super robot clone

Chapter 252 Mission

Late at night, Jiangcheng.

Under the moonlight, a huge figure slowly landed on the roof of a high-rise residential building in Jinyuan District. The strong wind blown by its wings swept away the concrete gravel on the top floor platform.


The metal wings were quickly put away, and in the blink of an eye, the little butterfly tactical armor had changed into a T-shirt, jeans and casual clothes.

Chen Xin said, "Gangyi, we're here!"

The steel coin jumped off Chen Xin and said, "Old Dou, let's not talk too much, I'm starving to death!"

Saying that, it climbed down along the sewer pipe on the top floor.

Chen Xin shook his head. This guy's mouth is getting more and more serious. In the past two days, all the tanks and armored vehicles of the African Union Peacekeeping Force in Somalia have entered this guy's stomach.

This journey back to Jiangcheng from Mogadishu took Chen Xin twelve hours in total, most of which was spent on a ride-on-airbus from Dubai to Jiangcheng International Airport.

The speed of [-] kilometers per hour of metal wings is simply incomparable to the speed of [-] kilometers per hour of a passenger plane.

Fortunately, with the existence of the Little Butterfly Armor, the low temperature at an altitude of [-] meters and the strong wind did not have much impact on Chen Xin at all.

The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was that after lying on the plane for so long, his hands and feet were almost numb.

Back home, Chen Xin notified the No. [-] robot in the office of Kai Ruide Machinery Factory to let it return to the underground base.

According to the observation of Robot No. [-], the surveillance of him by the domestic intelligence agency is still going on during this period.But he didn't start staring so closely.

But Chen Xin didn't think that the domestic intelligence agencies would let him go so easily. How could the country turn a blind eye to the Star Ring Group's troubles in Africa?

But Chen Xinyan doesn't care. He is not worried that the intelligence agency will link him with the Halo Group or even the Strategic Deception Bureau. No one can do anything to him.

After more than half a year, Chen Xin's mentality of hanging silk has long since changed. From the beginning of using the ability of the steel to moles the countries, to now trying to use the ability of the steel to spread the world.Do something you want to do.Chen Xin has completed the transformation from the ruled class to the ruling class.

More importantly, as a loyal military fan and sci-fi fan, Chen Xin has his own values ​​and ideals, perhaps before he got the steel coin.These can only be called delusions.But after getting the steel coin.He already had the groundwork to turn those ideas into reality.

Now, all he has to do is to take this step bravely.

Take a good bath and sleep at home, and the next morning.Chen Xin came to Cybertron Digital's office.

Wu Jun has long been used to Chen Xin's elusiveness, so he reported to Chen Xin the latest progress of the filming of "The Wandering Earth" and the company's recent related affairs.

The filming of "The Wandering Earth" went very smoothly. Zhang Yimou and Ning Hao had a clear division of labor and cooperated tacitly. So far, about one-third of the whole film has been filmed except for the CG part.

If you work overtime, you should be able to catch up with the Lunar New Year schedule for the Spring Festival.

As for the cg work of the film, most of it is done by Cybertron Digital's film and television special effects department.

The new cg software and the tens of thousands of models in the database have greatly accelerated the progress of cg. Chen Xin does not have high requirements for the quality of their cg. As long as the general content is made, the rest can be handed over To polish the steel 镚, in this way, the work intensity of the steel 镚 is greatly reduced.

While Chen Xin and Wu Jun were discussing the company's latest situation, Chief Staff Officer Qiao Ting knocked on the door of Peng Guochen's office.

"Please come in!"

Qiao Ting pushed the door open and entered.

Peng Guochen raised his head, put down the documents in his hand, pointed to the seat in front of the desk and said, "Xiao Qiao, you are here, sit down!"

Qiao Ting said, "Minister, what do you want from me?"

Although the previous meeting did not reach any conclusions, Qiao Ting's speech still caused many people to think deeply.

The name of the Bureau of Strategic Deception has long been heard by many people. Even Lu Jianguo, who works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has more or less heard of the existence of the Bureau of War and Deception.

Not to mention the Tokyo air battle and the Charles de Gaulle airport hijacking case, the Starstone incident in Uganda and the later Las Vegas air battle alone, the powerful strength shown is enough to impress many people, not to mention the many wars with the military. cooperated.

The heavy-duty turbofan engines and gallium nitride tr components used in phased array radars provided by Zhanbuju to the Chinese military not only caused a huge sensation in the Chinese aviation industry and radar industry, but also made Chinese high-level officials aware of this organization not simple.

You must know that these two key components alone are enough for China to form a high-end naval and air force that is not inferior to the United States.

It's hard to imagine that such an organization with outstanding industrial strength and powerful force still needs to attack the Americans through the hands of Somali pirates?

This is also the reason why many people don't want to believe that the Somali ship hijacking incident is related to the Strategic Deception Bureau. Even Qiao Ting herself can't believe that the Strategic Deception Bureau would do such a petty thing.

Peng Guochen handed the document on the table to Qiao Ting and said, "Xiao Qiao, come and take a look at this document!"

"This is……"

Qiao Ting took the document, glanced at it for a while, then raised her head suddenly, and asked in surprise, "Chen Xin?"

This document is about Chen Xin's archives. At the beginning of the Charles de Gaulle airport hijacking case, domestic intelligence agencies had investigated Chen Xin, but at that time the intelligence personnel mainly investigated the connection between Chen Xin and terrorists. When it was in Peng Guochen's hands, he just glanced at it, read the conclusion of the report, and didn't pay too much attention to Chen Xin.

As for accompanying Chief No. [-] on a visit to accept the award of the French Legion of Honor, Chen Xin's performance along the way has always been quite satisfactory. No one would have thought that this guy would hide so deeply.

Peng Guochen took a sip of water from his cup and said, "Do you still remember the hijacking at Charles de Gaulle Airport?"

Qiao Ting nodded. Her first impression of Chen Xin was from the hijacking incident. The scene of Chen Xin calmly driving the Airbus A330 and landing at Charles de Gaulle International Airport was something she would never forget. Now that I think about it, this guy is pretending to be a pig. Tigers are most likely.

"Minister, are you looking for me because of Chen Xin?"

Peng Guochen nodded and said, "Little Qiao, I know you have maintained a good relationship with Chen Xin. This time, the organization has an important task for you!"

Qiao Ting was stunned, and asked, "What mission!"

Peng Guochen took out another document from the file bag, handed it to Qiao Ting, and said, "This is the mission briefing, please read it first!" (To be continued...)

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