super robot clone

Chapter 208 Chinese goods? !

In the middle of the night, after seeking the opinion of President Bashar, four coaxial twin-rotor micro-stealth unmanned helicopters took off from the roof of a bungalow in downtown Damascus and quickly blended into the night.

Ten minutes later, these drones flew to the western suburbs of Damascus, and the infrared cameras were activated, and began to approach and reconnaissance the area controlled by the armed forces at an imaging speed of 5 frames per second.

The flying height of these unmanned helicopters is about 100 meters, and the electric-driven rotors have almost no mechanical noise. They seem to be like ghosts, wandering near the control line between the rebels and government forces.

Soon, the first images were transmitted to the command center in the rear.

According to the instruction manual, the signal transmission distance of the UAV is about 100 kilometers, which is usually enough for the government army to use.

Of course, if there is a mobile phone communication base station near the flight area, the government army can even directly use the mobile phone to get in touch with the drone.

As for the longer distance, it can only wait for the UAV to return to the signal receiving range to obtain images.

The command center became busy all of a sudden, and the staff began to interpret the photos sent back by the drone, and then combined with the feedback from the frontline troops, they immediately produced a map of the rebel army's deployment situation.

"General, the new deployment map is out. You see, something is wrong in Area 4, Area 7, and Area 11. The photos taken by the infrared camera show that the number of enemy troops far exceeds our previous prediction..."

"what do you mean……?"

"If these photos are correct, I think the enemy must have new reinforcements coming. They didn't launch a strong attack before, just to wait for the opportunity to accumulate strength, and then give us a full blow. No. 11, No. [-], NO The .[-] area will become their key breakthrough direction..."


General Mussad looked at the map and did not speak.

Most of the ordinary people on the front line of the war have become refugees and fled their homes. Those who are active on the front line are either government troops or rebels.

General Mussad frowned and considered for a while, and said to the herald: "Order the 105th Howitzer Battalion to cover these three areas with firepower. We will shoot a base ammunition first, and then make a judgment after seeing the reaction of the rebels. In addition, for the suspected sniper In the area where the hands are, order the armored troops to attack directly with direct fire. Kill these annoying fleas!"

"Yes! General!"

Following Musad's order.The suburbs of Damascus suddenly became noisy.

The artillerymen were woken up in their sleep, murmured their dissatisfaction, and quickly completed their battle preparations.

Due to the lack of reliable night vision equipment, neither the government forces nor the opposition had previously.Both rarely engage in combat at night.At most, they put cold guns at night.

The artillerymen couldn't understand why the superiors asked them to get up and fire at the sky in the middle of the night.However, they still faithfully fulfilled their duties and missions.After completing the launch preparations, adjust the shooting elements according to the order.

"Get ready, fire!"

The command flag is waved.The soldiers started to move quickly, and in just 10 minutes, a base twelve shells were fired.

There were 24 artillery pieces in a battalion, and 280 eight shells were poured out by them.

Immediately after the fight was over, trucks came up to help transfer the artillery positions.


At this time, in a secret camp less than 2000 meters away from the actual control line of the warring parties, the soldiers of the opposition were sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded, waking up many soldiers in the camp.

"Oops, it's shelling! Hurry up and hide!"

The veterans sensed the threat from the shrill sound of shells piercing the air, and while running out of the tent to find a place to hide, they loudly reminded their comrades who were still in a daze.

The camp was in chaos, but unfortunately time was running out, and there were explosions one after another.

More than 1000 new reinforcements arrived at the secret camp set up by the rebels at the front line in the evening, preparing to step up their offensive on the western suburbs of Damascus tomorrow.

No one would have thought that the government forces were able to discover these camps, and the long-range fire strikes came precisely and suddenly.

The 105mm high-explosive bomb broke the silence of the night with its sharp roar, and the cries, explosions, and gunshots of the rebels formed a unique battlefield concerto.

A 105 high-explosive bomb exploded just above the tent where the rebels lived. The fragments of the shell instantly swept across all living creatures within a radius of 50 meters, and broken arms and limbs flew across.

As long as you are hit by shell fragments, there is basically no possibility of surviving.

After 10 minutes of short shooting, the artillery fire finally stopped, and the rebel camp was in a mess, with heavy casualties.

The government army's short shooting was completed very beautifully, directly causing more than 500 casualties to the rebels.

In the next few hours, the two sides began to fire guns into the night within the control line. The gunfire rang throughout the night, but the casualties were extremely limited.

The late-night raid dealt a severe blow to the morale of the rebels.

The composition of the rebels is complex. In addition to the armed forces controlled by the Syrian opposition, there are also Sunni extremist forces from various countries, mercenaries, and even al-Qaeda members.

However, the opposition army formed spontaneously by the people has limited combat power and is not an opponent of the government army at all. Many tough battles require those fighters of extremist forces full of faith to charge into battle.

The more than 1000 people newly recruited this time are religious fighters from extremist organizations and overseas mercenaries. Originally, the rebel command had counted on them to break through the government's defense line, but most of them were reimbursed before going into battle.

When the rebel commander received the casualty report after dawn the next day, he threw his glass in anger, and the military advisers from various countries of the Gulf Alb Alliance were also speechless.

For the next day, the rebels did not launch many decent offensives.

The commanders of the government army breathed a long sigh of relief. During this period of time, the pressure exerted by the opposition was increasing. They themselves were not sure whether they could hold Damascus. This successful night attack was like a timely rain. , let everyone cheer up.

The results of the "new" drones quickly attracted the attention of the Syrian government. Although there is still a part of luck in this attack on the armed forces, the role played by this drone from China is indisputable. replace.

Especially when they learned that each of these drones was only [-] US dollars, the top government officials couldn't believe it.

When did high-tech become the price of cabbage in China?

Fifty drones were immediately deployed to the frontline fighting forces.

In the next few days, with the help of the UAV infrared reconnaissance system, the government forces frequently launched offensives at night, catching the armed forces by surprise, and the already precarious line of defense was finally stabilized by the Assad government.


Muji is an ordinary soldier in the Syrian government army. Like him, most of his comrades are from the Alawite sect in Shia, and they are basically loyal supporters of the Assad government.

Some time ago, the opposition’s fierce attack on Damascus once put the defense line in jeopardy. Muji also worried that the government forces would not be able to hold the defense line. Fortunately, with God’s blessing, a drone from China rescued them.

This UAV is very easy to operate, as long as you do a little training, you can use the ipad to control it normally, and the returned image is divided into two windows, one is normal optical imaging, the other is infrared imaging, the effect is very good clear.

Before the armed rebels attacked, the drone had already transmitted all their tactical arrangements to the tablet, which made Muji and the others seem to be able to defend with ease. Moreover, they also carried out several successful ambushes, hitting the rebels. The group of heretics cried like ghosts and howled like wolves.

Especially when dealing with opposition snipers, this micro-drone performs extremely well.

Muji and the others first released the drone, and then used the ipad to directly manipulate it to bypass the obstacle building. During this process, the drone's optical camera system and infrared imaging system have been working normally.

Soon, the soldiers discovered the sniper hiding in the building through the infrared images sent back in real time, so they began to call the tanks to directly attack the sniper's hiding position.

The whole operation lasted less than 10 minutes from start to finish.

Muji and the others also filmed this process and uploaded it to the Internet. They never expected that a few days later, this video would cause a sensation, and media from all over the world would reprint the video. There will also be a scene similar to the US Army battle scene.

The funniest thing is that the weapon in the hands of the soldiers is still an Apple ipad.

Ordinary people are amazed that their ordinary digital devices can become a member of advanced weapons, and experts focus on what is behind the operation.

Muji and the others became famous, and the videos they recorded were played hundreds of millions of times on the lure tube, and they also attracted the attention of netizens in China.The tragedy is that they were quickly arrested by the Syrian military police on charges of leaking state secrets.

And with the exposure of the micro drone, its losses have gradually increased.

This is also helpless. On the one hand, the soldiers are not proficient in operation. The steel pendulum only modifies the battery system and wireless communication system of this drone. The basic structure of the drone is still at the civilian level. In high-intensity combat In action, mechanical failure is prone to occur.

On the other hand, after the drone was exposed, the armed forces quickly took countermeasures.With the support of Western powers, they successfully captured several such drones using radio jamming systems, greatly reducing their space for activities.

Until this time, the true face of this drone appeared in front of the whole world.

Chinese goods? ! (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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