super robot clone

Chapter 207 The Sadness of Syria

Chen Xin didn't pay much attention to the controversy in the media.

After the experience of the two films "Bring Her Eyes" and "Country Teacher", Gangyi has enough ability to provide all-round support for Chinese science fiction films.

Whether it's plot, editing, camera use or CG special effects, Gang Yi is able to handle it with ease, coupled with Ning Hao's ability and Zhang Yimou's control of the big scene, there is no need to worry about the quality of "The Wandering Earth".

And through this kind of opportunity, let a big director like Zhang Yimou accumulate experience in sci-fi blockbusters, which will be more beneficial to the future of Chinese-language sci-fi.


When Chen Xin's domestic development was going smoothly, a batch of domestic micro-drones refitted with steel irons arrived in the Syrian port city of Latakia after half a month of turbulence.

At this time, the Syrian civil war was at its most intense. The government forces and the opposition were fighting fiercely in Damascus. Latakia, which was under the control of the government forces, was not peaceful, and there was a tense atmosphere everywhere.

The bloody Damascus and the tearful Latakia have almost become a true portrayal of the Syrian civil war.

The intensifying civil war in Syria has attracted the attention of the whole world, and this place has become the focus of the game between China, the United States, Russia and other major powers.

In addition to the factors of major powers, the deeper source of the Syrian civil war has to start from the beginning.

Syria has a population of 2000 million, of which nearly 90% are MSL, the Sunni MSL accounts for more than 70% of the total population, and the Alawite MSL, one of the Shiite branches, accounts for about 10%. Including other Shiite branches, the total Also less than 20%.

Despite this, Syria has been ruled by the Assad family, descended from the Alawite faction of the Shiite sect, since a military coup in 1970.

If we say that today's grievances between the YSL world and the United States began with the September 12 incident 911 years ago or the Gulf War more than 20 years ago, then the hatred between the Shia MSL and the Sunni MSL has existed for more than a thousand years, even earlier than Christianity and the United States. msl's vengeful crusade.

In the 7th century AD, during the struggle over succession after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.Supporters of different heirs gradually split into two factions, Sunni and Shia. After a series of murders, power struggles, and fierce battles, Shia lost power in the struggle for orthodoxy, became a minority, and left their hometowns.

In the entire Christian world today, Shiites only make up about 10% of the total population.Among the many MSL countries in the Gulf region, only Iran, Iraq and Lebanon have Shia majority.Among them, Iraq was also ruled by Saddam Hussein who was a Sunni for many years.

By the end of the 40s, the establishment of the Arab Baath Party made the internal conflicts in Syria more complicated.

The party advocates Arab socialism. An Arab must first realize that he is an Arab nation and then msl. It advocates the establishment of an Arab-style socialist unified Arab country under the leadership of the Baath Party.

also.The party also opposes isl extremism, advocates secular politics, and opposes theocratic unity.

This is in contrast to the ISL extremism that advocates the establishment of a pan-ISL federation and the unity of theocracy.

By the 60s, the Baath Socialist Party led by Alawites dominated by military officers seized the Syrian regime and weakened the influence of religion on politics in Syria, abolished religious autocracy, and allowed religious freedom, which intensified the secular Baath Socialist Party Contradictions with the religious extremist forces dominated by the MSL Brotherhood.

Coupled with the hereditary system and official corruption of the Assad regime.It has led to intensification of social conflicts. The Sunnis, who are the majority in the country, have almost no political rights. Internationally, the disintegration of the Soviet Union has lost its backing and the long-term relationship with the United States is not normal. The explosion led to the anti-Assad demonstrations.

Subsequently, in the contradiction of sectarian confrontation with the Assad regime, the church and state were united.And with the direct support of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and other countries that follow the religious extremist ideology of the Sunni Wahhabi sect, and with the connivance of the United States and the West, the situation in Syria deteriorated rapidly and a civil war broke out.


This was the height of the Syrian civil war, and the fifty micro-drones that Aziz had acquired for the government had just arrived in Latakia.They were quickly loaded and sent to Damascus.

That evening, the Syrian army unit that received the drones conducted a preliminary test of the drones.

Two hours later, the test report was submitted to the desk of Army Commander Mussad for the first time.

"General, it's unbelievable. The performance of this batch of Chinese products is even better than the quality of the Russian military products we equipped before. In addition to the optical imaging camera, there is also an infrared camera on it, which can detect armed personnel hiding in buildings at a distance of 200 meters. For infrared imaging, we downloaded the corresponding application according to the instructions in the manual, and found that the image can be directly transmitted to a smartphone or an Apple ipad. I think this is definitely a big killer against rebel snipers. In addition, due to limited time , we are still unable to determine the flight time of this aircraft. If it is true that the flight time of this drone reaches five hours as stated in the instruction manual, we can even equip it with a logarithmic 2.5kg small aerial bomb Launching a long-range attack on a target hundreds of kilometers away is almost equivalent to a small cruise missile, and the price is quite cheap."

The Minister of Logistics Equipment, Halim, strongly recommended it in front of General Mussad. It can be seen that Halim has been completely conquered by this outstanding drone.

General Mussad knows Halim well. He once studied in the SJZ Mechanized Infantry Command Academy in China. He is a fanatical technology supremacist. Except for Western weapons and equipment, it is rare to see him talking about a Chinese weapon The equipment is so respected.

Mussad thought for a moment, and said: "Halim, hurry up and test this drone, I need to report to Mr. President, if it really reaches the level you said, maybe we need to come again Big action!"

At present, the rebels have invaded the outskirts of Damascus, and the pressure on the defense circle of the capital is very high. The only thing that makes Mussad feel fortunate is that due to the complex internal composition of the rebels and even the shadow of extremist organization bases, the Americans did not have large-scale Armed rebels on the ground only provide them with light weapons assistance and tactical guidance through the Gulf countries.

However, if the rebels continue to expand like this, the situation is not optimistic. Bashar is also putting great pressure on Musad. Musad urgently needs a victory to stabilize the situation around Damascus.

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