After coming out of the company, Chen Xin called Visker, the vice president of Transwarp Group who was already stationed in China, and drove to Wujiang Industrial Park for a walk.

The framework of the Transwarp China branch has been set up, and the Wujiang Industrial Park is currently undergoing large-scale land leveling and laying of water and electricity pipe networks.

The transformation of the Kai Ruide Machinery Factory is naturally the top priority. Coupled with the underground base that is being secretly expanded, it will take at least a year for the entire project to be completed and put into use.

As for the entire sci-fi film and television city project, even if there is a guarantee of funds, it will not be completed within two years.

Chen Xin was not in a hurry.

After all, food has to be eaten bite by bite, and the road has to be walked step by step. There is still a long time in the future, and he can afford to wait.

At noon, he and Wesker had a meal at a hotel in downtown Jiangcheng, and the two sides discussed the future development plan of Xinghuan Group.

According to Chen Xin's vision, the current domestic projects of Xinghuan Group are mainly sci-fi film and television cities. As for foreign countries, they will appear as investment funds to acquire some high-tech enterprises with great potential. Cooperate with institutes to fund some basic cutting-edge scientific and technological projects.

Although the steel coin is a small monster that has wandered in the universe for tens of millions of years, it does not have a complete technological system. Let it imitate and optimize it on the basis of current technology, and order some such as the "Little Butterfly" individual tactical armor. Super equipment is fine, but if it is allowed to do some basic research that real humans can understand, then it will be helpless.

After all, it has only been more than half a year since steel coins entered human society.Many things about human beings are still half-understood, and those professional physics terms alone are enough to make it overwhelmed.

For example, Chen Xin once asked Gangjun whether the Higgs boson exists, but Gangjun didn't even understand what is called spin, what is called fermion, and what is called a boson in human quantum physics. It must be difficult for it to answer such professional questions.

But in the end, the steel hammer still gave Chen Xin a satisfactory answer: "Old Dou, what did I think it was? You are talking about mass particles!"

The Higgs boson, also known as the Xion, is a spin-zero boson predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics.Physicist Higgs proposed the Higgs this mechanism.The Higgs field induces spontaneous symmetry breaking.And give the mass to gauge propagators and fermions.The Higgs particle is the field quantized excitation of the Higgs field, which gains mass through self-interactions.

This kind of particle is of great significance to the research of fundamental physics. Although scientists have long predicted the existence of this kind of particle, humans still have no way to find this kind of particle in the laboratory. (Note: March 2013, 3. CERN issued a press release stating that the previously detected new particle is the Higgs boson.)

Although Gang Bian finally gave Chen Xin a definite answer.However, this also made Chen Xin realize that it is unlikely that the basic technology of mankind can be greatly improved in a short period of time through the use of steel.

Even if all the 62 microscopic particles in the standard particle model are confirmed, this will only open a door to the world of particle physics for human beings.No one knows what is hidden inside the gate.

As for the things that Gang Yan said, I am afraid that the top particle physicists in the world may not understand them.

Like the relationship between the closer particle world, string theory, and high-dimensional space, as well as these theories and specific engineering applications, such as long-distance quantum communication, curvature engines, space technology, etc., these are for humans on earth and those myths Stories don't make any difference.

Chen Xin was depressed for a while because of this, but the steel pen curled his lips to disdain Chen Xin's attitude. It said, "Old Dou, what else do you want? It took 2000 years for human beings to move from an agricultural society to an industrial society. It took another 300 years to go from an industrial society to an information society, which is amazing in itself, I haven't seen many civilizations in the universe develop as fast as humans. If you didn't mention Higg to me Sposson, I never thought that some scientists on the earth have already proposed the standard particle model. The gap between the development progress of human beings between applied technology and basic technology is too large. If you use basic technology on the basis of current technology If they are all developed, there will definitely be no problems in freely navigating in the solar system."

Chen Xin could only shrug his shoulders and express his helplessness to what he said. With the political ecology of the earth, it would be good if there were no large-scale wars. It is simply impossible to expect all countries to focus on aerospace technology and basic science. .

But if other countries or organizations can't do it, it doesn't mean that Chen Xin can't do it either.

The emergence of the Halo Group, in addition to attracting the attention of intelligence agencies in place of the War Bureau, another important task is to attract top scientists to join and provide them with the most advanced laboratories and manufacturing plants in the world. Xin believes that as long as those scientists can think of some technical equipment, the steel can make it possible to make it a reality, which is much better than a half-baked guy like himself.

Of course, when Chen Xin and Wesker talked about the development plan of the Star Ring Group, these topics would not be involved. It is enough for Gang Bian to send them an email about these matters.

In Wesker's eyes, Chen Xin is also a member of the huge organization behind the Lord, and his main task is to help him gain a foothold in China. As for other aspects, Wesker has not had much communication with Chen Xin.

After eating, Chen Xingang said goodbye to Wesker, and the phone rang.

Chen Xin picked up his phone and saw that it was Qiao Ting again.

He couldn't help frowning. Chen Xin didn't plan to stay longer this time when he returned to China. He had to go to Russia to do something important. But if Qiao Ting was after her, even if there was a robot substitute, she wouldn't be there. It must be something good.

Chen Xin pressed the answer button and said, "Hey, Miss Qiao, what can I do for you?"

Qiao Ting didn't care much about Chen Xin's attitude. After she disclosed to him the intelligence agency's monitoring of him last time, she didn't expect Chen Xin to treat her well. Qiao Ting smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Chen, you Where are you now, I have something important to see you!"

Chen Xin said, "What's the matter?"

"Good thing!"

"Good thing?"

Chen Xin frowned, what good could the military do for him.

Qiao Ting laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's a good thing this time, where are you, I'll go find you now!"

Chen Xin reported the address where he had dinner with Wesker, and 10 minutes later, Qiao Ting appeared in front of Chen Xin. (To be continued..)

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