super robot clone

Chapter 254 Chinese version of "Top Gun"

Qiao Ting was dressed in casual clothes, a little less heroic and a little more charming, Chen Xin couldn't help but take a second look. "*word*feeling*first*post"

The two found a booth and sat down together.

"Have you eaten yet? How about going to eat something together first!"

Although it was past meal time, Chen Xin still showed due courtesy.

Qiao Ting stroked the hair on her forehead, and said with a smile: "No need, I've already eaten, let's have something to drink."

Soon, two cups of green tea were served.

Chen Xin took a sip of his tea and asked, "Miss Qiao, I don't know if you came to see me this time, what's the good thing for you?"

Qiao Ting did not answer, but took out a document from the Kun bag she was carrying and handed it to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin took a few glances over it, and the expression on his face became dull for a moment, and he said, "Making the Chinese version? Isn't this what Bayi Studio does? Why do you want me?"

It is an American-style blockbuster film shot in the 80s of the last century in the United States. It tells the story of Medellin, an American aircraft carrier pilot played by Tom Cruise, who takes his old pilot father as his idol. The story of a flying elite.

Although the plot of the film is old-fashioned, the focus of the film is the mutual chasing and formation of fighter jets, the magnificent mountains and rivers, the vast ocean, the blue sky and white clouds, the afterglow of the setting sun, the beautiful pictures and passionate music make the audience amazed. , is still one of the best air combat blockbusters in movie history.

This film not only established the status of the F-14 "Tomcat" fighter jet, but also enabled the U.S. Navy to win the highest enlistment rate since World War II. a member.

Chen Xin never expected that the military would ask him to make such a film. A film that is closely related to the military cannot be shot by an ordinary film company.

Qiao Ting pursed her lips and said with a smile, "You should still remember the CG film of the Varyag that I showed Mu Lao when I visited him last time, and Mu Lao copied a few copies of this CG short film for others The old chief sent it over, and everyone said it was good. Later, the chief suggested that since the aircraft carrier has already come out, why not shoot such a film in real terms, and it can also warm up the service of the Varyag. So we had to find You are the instigator! Of course, Bayi Film Studio will also send people to assist you in filming."

Chen Xin nodded and didn't say anything. Qiao Ting's purpose was obviously not that simple, but since the other party came to her door, it's hard to refuse, not to mention this kind of fame and fortune. Opportunity to board the aircraft carrier Varyag.

Chen Xin pretended to ponder for a while, and asked: "Miss Qiao, I can take the film. But there is a problem. Didn't there be news that the Varyag had a problem with the sea trial and returned to Hong Kong for maintenance? If there is no such a big guy, the filming There is no way to talk about it, and one more point, how is the training of our carrier-based pilots? Can we guarantee the shooting requirements? And if shooting, we must have the cooperation of a two-seater fighter. Only in this way can we provide a corresponding shooting angle. I understand that the J-15s two-seater carrier-based fighter is still in the development stage."

Qiao Ting said: "Just don't worry about this, we will solve these problems. As for why the Varyag stopped the trial voyage back to the port, it involves related confidentiality, so I can't say more, but I can guarantee that there is no problem with the Varyag! "

When Qiao Ting spoke.He stared at Chen Xin without blinking, trying to see something on his face.

The Bureau of Strategic Deception sold a large number of high-performance phased array radar ts components to the military, which was the real reason why the Varyag temporarily returned to Hong Kong for emergency renovation. Although rumors were flying all over the Internet, the military remained silent.Even at the regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense, the spokesperson refused to answer questions from foreign media on the grounds of suspicion of confidentiality.

Qiao Ting believes that if Xinghuan Group is really related to Zhan Suju, then it is impossible for Chen Xin not to know the inside story.

It's a pity that the surprised and slightly joyful expression on Chen Xin's face made no difference at all, and Qiao Ting couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

Chen Xin thought for a while, and then asked: "When will this movie start shooting? You should know that shooting such a large military-themed movie requires photography and other aspects. I need time to prepare. In addition, I hope that the script can also be directly written by our Cybertronian Digital itself, as long as you provide the relevant equipment and personnel."

Qiao Ting nodded and said with a smile, "The movie will start shooting in about a month! As for the conditions you mentioned, I can promise you!"


After sending Qiao Ting away, Chen Xin rushed to the company to find Wu Jun, and handed the document Qiao Ting left to Wu Jun.

"What? Cooperate with the military to make a movie about an aircraft carrier? Mr. Chen, isn't this a joke?"

Wu Jun flipped through the documents in his hand, and said in disbelief.

Although he had some guesses about Chen Xin's identity, he never expected that Chen Xin would get such an opportunity.

The aircraft carrier is of great significance to China. In the hearts of the Chinese people, the aircraft carrier is almost a symbol of national strength. As the first aircraft carrier in Chinese history, the people's expectations for the Varyag can be imagined.

Therefore, private enterprises have no right to intervene in the shooting plan of such a significant equipment, not to mention the issue of military secrets involved.

How did Chen Xin do it?This is beyond what the hands and eyes can describe.

For a while, Wu Jun's evaluation of Chen Xin rose again.

Chen Xin said with a smile: "Old Wu, don't get excited, don't get excited. This matter is still in the confidential stage, don't make a big noise to let everyone know. The military only gave us a month of preparation time. Once the team is formed, I will handle the script, and as for the director, I will take charge of it myself. If there are no accidents, we will be on board the ship to shoot in a month's time!"

Wu Jun nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will take care of this matter for you!"

In any case, this is an opportunity that is difficult to find even with a lantern. If the news is revealed, Wu Jun estimates that the eyes of other film company bosses will turn red with jealousy.

What's more important is the relationship with the Chinese government. As long as there is a successful cooperation in this kind of thing, even if it doesn't make money, the hidden benefits in the future can't be bought with money.

Chen Xin looked at the excited Wu Jun with a wry smile.

He could probably guess the thoughts in Wu Jun's mind. If Wu Jun knew that he and Cybertron Digital had become the number one target of the intelligence department, he didn't know what expression he would have on his face.

After explaining the task of shooting the new movie, Chen Xin said to Wu Jun again: "By the way, Old Wu, I may have to go abroad soon, and I will leave the company to you!"

Wu Jun nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, don't worry, with me here, the company won't have any problems."

Wu Jun has long been used to Chen Xin's elusive presence, and since he also owns shares in Digital Cybertron, he naturally does his best for the company's affairs.


Going to Russia this time was something that Chen Xin had planned long ago. Ever since he decided to develop the Zhanhu Bureau into an entity organization, Chen Xin has been thinking about how to keep this organization secret while being in the cracks between the world's major powers. There is enough room for development.

Especially after going to Somalia, he realized the importance of force checks and balances, but the existence of the steel coin cannot be known to anyone, so, as long as he has a weapon that can show others and at the same time make all countries feel afraid. A must do.

Out of cost considerations, Chen Xin set his sights on distant Russia.

The huge strategic arsenal left over from the former Soviet Union provided Chen Xin with many choices. In the end, he set his goal on a deep-sea giant, which is also one of the most powerful strategic weapons in human history— - "Typhoon" class ballistic missile nuclear submarine.

The Typhoon class, as the fourth-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine of the Russian Navy, was the pinnacle of the former Soviet Union's maritime strategic nuclear force during the Cold War. It was mainly used to counter the US "Ohio" class ballistic missile nuclear submarine.This class of boats can carry twenty p-39 (NATO code name: ss-n-20) ballistic missiles, and each ballistic missile can carry ten nuclear warheads, one of which can directly bring a medium-sized country back to the Stone Age.

The chief designer of the Typhoon class once said something like this in an interview with Very: "You and I both live in an imperfect world, and will continue to live in this world." "At that time, the United States produced the Ohio class In order to surpass nuclear-powered strategic submarines, we must develop stronger submarines."

This is the reason why the typhoon was developed, and also the real reason why Chen Xin chose the typhoon.

A total of 6 Typhoon-class ships have been built, and 3 ships are currently in service.However, due to the huge maintenance costs, the modification is not cost-effective. The modernization and upgrading cost of a "Typhoon" class is equivalent to the construction cost of two "Borei" class ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

In addition, due to the large hull of the Typhoon class, it must be easier to spot than the Delta IV class or the American Ohio class.Moreover, the maintenance cost of the Typhoon class is also higher than that of the Ohio class, which is also doomed that the Soviet Union, whose economy is not as good as the United States, cannot mass-produce and maintain such submarines.

Therefore, two of the three ships currently in service in the Russian Navy are actually idle, and the only one actually used as a hydroacoustic and weapon test platform, the "Dmitry Donskoy", continues to serve as a new A test bed for the first generation of "Bulava" submarine intercontinental missiles until 2019. [END OF CHAPTER]

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