super robot clone

Chapter 283 Aircraft carrier style

Seven J-15 fighter jets landed on the Varyag, which was only the starting point of the flight test mission. After the simple celebration ceremony, the air crew of the Varyag became busy again.

Five fighter jets were sent into the hangar through the elevator, and the remaining two fighter jets went through a series of inspection procedures, refueled and inflated, and then entered the long-distance take-off position on the flight deck.

During this process, two deck aircrews were assigned to each aircrew position to operate, and even the aircrew wearing a yellow vest to direct the fighter plane to take off also arranged two people. Chen Xin knew that the military was already preparing for the next flight. The aircraft carrier is ready.

Compared with landing, the risk of take-off is much smaller, not to mention that the pilots have already conducted countless take-off drills on the ski jump deck of the xc base.

The two fighter jets took off again, hovered in the sky for half an hour, and then landed one after another. In a whole day, the Varyag completed nine sorties of landings and two sorties of take-offs. The whole process went smoothly. It went very smoothly and effectively tested the suitability of the ship and aircraft and the operational effectiveness of the entire command system of the aircraft carrier.

Photographers from Cybertron Digital and Bayi Film Studios have been keeping up with the shooting in real time, recording a large amount of precious image data.

In addition to handing over these materials to the military for retention, some of them will be cut into the footage of the movie and become part of "The Flying Shark in the Blue Sea".

Of course, the shooting of the film is far more than that, and there will be a lot of special effects shots to be added later. According to the scheduled plan, in the process of the aircraft carrier going to the South China Sea, there will be shooting in Zhoushan Islands, Xisha and Nansha Islands picture.

Without the support of the military, no film and television company could afford such an extravagant filming.

Not to mention the fuel costs during the flight, just allowing an aircraft carrier to fully cooperate with Cybertron's shooting operations and sail across most of the Chinese sea area is enough to make Cybertron proud.

In the next few days, the J-15 fighter jets on the Varyag have been conducting corresponding take-off and landing flight training.

In addition to the eight pilots that Chen Xin had seen before, the military added a few pilots to the aircraft carrier's pilot brigade, basically maintaining the standard of two pilots per fighter.

Such a high-density and high-intensity training task.The hidden risks are still great, and the military has made sufficient psychological preparations for this, but to their surprise, during the test flight training process, the performance of the Varyag and the J-15 fighter jets was unexpectedly good. , The cooperation between the pilot and the air crew on the aircraft carrier deck was also perfect, and the whole process was unexpectedly smooth.

What they don't know is that many dangers have been silently strangled in the cradle by steel coins as soon as they sprouted, and even some small defects of J-15 fighter jets and Varyag aircraft carriers have been silently repaired by steel coins up.The same is true for some misoperations that affect flight safety.

And these data have been completely recorded by Chen Xin.He intends to submit it to the Chinese military after the filming mission is over.Take it as a reward for the military's full cooperation this time, and show them the strength of the Star Ring Group by the way.

Chen Xin believed that those bigwigs who longed for an aircraft carrier to become an army as soon as possible would be very willing to accept such a gift.

While the Varyag is speeding up its flight training, the domestic media is also busy.


No one expected that the J-15 would take off and land on the Varyag so quickly.

Generally speaking, even if the news media does not report such a major weapon test, there will usually be someone warming up in the military circle.

For example, in late December 2010, half a month before the test flight of the J-12, news about China's fourth-generation stealth fighter jets had already been widely speculated on the Internet. It will be tested at the end of the year.

Even if the Varyag goes to sea for experiments.The Maritime Safety Administration usually draws out a sea area to remind fishing boats and merchant ships not to enter this sea area within a certain period of time.

Moreover, before Varyag went to sea, he had just undergone two months of renovation work. Many people believed that Varyag went to sea this time.At best, it is just a continuation of the previous sea trial work.

Unexpectedly, this trip to sea, the military actually conducted a carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing test directly on the Varyag.

But no one cares about these things anymore. The important thing is that the carrier-based aircraft has landed on the aircraft carrier and took off flawlessly.

After this video was uploaded to the Internet, it quickly ignited the enthusiasm of netizens.

What is even more surprising is that the "take-off gesture" of the take-off commander in a yellow vest became the biggest highlight in the video, which was enthusiastically sought after and imitated by netizens.

This is the moment before the J-15 took off. Two takeoff assistants wearing yellow vests squatted down on their right knees, pointing their right index and middle fingers in the direction of takeoff, which means "signify to put down the stopper chock and deflector, and the plane will take off."

In the past, these handsome movements could only be seen on American aircraft carriers. In the hearts of many people, this posture is almost a symbol of a naval power.

No one expected that this gesture also appeared on a Chinese aircraft carrier.

In the super base camp, a netizen uploaded a selfie imitating the action, and named the action aircraft carrier style. This post quickly attracted the attention of netizens. School, in the office, and even on the street carrier style uploaded in this post.

Soon, this trend of selfies spread from military fan groups to ordinary netizens. Social media such as Koukou, Tieba, and WB are full of selfies and discussions of aircraft carrier style. It caught the attention of the mainstream media.

Some people say that behind the popularity of "aircraft carrier style" is the growing strength of the motherland and the pride of the people.

Some people also say that the popularity of "aircraft carrier style" shows people's excitement about the progress of the country. For senior military fans, it not only represents the love for the motherland, but also shows the growth of our navy from weak to strong, from offshore to offshore. To the distant sea, the bitter journey along the way is a great comfort.

As for those who complain that the Chinese aircraft carrier is a piece of scrap iron, they have become the target of ridicule by netizens.

A netizen called acg China commented on these people: "When Varyag came, you said he was a piece of scrap iron. When he was repainted, you said it was just a shell. Without power, he was still a waste material. Later, the engine was tested. , You also said that without weapons, it is just a target. When the weapons are on the ship, you say that if there is no blocking cable, everything is just a cloud. With the blocking cable, you say that there is no carrier-based aircraft or waste... Now that you have carrier-based aircraft, you What more complaints do you want to continue? Often the black rabbit can only move out of your American godfather in the end!!! Another year for Nanwang Wangshi!!!”

When Chen Xin browsed the news on the aircraft carrier with his own laptop, the Varyag was meeting with two 054a-class guided missile destroyers and a Hyundai-class guided missile destroyer, forming a small fleet to head to the South China Sea.

He couldn't help but be a bit dumbfounded. He didn't expect netizens to have such talent, and he didn't expect the aircraft carrier style to cause such a sensation.

And in Youku, he saw an article titled "Aircraft carrier style run forward!"Facing cold eyes and ridicule! "The video, the first 5 minutes of this video is a carnival of selfies by netizens, and then it uses comics to show the history of the Varyag for more than 20 years, and it is accompanied by the band Gala's "Chasing Dreams". It sounds pretty tear-jerking.

This aircraft carrier, which was born in the former Soviet Union and reborn in New China, has finally taken its faltering step.

Chen Xin felt a little impulsive, and uploaded the footage he took on the aircraft carrier to the Internet during this period.

He believes that this will definitely cause a bigger sensation.

At present, the Varyag is completely defenseless against Chen Xin. No matter where he goes, even if he carries a camera to take pictures of the aircraft carrier bridge command room, no one stops him.

Of course, if Chen Xin really wants to shoot, no one can stop him.

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