super robot clone

Chapter 171 1

The second scene ended, and the video went dark again, but there was still nearly 2 minutes of playback time. .

Karel continued to watch patiently. This time, the interval between shots was a little longer. After about five or six seconds, the screen gradually began to brighten again.

When a new scene appeared in front of Karel again, Karel's eyes froze for a moment.

At the beginning, two stars revolving around each other appeared in the picture. The camera quickly passed through the binary star system, and soon captured a planet the size of a sesame seed. As the camera zoomed in, the size of the planet also Grow rapidly.

When the distance got closer, Karel was surprised to find that the surface of this beautiful planet was actually covered by a green ocean full of vitality. From a distance, it looked like a crystal clear emerald.

The camera zoomed down slowly, and except for the white clouds, the entire planet was completely rendered in a vibrant green.

Especially when the picture enters the underwater world, you can see sunlight penetrating the ocean, and a forest made of soft long vines floats on the seabed. The forest glows green, and more than ten gentle and beautiful alien creatures with crystal clear bodies The green forests in this sea swim lightly, and on the seabed not far away, there are faintly visible huge underwater city buildings built by intelligent civilizations.

"God, is this the Garden of Eden?"

Karel couldn't believe what he saw. The visual impact of this scene is too strong. Not only is the visual effect not inferior to the planet in "Avatar", but the construction of the underwater ecosystem and many In terms of details, although there are only a few shots, the scientific connotation and special effects revealed in the past few years are much better than "Avatar".

Karel was dumbfounded, and he was fascinated by the elegant and beautiful underwater world. Until the end of the whole video, Karel still didn't recover from the shock just now.

Intellectually, Carell felt that these images should come from a sci-fi movie that he had never seen.But what if these images are real?

Thinking of the unimaginable air battle last night, Karel was not so calm anymore.

He thought about it, logged on to his youtube account, and wrote a comment below the video: It's hard to express how I feel after watching this video. If I put it in the past, I'm sure it's a movie with excellent visual effects. A sci-fi blockbuster, but the air battle in Las Vegas last night subverted all my values.Regardless of whether aliens are real or not, I think after watching this video, it should give us some enlightenment.Also—please tell me which movie this video is from.

After the comment was sent, Karel refreshed the page and found that in just a few minutes, this video had been played more than a thousand times. There are still a few comments below, most of which are asking about the specific source of this video of.

Karel thought for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the editor-in-chief.


Hilton hotel rooftop restaurant.

Thomas Tull greeted him with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Chen, hello, it's an honor to meet you, the self-made billionaire in the shortest time in China, the winner of the French Legion of Honor, you are better than me. Much younger than I imagined."

Chen Xin shook hands with Thomas Tull, and said with a smile, "Mr. Tull has won the award, and your Legendary Films is also respectable."

Thomas Tull chuckled, and said, "Compared to a young rookie like Mr. Chen, I am already old. Oh, yes, Mr. Chen, this is Mr. Victor, Deputy Director of Distribution Department of Time Warner. I believe Mr. Yu Shijian I have already mentioned it to you, and I think you should have a lot of common topics to talk about."

Victor took half a step forward, shook hands with Chen Xin, and said with a fake smile: "Mr. Chen, hello!"

Chen Xin faintly felt the contempt in the other party's eyes, and thought that what Yu Shijian said was true, this Mr. Victor's attitude towards "Country Teacher" might not be as optimistic as he thought.

Chen Xin also reached out to shake hands with Victor, and said lightly, "Hello!"

Then, Thomas Tour and Victor shook hands with Yu Shijian respectively.

Seeing Thomas Tull treat Chen Xin so solemnly, many guests at the scene whispered and guessed how sacred this strange Chinese face was, and deserved such treatment from Thomas Tull.

Of course, many people also recognized Yu Shijian next to Chen Xin. During this period, Yu Shijian vigorously promoted "Country Teacher" in Hollywood, which also attracted a lot of attention, especially later there were rumors that Yu Shijian rejected Lions Gate Films 800 The proposal to buy out the distribution rights of "Country Teacher" in the North American market for US$[-] made people in the industry stunned. Many people felt that this Chinese person was a bit ignorant and too greedy.

To know that a sci-fi movie from China can be sold at such a price without any market test, in their opinion, it is completely high-spirited.

However, when they saw Victor, the deputy director of Warner Distribution Department next to Thomas Tull, many people realized that this rumored sci-fi blockbuster might not be that simple.

After exchanging pleasantries, Thomas Tull led Chen Xin and Yu Shijian to sit on the side seats.

Thomas Tull said: "Mr. Chen, you guys talk first, and I'll make a toast first."

Chen Xin and Yu Shijian nodded with a smile, and saw Thomas Tur walk up to the microphone and said to the microphone: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the reception I'm holding. I'm very happy to invite everyone here today. ..."


As soon as Thomas Tull left, Victor turned his gaze to Chen Xin and Yu Shijian, and said, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Yu, I believe you have already understood the purpose of my visit!"

Chen Xin nodded and said, "Mr. Victor, if my guess is correct, you are here on behalf of your company this time, probably for the release of "Country Teacher"!"

Victor snapped his fingers with a smile on his face, then took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Chen Xin, "That's right, Mr. Chen, Mr. Yu, this is the latest distribution contract proposed by Time Warner. The prospect of "Teacher" in North America is relatively promising, so after the discussion of the board of directors, we increased the buyout issue price from the initial US$500 million to US$1000 million, and I think you should be satisfied with this price!"

Chen Xin and Yu Shijian looked at each other. Chen Xin put the contract back in front of Victor and said, "Sorry, Mr. Victor, we cannot accept the whole price." (To be continued.)

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