super robot clone

Chapter 287 The Curtain Opens

In the guest cabin of the "Varyag" aircraft carrier, Chen Xin rested his chin with one hand, and said with great interest: "Gangbi, I suddenly have an idea, you said we add the footage of the confrontation between Chinese and American fighter planes to "Flying Shark in the Blue Sea" ", how about moving it to the big screen?"

With flashing electronic eyes, Gangzhu said in a tone of fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Okay, okay, old Dou, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xin smiled slightly and said, "Let me mention to the people in the headquarters that if the old American fighter jets come over, then I will board the two-seater J-15 fighter jet to see the actual combat capabilities of the American carrier-based aircraft force." how."

The aircraft carrier USS Stennis had already departed from Manila and headed north, and with the formation of the cruiser Bunker Hill coming from Japan, Chen Xin would not believe that the US military was not interested in the formation training of the Varyag.

In the next period of time, the navies of China and the United States will surely start a battle in the South China Sea. This can be regarded as a big test for the nascent Chinese naval carrier-based aircraft force.

During dinner at night, Chen Xin approached Major General Huang Haibo and raised his thoughts.

"What, you want to shoot the scene of the air confrontation between the navies of China and the United States?" Rear Admiral Huang Haibo, the commander-in-chief of the aircraft carrier formation, looked at Chen Xindao dumbfounded.

Chen Xin said with a smile: "General Huang, this opportunity is rare. Isn't there a two-seater J-15 fighter jet on the aircraft carrier? I can just sit in the back cabin to shoot. Tsk tsk, Chinese and American naval carrier-based planes are fighting in the South China Sea The memoir, if it can appear in a movie, this is a rare gimmick."

Major General Huang Haibo said: "This... President Chen, I don't have the authority to agree to you. In this way, I will mention it to the above. If you agree, then we will see the situation at that time. If the time is right, you can board the plane. If you don't agree, then I have nothing to do."

Seeing Chen Xin fearing that the world would not be chaotic, Huang Haibo couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. If other people made such an excessive request, he would have slapped him long ago.You treat war as a child's play!

One can think of Chen Xin's special background.Major General Huang Haibo has nothing to do.

The superior asked him to cooperate with Chen Xin's actions as much as possible, but he had no authority to refuse Chen Xin's request.

Sure enough, when Huang Haibo connected to Peng Guochen in the capital through a satellite phone, he shared Chen Xin's opinion.Peng Guochen was also stunned.

"What the hell is this kid going to do?!" Peng Guochen couldn't help muttering.

He thought about it.He said to Huang Haibo: "Old Huang. In this way, I will give you an answer in half an hour."

Huang Haibo sat on the bridge for a long time, judging from Peng Guochen's attitude.He could feel the high level's caution towards Chen Xin.

Half an hour later, the order came down, and one of the sentences was, "Under the condition of not affecting the safety of the fleet, the Varyag aircraft carrier must fully cooperate with Chen Xin's actions."

Huang Haibo stared blankly at the order of the Navy Command, and didn't react for a long time.

He never expected that Chen Xin's status in the eyes of the high-level officials had reached such a level.

To some extent, the top management almost handed over the command of the aircraft carrier fleet to Chen Xin. This is an unprecedented scene in the history of the PLA Navy.


Meanwhile, Manila, the capital of the Philippines.

Six law enforcement ships belonging to the Philippine Coast Guard slowly sailed out of the port of Manila and headed for the depths of the vast sea. They will execute a latest order from the President's Office.

Inside the presidential mansion, the Philippine Foreign Minister looked at President Aquino with a worried expression and said, "Mr. President, what if we do this and offend China?"

Aquino sneered and said, "Hmph, the Chinese?! I think they should think about how to deal with what the US Navy is saying at this time!"

Aquino's feeling has never been better. Some time ago, the Chinese side announced that when the Varyag aircraft carrier formation would go to the South China Sea, it caused panic among Southeast Asian countries, especially the Philippines. There have been conflicts, and coupled with the identity of the younger brother of the United States, the Philippines naturally has no possibility of cooperation with China.

It’s just that Aquino never expected that the Americans’ reaction would be so strong. Not only did they send an aircraft carrier formation to the South China Sea, but they also promised them that they would donate a soon-to-be-retired Perry-class guided-missile frigate to the Philippines to help it strengthen sea ​​power.

The boss of Ao Guanhai is so powerful, how could Aquino, who is the younger brother, be timid?

Aquino wants the Americans to know that the Philippines is also capable of causing troubles for China!


Early the next morning, Qiao Ting knocked on Chen Xin's door expressionlessly.

"Mr. Chen, congratulations. The General Staff agreed to your request in principle, and asked the Navy to cooperate with your actions as much as possible."

Chen Xin was taken aback for a moment, and then said pleasantly, "Really?"

Qiao Ting couldn't help giving him a blank look, and said, "Could it be fake? Thanks to your thinking, you actually went to film the confrontation between Chinese and American fighter jets. I don't know how you persuaded the chief, but I just hope you will come Don't play tricks at this time."

Chen Xin laughed and said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, isn't it just shooting some special effects shots, I'm the last person who won't cause trouble."

Qiao Ting shook her head and ignored him.

After breakfast, Chen Xin came to the pilot lounge to prepare according to Huang Haibo's request.

Lieutenant Colonel Yan Ziqiang, the captain of the carrier-based aircraft brigade, personally selected an anti-G suit for Chen Xin, and then said to Chen Xin: "Mr. explain."

Chen Xin said with a smile: "It must be, then I will trouble Captain Yan."

Yan Ziqiang nodded. He didn't know why the higher-ups arranged for Chen Xin to board the plane, but thinking about Chen Xin's special background circulating in the aircraft carrier, he didn't ask any more questions.

Since yesterday, when it was learned that two US naval fleets were about to enter the South China Sea, the Varyag had entered a state of combat readiness.

Flight training stopped immediately, and all pilots were on standby except for routine patrols.

The two chatted for a few more words, and at this moment.The alarm sounded suddenly: "Unit 1701 and Unit 1702, please pay attention, go to the flight deck and get ready for takeoff immediately, enter the flight deck immediately and get ready for takeoff."

Yan Ziqiang's face changed slightly, he stuffed a flying helmet into Chen Xin's arms, and said, "President Chen, don't say much, come with me."

The two soon arrived on the flight deck. Chen Xin and Yan Ziqiang were piloting the No. 1702 fighter plane. Yan Ziqiang said to the other No. 1701 pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Mo Xiaojun: "Xiao Mo, I will be the wingman later. I will be in charge. Cover. You take off first!"

Lieutenant Colonel Mo Xiaojun nodded and said, "Good!"

The three quickly boarded their fighter planes.

Chen Xin found that the two J-15 fighters were equipped with 2 medium and 2 close missile configurations.

The flight attendant helped Chen Xin fasten his seat belt, checked Chen Xin's helmet buckle again, and said to Chen Xin: "Mr. Chen, everything is fine!"

Chen Xin gave him a thumbs up.

Colonel Yan Ziqiang's voice sounded in the headset: "Mr. Chen, how is it? Can you hear my voice?"

Chen Xin said: "I can hear it!"

Yan Ziqiang said: "I have locked all the operating buttons in the back cabin. You don't need to perform any operations later. If you encounter a US military plane, don't be nervous. We can fight at most, and the other party will not take it. How are we?"

Chen Xin said: "Don't worry, Captain Yan, I understand!"

At the beginning, Chen Xin had endured such a violent maneuver of the steel hammer over Tokyo. To Chen Xin, this action was nothing more than a child's play.

Besides, with the existence of the "Little Butterfly" armor and steel pendulum, is there any need to worry about personal safety?

"The engine starts, and the power is turned on."

The display in the cockpit suddenly lit up.

"The avionics system is turned on, and the self-inspection procedure is started."

"The self-inspection is complete, the avionics system is normal, the radar system is normal, and the weapon system is normal!"


Fighter No. 1701 took the lead in getting ready. With the roar of the engine, fighter No. 1701 slowly slid out of the parking stand, came to the long-distance take-off stand, and took off quickly.

Then it was the turn of Chen Xin and Yan Ziqiang's No. 1702 fighter.

The red wheel chocks firmly fixed the fighter on the take-off position. Yan Ziqiang began to push down the joystick, and the roar of the engine suddenly increased.

When the thrust reached the critical point for take-off, Yan Ziqiang gave a thumbs up to the take-off commander, and the take-off commander in a yellow vest immediately squatted down and made a take-off gesture.

The red wheel chocks were lowered in less than 0.1 second, and Chen Xin instantly felt a strong push back, and the fighter plane glides along the ski jump take-off deck like an arrow flying off the string.

The nose of the plane was tilted up, Chen Xin only felt the violent vibration suddenly disappear, and the fighter plane had already left the flight deck.

Fighter planes 1701 and 1702 quickly ascended to the predetermined airspace, completed the air formation, and then flew towards the predetermined direction.

At this time, there was also a tense atmosphere in the bridge command room.

Half an hour before Chen Xin and the others took off, the Varyag's S-band phased array radar detected two unidentified flying objects [-] nautical miles to the southeast.

The airspace is not a traditional international route, and there is no other explanation for the sudden appearance of two unidentified aircraft other than the American carrier-based aircraft.

The technicians in the headquarters immediately began to judge the specific model of the UFO based on the relevant electromagnetic information of the UFO.

The performance of the new radar is perfectly reflected at this moment. You must know that at this time, the radar screen of the 052c guided missile destroyer is still blank. Phased array radar has a big gap.

If you consider the fighter fuel, combat radius, etc., the Varyag does not even need to be equipped with Ka-31 early warning helicopters. The radar that comes with the aircraft carrier alone is enough to realize the early warning command function.

"The target position is 032, and the relative speed is 1067. It is expected to meet in 10 minutes! Judging from the characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum of the target, these two aircraft are likely to be the latest EA-18G "Growler" electronic warfare aircraft of the US military!"

Yan Ziqiang, who was sitting in the front cabin of No. 1702, shuddered slightly from the enemy notification from the headset, and said: "02 calls 01, 02 calls 01, pay attention to lower the altitude, keep the radio silent, we will give Lao Mei a surprise. "

"01 understand!"

Then, Yan Ziqiang changed the channel again, and said to Chen Xin: "Mr. Chen, sit down, and we are going to take a super low-altitude flight."


Inside the two EA-18G fighter jets, the pilots Lieutenant Colonel Morientes and Major Wesley had a relaxed conversation.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, should we lower the flight altitude a little bit, it won't be fun if the Chinese find out."

"Wesley, your brain is still immersed in the crotch of those whores in Manila. We are now more than 600 nautical miles away from the Chinese aircraft carrier. Can the Chinese find us? Joke!"

Lieutenant Colonel Morientes has always been quite contemptuous of the Chinese navy. Although the Chinese navy has begun to speed up equipment updates in recent years, compared with the US Navy, which has a century-old history and rich combat experience, the young Chinese navy is like a toddler. , far from being able to pose a threat to the U.S. Navy.

Ten years of the army, a century of the navy, this is not to say that this is for fun.

What's more, they are driving the famous growler, and their electronic warfare capability is still higher than that of f22. Morientes even imagined how to tease the group of Chinese over the Chinese navy's aircraft carrier formation later. (To be continued..)

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