From the perspective of the aircraft carrier bridge, the tens of tons of J-15 fighter jets first enter from the direction of the stern. When the distance from the stern is about 2 nautical miles, the aircraft maintains a height of 450 meters, and then moves at a speed of 550-650 kilometers per hour. The speed is passed by the starboard side of the carrier.


At this time, the landing gear and flaps of the J-15 had been opened, and the fighter quickly entered the splint area from the tail of the aircraft carrier in a perfect posture. In the blink of an eye, the dozens of tons of fighter jets slammed hard on the runway of the aircraft carrier. , The moment the wheel touched the splint, a puff of green smoke rose.

The alloy tail hook of the J-15 accurately hooked the second arresting cable, and then within a short distance of tens of meters, the speed decreased from 250 kilometers to zero. During this process, the pilot always pushed the accelerator to the maximum.

"Good job!"

"Perfect landing!"

"Great, we made it!"

Everyone in the aircraft carrier bridge cheered.

Chen Xin and the cameraman surnamed Gao also clapped hands on the Zhi-9 helicopter.

The celebration only lasted less than ten seconds. Immediately, aircrews in various vests went up to instruct the plane to fold its wings, then slowly retracted the tail hook, and the arresting cable quickly reset.

One minute later, the splint was cleared, and at this time, the second J-1 fighter jet appeared over the aircraft carrier.

This landing was not just one sortie, but seven consecutive landing tests.

Chen Xin didn't expect the military to be so bold and dare to play like this for the first time.

However, the success of the first sortie obviously gave the on-site commander a lot of confidence, and soon, the second J-15 fighter jet also entered the landing channel.

In the next hour or so, seven J-15 fighter jets landed on the aircraft carrier one by one. Except for one aircraft whose tail hook was not hooked to the arresting cable for a go-around and re-landing, the rest of the landings were very smooth.

For the first time, this nascent Chinese aviation force sent its first voice to the sky.

When Chen Xin landed on the aircraft carrier by helicopter, seven fighter jets were parked on the parking bays on both sides of the bridge of the Varyag. It indicates that this aircraft carrier has a certain amount of air power.

When Chen Xin got off the plane, an orderly came up to him and saluted Chen Xin: "Mr. Chen, we will hold a celebration party in the hangar at noon. The chief asked me to take you there."

Chen Xin nodded with a smile, and took the memory card from the master.

He was very satisfied with the shooting this morning. What surprised him the most was that the last J-15s fighter jet that landed was a two-seater fighter. He never expected that the military had developed a two-seater fighter without knowing it. version of the heavy carrier-based fighter.

This means that China will not only not have to worry about training aircraft for carrier-based pilots in the future, but the emergence of the two-seater type also enables the J-15s to change from a pure air defense interceptor fighter to a multi-purpose ground-to-sea attack fighter.

The back seat pilot can become a weapon operator like the US military's f-15.

When Chen Xin came to the hangar, the hangar was already lit up with hundreds of people gathered.

The chefs have prepared all kinds of delicacies for the celebration banquet. Not only the crew of the Varyag aircraft carrier, but also employees from Cybertron and AVIC were also invited.

Huang Haibo, the chief commander of the flight test, is shaking hands with the test flight heroes who participated in this flight test.

In this test, the cooperation of the splint air crew and the pilots was perfect, which verified the combat effectiveness of the Varyag aircraft carrier in all aspects. The successful landing of seven consecutive sorties also laid a good foundation for the next actions of the Varyag. Base.

Seeing Chen Xin approaching, the red-faced Huang Haibo took Chen Xin, Luo Yang, Qiao Ting and others to take a group photo with the eight pilots who had just completed their landing mission.

After the routine ceremony ended, the atmosphere at the scene became active.

This celebration banquet is more similar to a western buffet style, food and drinks are self-service.

The crew of the Varyag who completed the first phase of the mission were all in high spirits, and the pilots were all smiling and excited.

The employees of Cybertron Digital have already integrated into it. Before witnessing the spectacular scene of seven fighter jets landing on the aircraft carrier one after another, the patriotism of everyone was thoroughly aroused.

Many people held their cameras high and captured the commemorative scene in front of them with images.

It's a pity that the Varyag is prohibited from surfing the Internet, otherwise this grand occasion would have caused a sensation on the Internet.

In the afternoon of the same day, the CCTV reporter stationed on the ship got some pictures from Chen Xin when the fighter jets landed in the morning, and soon sent the relevant data to the headquarters via satellite.

According to them, the superior has clearly given instructions to release the video of the landing flight test to the outside world as soon as possible.

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