super robot clone

Chapter 286 The Growler

Back in the cabin, Chen Xin closed the cabin door, opened the laptop, and said to Gang Tong, "Gang Tong, connect to the combat command system of the Varyag, and check which warships the U.S. Navy has sent over this time."

"Okay, it will be fine soon."

The steel coin turned into sunglasses and resting on Chen Xin's face was ejected instantly, transformed into a robot in mid-air, and then fell on the table, fused with the laptop.

After 1 minute, relevant information appeared on the LED screen.

Chen Xin pouted his chin, looked at the computer screen with piercing eyes and said, "The guided missile cruiser Bunker Hill, the guided missile destroyer USS Sampson, the hydroacoustic survey ship Impeccable, and an electromagnetic reconnaissance ship, no wonder the Navy wants to stop filming." .”

Gang Jun added: "Old Dou, don't forget that the USS Stennis aircraft carrier and three other US warships were visiting Manila, the capital of the Philippines, a few days ago."

Gang Bian called up the satellite map of Jakarta, and said: "This is the picture taken by the Google satellite a day ago. The Stennis has already sailed to the north. It should meet with this small fleet from Japan the day after tomorrow. In this way, The combat effectiveness of the US aircraft carrier fleet is already higher than that of the Varyag aircraft carrier battle group."

Chen Xin was taken aback. The three warships operating with the Stennis were two Aegis guided missile destroyers and an integrated supply ship. If the Bunker Hill fleet was added, it would be enough to form an aircraft carrier battle group. What's more, the American nuclear submarine has not yet shown up.

"The Yankee really thinks highly of the Chinese navy. The Varyag just didn't make it into the army. He came up with such a lineup."

Think about the sincere cooperation between China and the United States in the Bering Sea not long ago in order to deal with the new typhoon.In less than two months, the navies of the two countries are about to fight each other in the South China Sea. The relationship between countries really cannot be described as friendship.

In the command room of the Varyag aircraft carrier, Major General Huang Haibo listened to the latest battle report and murmured: "The Americans are not kind!"

Colonel Zhang Zhen, the captain of the aircraft carrier standing beside him, said, "Sir, what shall we do next?"

Huang Haibo said: "What should I do? Soldiers come to cover the water and soil, and ask HNA to send a squadron of Su-30s and two Air Police 200s to Yongxing Island to notify the local garrison. Do a good job of ensuring ammunition and fuel. I don't believe it. How dare you do anything within the combat radius of our land-based fighter jets!"



While the Chinese side was making intensive preparations, there was no tension at all inside the bridge of the Stennis aircraft carrier.

Commodore Samuel Perez, the fleet commander, was smoking a Cuban cigar.Looking at the latest pictures captured by high-precision optical satellites with a relaxed face.More than ten warships are arranged in order.It left a snow-white trail on the blue sea.

"This is the Chinese aircraft carrier group, um...the latest intelligence shows that they are conducting formation training 50 nautical miles east of Yongxing Island in Xisha. I heard that they deployed seven carrier-based fighter jets on that small aircraft carrier , I don’t know what these seven fighters can do.” Colonel Bass, the captain of the Stennis aircraft carrier, said in a mocking tone.

Compared with the more than [-] combat aircraft of various types on the Stennis, the carrier aircraft on the Varyag is really nothing.

Brigadier General Perez laughed, exhaled smoke rings and said, "We'd better join the fleet led by the guided missile cruiser Bunker Hill first. Since Washington asked us to explore the opponent's bottom, we will send two 'Growlers' tomorrow." In the past, let’s look at the performance of the Chinese! Where is the USS North Carolina nuclear submarine now?”

Colonel Bass clicked a few times on the electronic chart and said: "The signal from an hour ago showed that they were at 13°03' north latitude and 114°17' east longitude, and they were still 350 nautical miles away from the Varyag. Enter the core defense circle of the Chinese aircraft carrier at five o'clock."

Brigadier General Perez said: "Well, inform the boys of the Growler Squadron to let them take a good rest and start operations tomorrow."

Colonel Bath saluted and said, "Yes!"

The aircraft carrier USS Stennis is equipped with Boeing's latest EA-18G "Growler" electronic attack aircraft, which was developed on the basis of the US Navy's FA-18EF "Super Hornet" fighter attack aircraft.

ea-18g not only has a new generation of electronic countermeasure equipment, but also retains all the weapon systems and excellent maneuverability of fa-18ef. Electronic attack (aea) mission.

Experts commented that the "Growler" is not only the electronic jammer with the strongest combat effectiveness, but also the fighter with the strongest electronic jamming capability.

The most surprising thing is that this is the first fighter in the world to shoot down an F22 Raptor.

At the end of February 2009, on the opening day of the US Army Andrews Air Force Base, people were surprised to find that an EA-2G "Growler" electronic warfare aircraft painted an f-18 logo on the results area under the cockpit , when asked about this, the pilot admitted that it was indeed a genuine f-22, which was "shot down" by the aim-22 of the ea-18g in a confrontation exercise, but how did the ea-120g launch the missile, and The pilot did not disclose whether its built-in jamming system worked or not.

Prior to this, the f-22 had achieved an incredible 2006:144 against three generations of fighter jets in the "Northern Margin 0" joint military exercise held in Alaska, but this time it seemed that it was not so lucky.

The ea-18g was officially delivered to the troops in June 2008. It is the latest member of the f-6 "Hornet" family and the successor of the ea-18b. Although it is not as stealthy as the f-6, it is also a The cutting-edge fighter that combines electronic warfare and conventional warfare has strong capabilities in electronic interference and suppression.

However, although the f-22 "broke the halberd" this time, the countries that use the f-22 as the main combat target are not happy at all. It is still a contest between American aircraft, and after being "shot down" this time, the f-22 is likely to take action to address the exposed problems, and it will naturally be more difficult to shoot it down in the future.

Brigadier General Perez sent the "Growler" to the mission this time, which is quite respectful of China's nascent carrier-based aviation unit. In addition to testing the combat effectiveness of the PLA Navy's J-15 fighter jets, the Growler also shoulders the task of collecting Varyag The important task of the electromagnetic signal characteristics of the new phased array radar on board.

At the beginning, the Varyag suddenly returned to the dock after several sea trials. People always thought that there were major problems in the sea trials before returning to the dock for renovation.

It was not until the Varyag reappeared in front of the public two months later that people discovered that the 346 phased array radar with the arc-shaped protective cover on the bridge of the Varyag was gone, and it was replaced by another A planar phased array radar.

There is no relevant information on this radar in the US intelligence database. Since the Varyag dared to come to the South China Sea this time, Brigadier General Perez would naturally not let go of such an opportunity. (To be continued..)

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