodore Lawrence's earphones only had the rustling sound caused by electromagnetic interference, and there were no other unnecessary sounds!

The communications officer on the side said: "General, the air defense force has reported that the three UFOs have been re-locked. Do you want to attack directly?"

Brigadier General Lawrence looked stern, thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute! Two more fighter jets will be launched immediately to support! By the way, what does the Pentagon say?"

The communications officer looked a little embarrassed, and said, "Just now, General Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said, let us figure it out?"

"It's up to you?!" (To be continued...)

ps: Sorry, Gangzhu underestimated the speed of mobile phone code words, it is late, new January, continue to ask for a monthly pass

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