super robot clone

Chapter 170 Where did they come from?

"[***]! [***]! [***]! The paparazzi of Yuji is going to write sci-fi, is it true that the editor-in-chief's mind is full of How can one write a manuscript!" Riel tore off the manuscript paper on the table where he had already written a few lines, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the wastebasket beside him, then rubbed his temples vigorously with his index finger, staring at the blank manuscript paper in a daze.

On the computer screen at the side, a video of the Las Vegas air battle is being played.

As an entertainment reporter for the "Hollywood News", Carrell's main job is to follow up on the private lives of major stars, dig out their scandals and anecdotes, and then edit them. If it is a romantic scandal, then add Into some slightly explicit description of passion.

Not to mention, many readers are really happy with this, and they are full of praise for Karel's description, and even Chengren Magazine asked Karel for a draft.

However, in order to keep what little integrity he had left, Karel rejected all these Chengren magazines.

In his opinion, the highest level of writing is to be sex but not silver. Compared with his articles, those Chengren magazines, which have completely unlimited, are the difference between Sitong literature and harem literature.

But now the editor asked him to write sci-fi by himself, which made him stare blankly. This is completely wrong!

But it doesn’t work if you don’t write!

The air battle last night completely stimulated the g-spot of the press. The video of the air battle made the Las Vegas TV station pay attention, and Leon and Sophia, who were direct witnesses, also became famous.

At this time, the global media basically focused their attention on this ufo event that shocked the world, even the Hollywood entertainment media was no exception.

For example, the "Hollywood News" where Carell works, today's headline is the air battle between F22 and UFO, and it also pulls out all the movies related to aliens in the past.

But this is not enough at all. Since the U.S. government has not released exact information related to the Las Vegas air battle, various speculations are now circulating in the media.How to seize the commanding heights of the news has become what the major media try to do.

Even Karel, a paparazzi who specializes in celebrity scandals, was asked by the editor-in-chief to submit a manuscript related to ufos.

This made Karel very speechless. Although he had scolded the editor-in-chief countless times in his heart, he still had to work for this month's salary and bonus.

Karel sighed, and watched the air combat video on YouTube again, but still didn't know how to proceed.

For example, the number of views of this video exceeded 500 million within [-] hours, and the number of comments exceeded [-] million. These have long been ruined by reporters. If Karel submits similar manuscripts, he will definitely be called back by the editor-in-chief.

But if you don’t write these, what should you write?

Karel cursed the editor-in-chief again and again, while unconsciously refreshing the YouTube page.

The next moment, his eyes froze, and then he focused on a row of related video links next to the video.

Most of these videos are the major TV media's reports on last night's Las Vegas air battle incident. Karel has picked a few to watch before, and the content is similar.

But when he refreshed the page again, the video that was originally ranked first in the related video was squeezed out and replaced by a screenshot of another disc-shaped aircraft.

What's the situation?

Karel was a little strange, but it was obvious that this disc-shaped aircraft looked very different from the one in the air battle last night, and it didn't seem to be the handwriting of the same alien.

Karel moved the mouse over this small video, and the title of the video popped out: where are they from? (where are they from?)

Karel frowned. This title has appeared many times today, but he still clicked on the link of this video to see if this video can bring inspiration to his writing.

The new page jumped out quickly.

Karel roughly glanced at one side, the number of times the video was played was 39, the upload time was 2 minutes ago, and there were zero comments.

Karel took a sip of the coffee on the table, clicked play, and after a commercial, the video started.

In the darkness, the light came on, but it was very dim.

This is the light of a star hundreds of millions of miles away, piercing through the endless void, directly coming to this endless asteroid belt.

Under the dim light, the camera kept passing by the dense meteorite group, everything was silent, Karel frowned, what's the situation!

As an entertainment reporter who has been in Hollywood for many years, Karel thought it should be a movie when he first saw this scene.

Because the picture is so delicate, whether it is the meteorites of various shapes, the dust floating in the meteorite group, or the orange-red star the size of a ping-pong ball in the distance, they all look extremely realistic.It feels like the real universe should be like this.

"Strange, who took this picture? It's really a big deal!"

Karel sighed inwardly.

According to the current production cost of CG pictures in the Hollywood film industry, a picture of this level costs almost tens of thousands of dollars per second.

But recently, it seems that no film company is shooting this kind of sci-fi blockbuster similar to Star Wars!

And this video has never appeared in previous sci-fi movies, so where did it come from?

Karel suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued to read.

The camera traveled through the meteorite group for more than ten seconds and then slowly pulled back. At this time, a silver-white disc-shaped aircraft appeared in the video without sound and occupied the entire frame.

"Hiss - I wipe!"

Karel took a deep breath. Compared with the aircraft of the Kahn tribe, this disc-shaped aircraft has smooth lines and a compelling texture. It looks more in line with the aesthetics of earthlings.

Moreover, the shot effect of the flying saucer shuttling among the meteorites looks extremely good, and there is no trace of PS.

Although this video is only half a minute long from the beginning to the present, and there is no soundtrack, Karel's adrenaline still slowly rises.

He had never felt this extremely realistic feeling of space travel in any sci-fi movie before.

Coupled with the ufo incident last night, Karel became very curious about the origin of this flying saucer.

"Oh my God!"

While Karel was still amazed by the elegant but extremely realistic appearance of this alien spacecraft, an asteroid much larger than ordinary meteorites soon appeared in the distant void.

However, it seems that its volume and mass have not yet reached the hydrostatic balance, and the asteroid as a whole presents an irregular shape, which looks a bit like a piece of ginger from a distance.

But the gravitational force of this asteroid is enough to clean up the meteorite blocks near it, and the space near the asteroid looks much empty.

The saucer-shaped vehicle continued to fly towards the asteroid. As the distance got closer, Karel felt that the asteroid was much larger than he imagined, with a diameter of at least 20 kilometers.

When it was about to approach the asteroid, the flight speed of the dish-shaped vehicle gradually decreased.

It can be seen that the surface of the asteroid is covered with large and small craters.

At this moment, a scene that made Karel dumbfounded appeared.

I saw the bottom of a crater with a diameter of tens of meters on the asteroid suddenly and slowly open, revealing a bright opening. The saucer-shaped aircraft flew directly through this opening without stopping.

Only then did Karel discover that there is actually a long passage inside the asteroid.

The flying saucer flew along this passage for a few seconds, and suddenly a huge hall appeared in front of it.

The saucer-shaped aircraft hovered in the hall, and then landed slowly. The moment it touched the ground, Karel could clearly hear the sound of clicking.

This is the first sound that has played so far in this video.

When flying in space before, he kept silent, which made Karel feel like watching a documentary.

Then, the hatch of the aircraft opened, footsteps sounded, and a figure slowly walked out along the gangway.

The camera still didn't show the specific shape and appearance of the figure, but through the projection of the light, it can be clearly seen that this figure does not belong to human beings.

The picture ends here.

Karel almost vomited blood. He had been guessing who the aircraft belonged to and what he was going to do when he entered the disguised meteorite. He didn't expect that the plot would pass straight away when the truth was about to be revealed.

But the next scene quickly made Karel's eyes widen.

This time the camera is aimed at a star, and the camera is zooming in rapidly, and soon, the star occupies the entire frame.

The camera continued to zoom in, and soon Karel discovered that there was a black spot on the star.

"what is this?"

Just when Karel was still wondering

, as the camera zoomed in, the answer was soon revealed.

What appeared this time was no longer that kind of small disc-shaped aircraft, but that kind of huge interstellar warship.

Compared with the model warships in Star Wars, the warships in this video are more realistic, with a domineering appearance. Whether it is the material texture or the overall structure, it feels like a real star warship should look like this.

Although this video is still the same so far, there is no soundtrack or other sound effects, but Karel has goosebumps all over his body.

Especially affected by the ufo air battle over Las Vegas last night, Karel even had a faint feeling that these warships were real!

The second scene ended quickly. Although it was as mindless as the first scene, Karel didn't feel dull at all.

He hadn't felt this feeling of rapid heartbeat for a long time. (To be continued.)

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