super robot clone

Chapter 251: War Is Overwhelmed?

Peng Guochen put down the document in his hand, raised his head and looked at the crowd and said, "The information has been collected one after another, please share your views!"

Lu Jianguo, director of the African Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, took off his glasses and took the lead to speak: "To be honest, I still can't believe that there are so many powerful warlords in Somalia who stand up to support the Ahdi brigade and Mogadi. Sand People's Guards, the hidden meaning behind this is very deep. I'm sure that even the Americans can't get so many warlords to unite and unite. I don't know how the people of the Star Ring Group can do this , but it is certain that the Star Ring Group has been operating in Somalia and even in Africa for a long time, and the so-called central government of Somalia just took advantage of the shipjacking incident to push things forward."

Everyone in the conference room nodded involuntarily.

This meeting was not limited to the intelligence department of the General Staff. Peng Guochen also brought in experts on African issues like Lu Jianguo to come for consultation.Lu Jianguo has worked in many Chinese embassies in North Africa. From the very beginning as a clerk to a commercial counselor to an ambassador, Lu Jianguo has lived in North Africa for more than 20 years. He is one of the few domestic experts who is proficient in North African affairs. Therefore, he mentioned The first question hits the crux of the Somali ship hijacking incident.

No one thought that the armed forces in Somalia would unite to support these pirates. When the news first came out, it caused a sensation not only in the United States, but also in many countries in the world. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that these warlord armed forces were attacked by some controlled by some forces.

In the West, rumors about the Chinese ambassador are also rampant.However, the U.S. government is naturally aware that China has nothing to do with this incident, no matter from various sources of intelligence or the performance of the Chinese government.

Shi Nansheng, director of the Intelligence Bureau, said: "I agree with Director Lu's opinion, but I would like to add that from the perspective of military technology, the pirates do not have the ability to control the 'Vila Bay', and there must be people from the Halo Group on board." I even suspect that this Yang Lin is still on board the ship and directing the negotiations in Mogadishu by remote control. In addition, there is another important issue that needs to be clarified, how did the 'Vila Bay' be hijacked by pirates. Although Previously there were rumors that the Americans encountered an electromagnetic pulse bomb. However, the performance of the Vila Bay in the Battle of Mogadishu made this statement less reliable. If a warship is attacked by an electromagnetic pulse weapon, it is impossible for such a short recover in time..."

Before Shi Nansheng could finish his sentence, Qiao Ting, who was sitting in the back with her head lowered and silent, suddenly interjected, "Shi Ju, I think there is a high possibility that the 'Vila Bay' will encounter an electromagnetic pulse bomb!"

Everyone in the conference room was slightly taken aback.Everyone focused their attention on the assistant minister who had just joined the Intelligence Department of the General Staff.

Shi Nansheng was slightly taken aback.Asked: "Little Joe. Why?"

Qiao Ting said: "I don't know if you have noticed, but there are reports that several merchant ships were also affected by the electromagnetic pulse at that time. In addition..."

Qiao Ting held up a document.Distributed to everyone in the conference room: "This is the radar data of the escort fleet in the Gulf of Aden that I just obtained from the Navy Department. These data show that the radar signal of our warship had a gap of about 5 minutes on the night of the ship robbery. The time became extremely unstable, but the crew members on duty at the time thought they were only disturbed by clutter, and didn't think much about it. Although these two points do not confirm that the 'Vila Bay' was attacked by an electromagnetic pulse bomb, we Think, even if it is not an electromagnetic pulse bomb, it should be a type of electromagnetic pulse weapon. Even this kind of electromagnetic pulse weapon did not cause major damage to the "Vila Bay" at all, but only temporarily disabled its shipboard weapons. The Halo Group People repaired these weapons in a very short period of time, which made the 'Vila Bay' startlingly attack the US aircraft when the Americans rescued the kidnapped sailors by force..."

Shi Nansheng frowned and said nothing.

Qiao Ting's words made some sense, but there were still many problems that could not be explained.

For example, all the electronic equipment on the damaged ships had been burned. If the Vila Bay was the main target, there is no reason why the electronic equipment on the Vila Bay should not be burned.

In addition, modern weapons are generally equipped with identification friend or foe equipment. If American missiles are used to attack US military fighter planes, unless the identification code is completely changed, such an attack is simply not feasible.

From the incident of the ship hijacking to the present, the whole of Somalia seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, which makes everyone puzzled.

The meeting room was quiet. Some people lowered their heads to think, while others looked at Qiao Ting to see what else the beautiful lieutenant colonel wanted to say.

Seeing that Qiao Ting hesitated to speak, Peng Guochen smiled and said, "Xiao Qiao, if you have any other ideas, you can continue!"

Qiao Ting frowned and said, "Minister, I still have a strange feeling, but I don't know if I should say it."

"What do you feel?"

Qiao Ting said: "You should all have seen the recruitment advertisement for pirates!"

Everyone in the conference room nodded.

Qiao Ting continued: "Don't you think this tone of voice is very familiar?"

Many people were slightly taken aback!

Peng Guochen narrowed his eyes all of a sudden, and asked, "Xiao Qiao, what do you mean...?"

Qiao Ting said word by word: "Strategic deception!"

As soon as the words fell, the conference room fell into a sudden silence, and Shi Nansheng even blurted out, "How is this possible?"

Peng Guochen frowned and didn't speak. He thought about it for a moment and asked, "Little Qiao, how did you think of the Sudden War?"

Qiao Ting took a deep breath and said, "Actually, I didn't think about it that much at first, after all, it's really incredible. But during this period of time, the behavior of the pirates has always given me a familiar feeling. I feel that one night, when I was reading a document about the Bureau of War and Disregard, I suddenly saw news about pirate recruitment advertisements, and then I felt more and more that this matter was very similar to the methods of the Bureau of War and Disregard. Everyone You should all know that I have had close contact with people from the Zhanhu Bureau, and I have even seen that magical individual tactical armor with my own eyes. , It is indeed possible to recover the warlords in Somalia."

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other, a little surprised by Qiao Ting's judgment. Could it be that the magical armor she said was real? (To be continued..)

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