super robot clone

Chapter 245 no zuo no die 2

"Chief, this... this...?"

Ahdi stared dumbfounded at everything in front of him, speaking incoherently.

This... this is too unbelievable!

Wasn't the electronic equipment on the "Vila Bay" destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse bomb? When I boarded the ship two days ago, I could even smell the burnt smell of the electronic equipment, but now what? What's going on?

Although Chen Xin had shown various miraculous methods before, Ahdi was still dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

The warlord leaders armed from other places also fell into a daze. They heard from the pirates that Chen Xin used lightning to destroy the weapon system on the ship, which made the ship robbery a success.

During the past few days on the "Vila Bay", they always thought that the ship was completely scrapped, and no one would have expected to see such a scene.

"Power system on!"

"The power system is activated!"

"The radar system is fully powered on!"

"Missile weapon system activated!"

"The naval gun weapon system is activated!"

"The Phalanx system is activated!"

"Electronic countermeasures system activated!"

"The satellite communication system is activated!"

"The infrared jamming system is activated!"

The bridge was quiet, no one spoke, only the lifeless electronic sound of the steel 镚 could be heard.

The next moment, the electronic voice suddenly became urgent: "Radar system warning, radar system warning, 15 unknown targets were found 8 nautical miles east of [-] degrees northeast, and [-] unknown targets were found [-] nautical miles southwest, immediately Carry out electromagnetic signal identification...identification the northeast are four Osprey helicopters and eight "a--v"-[-]b Harrier attack aircraft, and the target of attack is the guided missile cruiser Vila Bay. To the southwest are six An Osprey. Twelve Apache helicopter gunships are expected to attack the headquarters camp of the Ahdi Brigade. After the enemy situation is reported, do you want to attack?"

Chen Xindao: "Keep tracking, the missile system is ready, attack at any time!"

at this time.The satellite phone hanging on Ahdi's waist suddenly rang, Ahdi pressed to answer, put it in his ear and listened to a few words, his face suddenly changed: "Boss, the African Union of Balaad The garrison is moving!"

Chen Xin smiled and said, "Since they have delivered it to your door, then don't blame us for being merciless, steel shovel, naval guns are ready."

The two 127mm naval guns arranged at the bow and stern of the "Vila Bay" slowly turned their muzzles. Under the night sky of Mogadishu, the muzzles flashed a cold blue light.


In the sailor's dormitory of the "Vila Bay", the moment the shipboard gas turbine started.Colonel Svicker, the former captain of the guided missile cruiser "Vila Bay", who was resting on the bed, opened his eyes and sat up: "What happened?"

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside, and then, the hatch opened, and a black shadow was kicked in.

Svicker stared dumbfounded at the American soldier dressed as a frogman in front of him, and asked tentatively, "Are you...a seal?"


On the Indian Ocean, forty nautical miles away from Mogadishu, four MV-22 "Osprey" transport helicopters of the US Marine Corps are flying in formation at high speed.The vibration of the turboshaft engine when it rotates at high speed can be felt in the cabin.

"Flounder calls Osprey, Flounder calls Osprey, maintain altitude, pay attention to correct course."

"Osprey understands, Osprey understands!"

At a place more than 1000 meters above the "Osprey" formation, eight "a--v"-8b sea ray fighters shook their wings and quickly followed.


Washington, Pentagon underground command center.

After the operation began, U.S. President Okami, General Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Director of the CIA David Petraeus and other military and political officials gathered in the Pentagon, quietly await the outcome of this action.

Through early warning aircraft and satellites.The location data and mission progress of the special forces ahead will be transmitted to the Pentagon as soon as possible.

Ao Guanhai looked at the watch on his wrist, and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta walked up to him and whispered in his ear: "Mr. President, there are about 10 minutes left, and the soldiers of the Delta and the [-]rd Special Operations Regiment are about to arrive. We can reach the designated location."

Ao Guanhai nodded, and asked again: "How is the frogman of the Navy Seals?"

Leon Panetta said: "Already boarded the ship. It has not been found, and the current communication is normal."

Ao Guanhai nodded and stopped talking.

Time passed without knowing it.

In the cockpit of the Osprey formation, the liquid crystal display emits a faint blue light. Captain Mateus put away the night vision goggles on his helmet. With his naked eyes alone, he can already distinguish the darkness of Mogadishu city ten nautical miles away. The blue light was off.

He turned his head and said to the co-pilot: "Paul, inform the brothers behind that they are ready to land!"


The co-pilot, Captain Paul, got up from his seat, walked to the door of the cargo hold at the back, and whispered a few words to the leader of the Delta combat unit, Major Joosen. Soon, Major Joosen got up and clapped his hands, saying: "Guys! , Now start checking the equipment, we still have 5 minutes!"

In the cockpit, Captain Mateus switched on the headset. As a veteran who participated in the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War, Mateus has rich experience in special operations operations.

But it was also the first time he participated in such a large-scale rescue operation.

Mateus didn't think too much, and said to the built-in microphone: "Osprey [-] calls Osprey [-], Osprey [-], and Osprey [-]."

"Osprey II received!"

"Osprey [-] received!"

"Osprey IV received!"

"Prepare to lower the altitude, keep the speed at [-], and the altitude at [-]!"

"Keep the speed at [-] and the altitude at [-], No. [-] understands!"

"Keep the speed at [-] and the altitude at [-], No. [-] understands!"

"Keep the speed at [-] and the altitude at [-], number four understands!"

The forward rotors of the four Ospreys began to switch and tilt upwards, reverting to the appearance of a helicopter.

The flight altitude began to drop slowly.

"The target is five nautical miles away!"

"The target is four nautical miles away!"

"The target is three nautical miles away!"

Mateus and the others can see the majestic figure of the "Vila Bay" anchored in the port of Mogadishu.

And at an altitude of more than 2000 meters behind the four Ospreys, eight "a--v"-8b sea ray fighters have also completed their final preparations!

"Hellfire missile locked!"

Each Stingray carries two Hellfire ground attack missiles, which will be the first firepower for ground support.

Prior to this, CIA's intelligence personnel had already calibrated the specific positions of the armed fishing boats in the port, the command center of the Ahdi Brigade and the Mogadishu People's Guards, and even the bridge of the "Vila Bay" guided missile cruiser. All will become the targets of the U.S. Naval Air Forces.


Inside the bridge of the guided missile cruiser "Vila Bay".

Through the porthole, Chen Xin looked at the blinking navigation lights of the aircraft several seas away, and said, "Gangyi, lock on and launch!"

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