super robot clone

Chapter 246 no zuo no die 3

Almost instantly, the screeching sirens of the radar warning receivers sounded in the cockpits of the Sea Harrier and Osprey.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"I'm on the radar!"

"Where's the radar?"

"Look, what is that? Be careful, there are missiles!"

Mateus stared dumbfounded at the several sea miles away on the ocean, one after another flames kept rising from the mk41 vertical launch system on the front deck of the "Vila Bay". After rising to a height of about 100 meters, the two A wave of missiles quickly turned in the opposite direction. One wave flew to the interior of Mogadishu, attacking the armed helicopters of the [-]rd Special Operations Regiment preparing to attack the headquarters camp of the Ahdi Brigade, and the other wave aimed at the Indian Ocean. Eight Sea Harriers overhead.

Compared with the Osprey transport aircraft, the Apache and the eight Sea Harriers are obviously more threatening, but using the SM-2 standard long-range air defense missile that can intercept sea-skimming supersonic anti-ship missiles to deal with such subsonic targets makes Chen There is a feeling of cannon hitting mosquitoes.

"Hawkeye called sea harrier, eagle eye called sea harrier, what happened?"

"Osprey report, Osprey report, Vila Bay fired a missile at us, Vila Bay fired a missile at us."

"My God! Abidal is hit, Abidal is concentrated!"

"Oh f***ck, Victor, be careful..."

While the Sea Harrier was attacked by missiles, the four Ospreys quickly raised their altitude like frightened birds!

In the cockpit of the e-2c early warning aircraft, the shouts of the pilots and the explosion of missiles could be heard clearly.

The radar monitor stared dumbfounded at everything in front of him.Two light spots representing sea harriers have already disappeared on the radar screen of the early warning aircraft, but the remaining missiles obviously will not let other sea harriers go, and the speed of light spots disappearing is still accelerating. After one minute, eight The av-1b Harrier has completely disappeared from the radar screen.

Fortunately, the four Ospreys are still there.

The commander on the e-2c early warning aircraft judged that the situation was critical at the first time, and quickly conveyed to the Osprey the latest instructions from the USS Washington's command center: "Hawkeye calls for Osprey, Hawkeye calls for Osprey, retreat immediately, retreat immediately. Also report the current battlefield Situation. Immediately report the current battlefield situation!"

In fact, the pilots of the four Ospreys already knew what to do without their prompting.

"Osprey reports Hawkeye, eight Ospreys shot down, three pilots parachute!"

Mateus was in a cold sweat.While replying in a hasty tone to the commander's inquiry on the e-2c early warning aircraft.While quickly manipulating the Osprey away from the guided missile cruiser Vila Bay as if by magic.

Including Matthaus.Almost everyone couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

Wasn't there news that all the electronic equipment on the Vila Bay was destroyed by pirates with electromagnetic pulse bombs?Doesn't it mean that all the weapon systems on the ship can't be used?So what's going on with this scene now?

Mateus had no time to think about these things. Although he didn't know why the pirates hadn't attacked them until now, the piercing radar warning sound was like a reminder.Let him only retreat by plane.

At this moment, an unfamiliar electronic voice suddenly entered the communication channel and sounded in Mateus's headset: "The Somali pirate group is calling for the Osprey, and the Somali pirate group is calling for the Osprey. Your army has been locked by our missiles. Your army has been locked by our missiles. The army has been locked by our missiles. Please immediately land at the designated location in Mogadishu Port according to our requirements. Please immediately land at the designated location in Mogadishu Port in accordance with our requirements. Otherwise, we will launch an attack. Otherwise, we will launch an attack. An attack is imminent."

The sudden warning made Mateus stunned.

"what happened?"

The co-pilot Paul quickly reacted, turned his gaze to Mateus, and asked, "Captain, what should we do?"

At the same time, the other three Ospreys also sent inquiries to the No. [-] plane driven by Mateus.

Matthaus gritted his teeth and said, "Go, leave them alone!"

Almost as soon as his voice fell, another ball of flames rose from the front deck of the Vila Bay. Due to the short distance, SM-2 only took a few seconds to plunge into the ship on the horse. Inside the engine bay of the Osprey flying to Teus' left.

"Holy shit! We're hit!"

"Hold on, hold on!"

The No. [-] Osprey fell from mid-air like a spinning top out of control.

"Captain, what shall we do? What shall we do?"

"The second machine is over, Stephen, are you still there? Please answer if you hear it, please answer it if you hear it."

"Let's go, let's go!"

"It's too late. The Vila Bay is equipped with SM-2 standard block 3 extended-range ship-to-air missiles, with a range of 180 kilometers. We can't get out of its strike range at all."

There was chaos in the channel, Mateus forced himself to calm down, and then said loudly in the channel: "The third machine, the fourth machine listen to my order, hover, turn, let's go to Mogadishu!"

The captain of the Delta combat unit who came to the cockpit from the cargo compartment at the back asked, "Captain Mateus, what are you doing?"

Mateus said: "If we want to save our lives, we have to listen to these sons of bitch pirates. Now we don't even fly out of the attack range of the Phalanx. If the opponent hits hard, all of us will be torn apart by bullets." into pieces."

The squad leader fell silent. Mateus was right. The transport helicopter had a pitifully low chance of surviving in front of a large missile cruiser like the "Vila Bay". It is a lesson for the past.

It's just that he never expected that an operation by the Delta Force aimed at revenge would end in such a hasty manner without firing a single shot. He didn't know what the future fate of these people would be like.

Through the portholes of the mv-22 "Osprey", one can see the looming figure of the Nevila Bay moored in the port of Mogadishu. This guided missile cruiser originally belonged to the US Navy, but now it is being dealt with by pirates. What an irony that the U.S. Army's sharp weapon is!

The other two Ospreys also fell silent, and followed behind the Osprey No. [-] without saying a word. On the sea below the formation, the downed Ospreys ignited a raging crowd.

Hope someone is still alive!

A devout Christian, Paul, the co-pilot of No. [-] plane, crossed himself on his chest.

In the other direction, after the twelve escorting Apache gunships were blown up in the air, the remaining Osprey helicopters also took the same action as Mateus.

The U.S. military, which is accustomed to relying on its equipment advantages to win, has also fallen into a state of helplessness when faced with a force that cannot be matched by manpower.


The atmosphere on the bridge of the USS George Washington aircraft carrier was so dignified that water dripped out. The formation commander and commander-in-chief of the operation, Major General William Hope, had completely fallen into a sluggish state.

In less than 5 minutes, everyone was expecting that the US military would quietly give the pirates a hard time in this operation. Who would have thought that just after touching the pirates, the other party turned around and came to them without saying a word A sap.

Major General William Hope has not recovered yet.

In fact, at this time, not only Rear Admiral William Hope, but also the Fifth Fleet Headquarters in Manama, and the underground command center of the Pentagon in Washington, all fell into silence.

"Mr. President...Mr. President...Mr. President!"

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta yelled in Ao Guanhai's ear several times, but Ao Guanhai didn't respond. As a last resort, he patted Ao Guanhai who was in a daze.

"Oh, Leon, what's up?"

Only then did Ao Guanhai react.

"Mr. President, what should we do next?"

Leon Panetta's tone was a bit bitter. He is the main combat faction who advocates rescue by force. Now that the mission has failed, someone must stand up and take responsibility. Raise your glass to celebrate.

"How to do?"

Ao Guanhai's gaze gradually narrowed, and he waved his hand weakly and said, "What else can I do? Prepare to negotiate!"

As he spoke, he straightened up, turned around and walked towards the conference room: "Withdraw from the USS Washington aircraft carrier group, and immediately hold an emergency meeting of the National Security Council to discuss the next step."


CIA Director David Petraeus, who was also waiting for the final result in the command center, walked up to Leon Panetta and sighed: "Mr. Minister, go, this is not your fault!"

Leon Panetta shook his head with a wry smile, but did not speak.

The George Washington aircraft carrier must be withdrawn. The Vila Bay is equipped with a total of 130 missiles. In addition to more than 2 SM-[-] standard series air defense missiles for air defense, there are also Harpoon anti-ship missiles and Tomahawks. A series of cruise missiles and Aslok anti-submarine missiles.This is basically a mobile weapon depot, and all operations must be canceled before figuring out why the weapon system on the Vila Bay can still be used.


At this time, the guided missile cruiser "Vila Bay" was filled with a joyous atmosphere.

Had it not been for Chen Xin shooting down the fighter jets and helicopters participating in the operation with American missiles, Ah Di and others could hardly believe that the Yankee rescue operation was over in just a few minutes?

Three Ospreys landed on the beach of Mogadishu, which had already been surrounded by soldiers from the Ahdi Brigade and the Mogadishu Guards. Under the surveillance of the Phalanx system, the elite soldiers of Delta finally Without the courage to make a decisive blow, they chose to surrender, and then waited for the rescue of the US government in a prisoner of war camp.

On the surface of the sea, three armed fishing boats have started to set off. They were sent to search and rescue the survivors and pilots of the crashed Osprey.

In the other direction, the MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft carrying the [-]rd Special Operations Regiment landed at the command center of the Ahdi Brigade, and then naturally became a member of the captured sailors. (to be continued..)

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