super robot clone

Chapter 281 Landing Test

Both Luo Yang and Huang Haibo attached great importance to the landing of the J-15 fighter jet.

In a sense, this test is a milestone for the Chinese navy.

As we all know, the landing of a carrier-based aircraft on the deck is a process full of various dangers. Going forward, backward, left, or right will cause the danger of rushing out of the deck or colliding with other aircraft on the ship. If the range is too large, it will also cause the carrier-based aircraft to capsize when the wheel touches the deck.

Therefore, the landing of carrier-based fighter jets on an aircraft carrier has always been called a dance on the tip of the knife. In the early days of the development of aircraft carriers, every landing of a sortie meant that the pilots had a brush with death.

During World War II, the U.S. Navy had statistics that, on average, for every 50 landings of carrier-based aircraft, an accident may occur, and the accident rate is 2%.

Later, after the jet fighters were on board, the accident rate was reduced to 1%.

This is because jet fighters adopt a three-point landing gear design with better taxiing performance, and can land with a large glide angle without flattening, thereby increasing the ratio of the projected area of ​​the aircraft carrier deck to the landing aircraft, thereby quickly reducing the aircraft carrier's deck to the landing plane. The accident rate of carrier-based aircraft landing has been reduced from 2% to 1%.

Later, the appearance of the inclined deck provided the opportunity for the aircraft to touch the ship and go around, further reducing the accident rate.

In modern times, the emergence of various auxiliary landing equipment such as optics and radar has almost reduced the accident rate of landing to a negligible level.

Of course, compared with these landing aids, blocking devices are also a major problem in the development of aircraft carriers.

The arresting device is mainly composed of arresting cables and arresting nets. Compared with the arresting nets, the technical difficulty of the four arresting cables across the deck of the aircraft carrier is relatively much greater.

What modern aircraft carrier generally uses is the hydraulic arresting system, it is made up of braking apparatus, hydraulic buffer system and cooling braking equipment includes: a blocking mechanism that generates braking force, a control valve that maintains the pressure of the brake cylinder, and a pressure accumulator that ensures that the aircraft can be quickly returned after blocking the aircraft; the hydraulic buffer system is mainly used to reduce the overload at the initial moment of braking and extend the braking time. System life; the cooling system is used to cool the heat energy converted from the huge kinetic energy of the carrier aircraft during the interception process.

When the arresting cable is attached to the tail hook of the carrier-based aircraft, the arresting cable slows down the speed of the aircraft through the pulley damper while continuously transmitting kinetic energy to the compressed air tank.At this time, the entire blocking system hidden below the deck works simultaneously.The huge kinetic energy brought by the impact is converted into the thermal energy of the hydraulic oil and the potential energy of the compressed air, so that the aircraft is cushioned and braked.

Although this device is simple to say, there are not many countries that can actually make it.

"Hanhe Defense Review" once published an article saying that "the development of China's aircraft carrier arresting cable has been hindered and has to be purchased from Ukraine", which caused a great sensation in the domestic military circle.

However, the reality of Hongguoguo finally slapped Pingkov in the face. The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Defense said in response to the reporter's related questions that the aircraft carrier blocking device on the Varyag was completely independently developed by China and had nothing to do with other countries. .


In the eyes of many people, the difficulty in the development of aircraft carriers lies in the way of take-off.But for many countries, landing safety is the technical bottleneck in the development of aircraft carriers.

It can be said that as long as you master the landing technology of carrier-based aircraft, you will get a pass to build an aircraft carrier.

Increasing the displacement of the aircraft carrier is a way to reduce the difficulty of carrier-based aircraft landing, but to achieve a more ideal effect, the cost of the aircraft carrier will increase significantly.This has formed another capital barrier, which is also unbearable for many countries.

It is precisely because the landing problem is so serious that more than ten years ago, many aviation experts believed that short take-off and vertical landing were the best development direction for carrier-based aircraft.

But VTOL comes at a greater cost.

In addition to the aircraft's combat radius and ammunition capacity to be discounted.Complicated heat dissipation circulating water pipes will also be installed under the deck of the landing point.Facts have proved that the use of vertical take-off and landing aircraft on aircraft carriers outweighs the benefits.

As for the development prospects of this technology in the future, it remains to be seen.

Of course, the deck landing method also brings about problems such as increased aircraft structure, which seriously affects the combat performance of carrier-based aircraft. Compared with land-based combat aircraft of the same type, almost all carrier-based aircraft have inferior tactical and technical performance Pretty big drop.

For example, the J-15 is far ahead of the J-11b fighter jets in radar, but it is much smaller than the J-11b in terms of ammunition load and combat radius.


For these, Chen Xin naturally knew well, the reason why he came aboard the Varyag this time.In addition to filming "Flying Shark in the Blue Sea", witnessing the landing of J-15 fighter jets on an aircraft carrier is also one of his goals.

However, during the visit to the Varyag, Chen Xin's attention was quickly attracted by another wave of personnel.

To be exact.It's the clothes on these people.

They wear helmets and colorful waistcoats.

After asking, I found out that these people are the operators on the flight deck of the Chinese aircraft carrier. In order to facilitate the organization during the take-off and landing of the aircraft, they mainly use the work clothes and the color of the helmets they wear as distinguishing marks. Also mark their respective job titles and serial numbers.

At present, the deck staff of the Chinese Navy aircraft carrier is roughly divided into seven battle positions. The purple vest is the fuel supply battle position. The purple vest and purple helmet are used, and the word "oil" is marked on the back.

The red vest is a dangerous and safety control position, such as a weapon mounted, using a red vest and a red helmet, and the word "ammunition" is marked on the back.

Green vests are used for take-off and landing and aircraft maintenance positions. Generally, green vests and green helmets are used, such as aircraft safety management when carrier-based aircraft take off, and the word "take off" is marked on the back.

The blue vest is the position for transportation and air supply support. It is the main work position for aircraft aviation maintenance. Generally, blue helmets and blue vests are used. The words "transportation" are marked on the back.

White vests are for security, medical, political and temporary boarding personnel. Generally, they wear white helmets and vests, such as security personnel, with the word "safety" marked on their backs.

The yellow vest is a command position.For example, the top management personnel of the aviation system, the words "air captain" are marked on the back of the vest.The brown vest is the maintenance position.

China's battle position management and vest distinction methods basically follow the rules of the US military. Chen Xin can fully understand it, because this set of US rules is a summary of the experience of using aircraft carriers in the United States in the past century. Learning from the strong is the performance of a wise man.

Or in a sense, this also represents the ambition of the Chinese navy.

In the future, it is the goal of the Chinese navy to be able to wrestle with the world's largest power in all major seas of the world, and it is still far away from this goal!

Time passed unknowingly.Chen Xin's aircraft carrier life has passed two days.

In the past two days, the J-15 fighter jets appeared in everyone's field of vision from time to time, roaring and contacting the deck flight deck, and then took off quickly.

In technical terms, this is called a touch-and-go-around, an important part of aircraft carrier fighter pilot training.

The J-15 fighter pilots are flying elites from the Naval Aviation, with thousands of hours of flying experience. Even for them, such flying is a very difficult challenge.Every drop can make the nerves tense.

And what they have to do is to adapt to this tension as quickly as possible, because in the future, hundreds of pilots will join their ranks.

Chen Xin asked Huang Haibo about the situation of carrier-based aircraft pilots, and the other party did not shy away from saying that the country has made preparations for directly training carrier-based aircraft pilots from high school students.In this way, it also makes the training of the entire carrier-based aircraft pilot more targeted.

On the third morning, Chen Xin got up early.After having breakfast in the restaurant, he, Qiao Ting and others came to the bridge of the Varyag together.

The new radar is combined with a new generation of c4i digital command and control system and a data link system independently developed by China, which makes the Varyag have excellent fleet command capabilities.

In a sense, it has automatically become the flagship of the Chinese Navy since the day it entered service.

There were rumors that the Varyag would be a training aircraft carrier, but Chen Xin knew that this was just a smoke bomb released by the military.

Perhaps in the future, the Varyag will be mainly used for the training of the Chinese navy's carrier-based aviation, but when necessary, this aircraft carrier can go to the battlefield and exert a combat effectiveness far beyond the expectations of the outside world.

Commander of this flight test. Rear Admiral Huang Haibo, deputy commander of the bh fleet, Luo Yang, chairman of AVIC, and others have all arrived on the bridge.

The early spring in Bohai Bay is cloudless and windy.Through the portholes of the bridge, it can be seen that the deck operators of the Varyag are lining up in two rows, looking for debris on the flight deck, so as to prevent the impact on the landing of the carrier-based aircraft this morning.

According to the plan, the first J-15 fighter jet will land on the Varyag around nine o'clock.

At the rear of the deck, many ground crews were wandering around the four Z-9 helicopters.

Today's first landing is of great significance to China, and Cybertron Digital will also intercept the scene of the landing of the carrier-based aircraft in the movie.

For this reason, eight shooting positions have been arranged on the aircraft carrier, and the J-15 fighter jet also comes with four cameras, front, rear, up and down, and the four helicopters will shoot the landing of the J-15 from the air.

Chen Xin chatted with Huang Haibo, and seeing that the time was almost up, he said, "Commander Huang, is the helicopter ready?"

Huang Haibo said: "They are all ready to take off!"

Chen Xin nodded and said: "Time waits for no one, so I will go down first."

In order to better record this milestone scene, Chen Xin and the photographer will board one of the helicopters to shoot the landing process of the fighter jet from the side and rear of the aircraft carrier.

Of course, Chen Xin did this in order to cover Gangzheng. After all, the military wanted to advance the take-off and landing test of the aircraft for him, so Gangzheng naturally had to escort this test.

Following the news of the takeoff of the J-15 fighter jets from the XC base, four helicopters also took off one after another and arrived at the scheduled airspace.

The Zhi-9c helicopter that Chen Xin was in was located at an altitude of about 100 meters behind the aircraft carrier, and maintained the same speed cruise as the aircraft carrier.

Soon, a Cybertron digital photographer who was on the plane with Chen Xin called out: "Mr. Chen, look, the plane is coming!"

Chen Xin was wearing wide sunglasses. Between the sea and the sky, a silver-gray fighter jet roared towards him.

Even with the interference of the turboshaft engine of the helicopter, the roar of the J-15 can be faintly heard.

A look of excitement appeared on Chen Xin's face, and he said, "Xiao Gao, get ready for shooting!"

The photographer named Xiao Gao excitedly said: "Okay!"

The camera quickly focused on the silver warhawk in the sky.

The J-15 circled a few times in the air, and soon came to the rear of the Varyag.

In Xiaodie's own headset, Chen Xin was continuously broadcasting the conversation between the flight command room and the pilot.

"Flying Shark One, Flying Shark One, pay attention to maintain the altitude and maintain the predetermined course!"

"Flying Shark No. [-] understands!"

"Okay, very good, pay attention to maintain your posture!"



The J-15 fighter jet is very stable, and it can be heard that the pilot's mentality is relatively calm.

The sunglasses on Chen Xin's face were automatically calculating the flight path of the J-15, and the steel metal was silently merging with the fighter from the air.

However, the steel hammer did not interfere with the pilot's operation in any way.

According to the flight route provided by the sunglasses, this will be a perfect landing. The tail hook of the aircraft has been aligned with the second arresting wire of the aircraft carrier.

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