super robot clone

Chapter 172 Depressed Victor

Victor was slightly stunned, and said, "Mr. Chen, this 1000 million dollars is a net profit. Are you still not satisfied? You must know that if it is converted into box office, our company must earn at least 3000 million dollars at the box office in the North American market to guarantee a loss." ..”

Chen Xin smiled, shook his head and said, "Mr. Victor, I'm very sorry, I think the box office potential of "Country Teacher" should be far beyond that!"

Victor sneered and said, "Mr. Chen, don't you take this for granted?"

Chen Xin said: "How to say?"

Victor took out the documents in duplicate from his briefcase and handed them to Chen Xin and Yu Shijian, saying: "This is the box office data of Chinese-language movies in North America last year. Let's see how the market reacted. There were 598 movies released in North America last year, of which There are about 225 foreign films released, while there are only 16 Chinese films, so I don’t need to say more about the market share!”

Victor paused, then continued: "Let's compare the box office again. Last year, the total box office in North America was 101.74 billion. The total box office of 16 Chinese films in North America was less than 350 million US dollars, which is not even a fraction, and it is even far behind India. To Knowing that India released more than 2010 films in North America in 30, more than ten films had a box office of more than one million US dollars, with a total box office of 2000 million US dollars. According to the previous records of Chinese-language films, it is difficult for me to have confidence in your films! To be honest, the big scenes in the movie "Country Teacher" do look shocking, but we audiences are not here to watch the scenes. Neither the director nor the actors in this movie are well-known in the United States. If Time Warner does not If you invest a huge amount of money in publicity, no matter how big the special effects scenes of your movies are, it will be difficult for American audiences to arouse interest in watching a sci-fi film from China in theaters! I think, buy out the distribution rights in North America for $1000 million, It is enough to demonstrate the sincerity of our company!"

Chen Xin and Yu Shijian glanced at each other. It seems that this Warner Deputy Director is not an easy-going lamp. Although he is not happy with this guy's belittlement of Chinese-language movies, Chen Xin has to admit that in some respects Well, what Victor said is still very reasonable, no wonder Warner will send this guy over to negotiate.

Yu Shijian smiled and said, "Mr. Victor, what do you mean by that, are you not confident in the distribution capabilities of Time Warner, one of the eight major film companies in Hollywood?"

Victor frowned and said, "Mr. Yu, what do you mean? We, Warner Bros., are well-known for our distribution capabilities, and you can't deny it with just one or two sentences."

Yu Shijian smiled and said, "Then why do you have no confidence in this movie? Of course, I admit that the data you just listed are quite reasonable, but if you compare Chinese movies with Indian movies, I think it is true." Discrimination against Chinese-language films? In my opinion, the reason why Indian films have a higher box office than Chinese-language films is at best because of better distribution and marketing of Indian films. As far as I know, there are at least 3 companies in the United States that specialize in distribution Indian movies, many excellent Indian movies landed in North America in the first place, but China has only one Huashi, and the quality of the movies released is not high. Movies like "Warring States", "Global Love" and "Happy Magic" are not even available in China. If it is a bad film, how can it get a good box office in North America? Although China's Huayi and Bona have injected funds into Huashi not long ago, the limitations are even greater, and excellent domestic films in China are afraid to ask them to do it. This is why we approached you for "Country Teacher", we believe that Warner's marketing ability can maximize the benefits of this film. This has nothing to do with the quality of the film, it is purely a matter of marketing concept!"

Victor choked for a moment, and didn't know how to refute for a while.

Chen Xin gave Yu Shijian a thumbs up quietly, and Yu Shijian's few words were dismissed and punched, and Victor's arrogance was immediately suppressed.

Chen Xin himself is out of the film circle, and investing in films is only a sideline business. He doesn't know much about the film market. If it weren't for Yu Shijian, he really wouldn't be Victor's opponent.

Victor paused for a while, then said: "Mr. Yu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to belittle Chinese-language films. I'm just discussing the facts. The poor performance of Chinese-language films in the North American market has hardly given me confidence."

Chen Xin saw that the time was ripe, and said with a smile: "Mr. Victor, if Time Warner had offered such a buyout price yesterday, maybe we would have reluctantly accepted it. After all, what you offered is what we have received so far. The highest price. But today, it is difficult for us to accept such a price..."

Victor's expression changed slightly, "Mr. Chen, I don't understand what you mean."

Chen Xin laughed and said: "Mr. Victor, you don't know about the shocking air battle in Las Vegas last night, right? The f22 shot down the ufo, and it was filmed by the local TV station. A UFO incident with a sensational effect. I believe that unless aliens really want to occupy the earth, no matter how much the US government hides it, in the next period of time, there will be a wave of alien civilization and aliens all over the world. The big discussion of UFOs, you said that there will be another movie about aliens at this time, will the audience buy it?"

Victor fell silent, and the bastard had already realized the subtle changes in the situation. He thought for a while, and was about to speak when a pleasant cell phone rang suddenly.

Victor hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, looked at the number on the caller ID, looked up at Chen Xin and Yu Shijian and said, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Yu, I'm sorry, I have a work call..."

Chen Xin made a gesture and said, "Please do it!"

Victor walked to a corner of the open-air restaurant with his mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and whispered: "Hi, Lucas, I'm negotiating now, what's the matter?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Victor, how is the talk going?"

Victor said: "Those two damn Chinese guys have already seen through our intentions, and they are not willing to accept an offer of 1000 million US dollars at all."

Not long after the UFO incident in Las Vegas was exposed, almost all Hollywood film companies realized that there was an opportunity for alien-themed science fiction films.

However, during this period of time, there are not many sci-fi blockbusters released in Hollywood, and there are not even any sci-fi movies involving alien themes.

At this time, Warner executives thought of the "Country Teacher" that they had rejected.

That's the real reason Victor came here.

Lucas said: "This is within our expectations. Winning 1000 million is just the best result. However, Victor, there is something unexpected now. The board of directors has just made a decision and requires you to win the "Country Teacher" with all your strength." Distribution rights. Now listen carefully, change the negotiation plan immediately, and if necessary, you can agree to the box office sharing plan proposed by the other party, but we must get at least [-] points of box office sharing, this is the bottom line, understand?"

Victor was stunned for a moment, the distributor took 15.00% of the box office share, and the producer took the remaining 30.00%. For a Hollywood blockbuster, this is a normal ratio, but for a science fiction film from China This is considered a very high courtesy.

Victor frowned: "What happened? How did the board of directors make such a decision?"

You must know that the bottom line given by the board of directors was 20.00% of the total box office, but now it has been raised ten points all at once. Are the directors' brains cramped?According to Victor's own estimates, the box office of "Country Teacher" in North America is at least over [-] million, which is a loss of tens of millions of dollars in profits!

Although Victor knew that Warner was determined to win this film, he shouldn't be so anxious.

In his view, even if Chen Xin and the others see through Warner's intentions, there is room for negotiation. He is even confident that Chen Xin and the others' box office share will be reduced to about 15.00%.

In fact, after watching this movie, the opinions of Warner's distribution department were divided into two groups. One group was very optimistic about this movie, thinking that according to the quality of "Country Teacher", it might be able to top the annual box office rankings in North America. Owning a place, it is worth Warner's high price to grab the distribution rights of this film.

The other faction believes that this movie originated from Red China, and its filming style is very different from Hollywood. Although professionals like them think this movie is really good, whether American audiences can accept it is still a matter of opinion.

In the end, the opinions of the opposition prevailed, and Warner offered a buyout price of 500 million US dollars. This kind of begging price directly made Yu Shijian slam the door and leave!

Lucas said: "This matter will not be clear for a while. In short, no matter what method you use, I must win the distribution rights of "Country Teacher". That's it, hang up!"

Hearing the beeping sound on the phone, Victor's face turned ugly, and he cursed in a low voice: "**!!!"

As the deputy director of Time Warner's publishing department, Victor has been the main force against spending huge sums of money to obtain the distribution rights of "Country Teacher".

In his opinion, no matter how good a sci-fi film from China is, a few million dollars is enough.

Before that Chinese guy named Yu Shijian opened his mouth loudly, in Hollywood it was the rhythm of death.

And later, when Victor heard that Yu Shijian was bumping into walls everywhere in Hollywood, but the movie was never sold, he even gloated in his heart and laughed at this Chinese man for being overwhelmed.

In his opinion, the Chinese will find Warner again sooner or later, but he never imagined that the Chinese are now on the Chinese side, and the air battle in Las Vegas suddenly made the Chinese The movie has become a favorite in Hollywood. (To be continued.)

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