super robot clone

Chapter 289 Fighting

As an attack aircraft mainly focused on electronic warfare, the ea-18g "Growler" quickly demonstrated excellent electromagnetic interference capabilities.

The alq-218v(2) tactical receiver at the wingtips and the new alq-99 tactical electronic jamming pod can analyze the frequency hopping spectrum of the J-15 carrier-based fighter AESA radar in just a few seconds, and automatically track other The frequency was transmitted, and then the radiation source was precisely located by the long-baseline interferometry method. The high-power electromagnetic waves finally made the sharp sirens of the radar warning receivers audible.

Lieutenant Morientes let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately his expression became ferocious again. Damn it, the Howler was almost shot down by the Chinese counterfeit Su-33, which is undoubtedly an extreme challenge for this proud American pilot. Big shame.

"Wesley, you cover, I'll follow up, let those yellow-skinned pigs taste our power."

But in the next second, Lieutenant Colonel Morientes' expression froze, and the harsh siren suddenly sounded again.

"What's going on, oops, we're locked again!"

"My God, how is this possible, their radar system is still working, and the electronic jamming is disabled."

Major Wesley's panicked voice sounded in the headset, and the cold sweat broke out on Lieutenant Colonel Morientes' head: "Damn it! Wesley, throw away the auxiliary fuel tank, lower the flight altitude, and use the sea clutter to interfere. The opponent's radar!"

As an elite pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Morientes immediately realized that he was facing an unusual opponent.

The radar of the J-15 fighter jet can still work normally under the electromagnetic suppression of the growler, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the two elite US military pilots.

Two EA-18G fighter jets maneuvered at high speed close to the sea.The sound of the radar warning was intermittent. Several times, Lieutenant Colonel Morientes and the others had gotten rid of each other's radar lock, but within a few seconds, the piercing scream sounded like a reminder.

The high-intensity maneuvering flight made Lieutenant Colonel Morientes and Major Wesley very nervous, and their inner linings were already soaked with sweat.

"Eagle Eye calls Growler, Hawk Eye calls Growler, Chinese fighter plane appears at your direction at four o'clock, 026 nautical miles away, bearing 691, speed [-]. Be careful to avoid the opponent's radar. Be careful to avoid the opponent's radar."

The Howler's embarrassment caught the U.S. military by surprise, and no one expected that the ea-18g electronic attack aircraft would actually fall into a disadvantage when facing the J-15.

The "Eagle Eye" early warning aircraft also had to advise Lieutenant Colonel Morientes to temporarily avoid the edge.

"F******ck!" Lieutenant Colonel Morientes yelled in the channel: "Wesley, don't hide. Turn around. Shorten the relative distance between the two sides. I don't believe that we can still take the opponent if we get closer. Method."

So far, the opponent has not launched air-to-air missiles.Let Morientes realize that the Chinese military has no intention of attacking.

Lieutenant Colonel Morientes, who had suffered a great loss, was not convinced, and he was panting heavily.While discussing with Wesley how to get revenge in close combat later.

Being suppressed by the J-15 fighter jets at medium and long distances, Lieutenant Colonel Morientes did not believe that he would suffer such a disadvantage in close combat.

Anyway, the Chinese didn't dare to launch missiles, and if they didn't get the place back, Lieutenant Colonel Morientes couldn't afford to lose this man.

The distance between the two sides quickly approached, the distance of [-] nautical miles, for supersonic fighter jets flying in the opposite direction, only a few minutes is enough.

"Captain Yan, pay attention to the US military aircraft on the lower left!"

Soon, Chen Xin, who was sitting in the back seat of the cockpit, spotted the "Howler" flying towards him!

Although the Growler is an electronic warfare aircraft, its mobility and weapon system have not been weakened to any extent.Someone once commented that the experts commented that the "Growler" is not only the most effective electronic jammer today, but also the fighter with the strongest electronic jamming capability.

As a twin-engine, heavy-duty, long-range and all-weather air superiority fighter, the J-15 fighter has maintained the excellent maneuverability of the Su-27 family, and with the help of canards, its maneuverability is second only to the Su-35.

As soon as these two most advanced carrier-based fighter jets in the world met, they immediately collided with fierce sparks.

In addition to circling, high-g rollers, and scissor maneuvers, unconventional tactical actions such as Inmerman somersaults, cobra maneuvers, and Herbst wall climbing also appear in fighting from time to time.

The pilots of both sides showed extremely high tactical standards, and the performance of the fighter jets was comparable. For a while, neither of them could suppress the other.

No, Mo Xiaojun's No. 1701 fighter plane just bit Major Wesley, and he was immediately locked on by Lieutenant Colonel Morientes' helmet sight.

But soon, Lieutenant Colonel Morientes also became dangerous, and the No. 1702 J-15 fighter jet driven by Yan Ziqiang appeared behind him.

At this time, Yan Ziqiang didn't care whether Chen Xin's body could bear it, and various difficult maneuvers were frequently staged in the air battle.

What the two sides didn't know was that at such a tense moment, there was another pair of eyes silently watching the air combat airspace, completely recording the scene that happened before them.

But at this moment, an accident occurred.

A red siren sounded suddenly in the cockpit of the J-15.

"Fuel warning, fuel warning, the fuel in the plane has dropped to a critical point, please return immediately, please return immediately."

Both Chen Xin and Yan Ziqiang were taken aback by the sudden warning.

At the same time, the voice of No. 1701 Mo Xiaojun sounded in the channel: "Captain, my aircraft's oil storage has dropped to the critical point!"

Before Chen Xin could react, he said, "Captain Yan, what's going on?"

Yan Ziqiang said in a slightly regretful tone: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, we have to return, and the fuel in the plane is almost running out!"

The two J-15 fighter jets ignored the growler's provocation and quickly changed to a level flight state, then swung their wings and flew towards Varyag's direction.

Both Wesley and Lieutenant Colonel Morientes were a little baffled.

Wesley murmured: "Lieutenant Colonel, what's wrong with the Chinese?"

Morientes said angrily, "How would I know!"

The sudden return of the J-15 fighter jet made Lieutenant Colonel Morientes feel like he was so happy that he suddenly got dressed and left.

This is too unprofessional!

Lieutenant Colonel Morientes secretly despised the Chinese pilots. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he shouted: "Haha, I see, they are out of gas!"

The superiority of catapult takeoff is fully demonstrated at this moment.

Wesley said: "Lieutenant Colonel, what should we do now? Do you want to continue the pursuit?"

Morientes thought for a while and said, "Forget it, let's go back to the voyage, let's come to learn the tricks of Chinese pilots next time!"

Lieutenant Colonel Morientes, who has a certain racist tendency, did not call these Chinese people yellow pigs.

Although this time the EA-18G Growler finally gained a bit of the upper hand due to its advantage in fuel, but this more or less makes people feel that the victory is invincible.

Faintly, Lieutenant Colonel Morientes even looked forward to seeing the Chinese catapult aircraft carrier as soon as possible. Maybe that day, he could really compete with the Chinese carrier-based aviation force!

Half an hour later, two J-15 fighters landed steadily on the flight deck of the Varyag.

The hatch cover was slowly opened, and the air crew had already surrounded the plane, inflating and replenishing fuel.

Chen Xin found that four more J-15 fighters were missing on the deck, which should have been dispatched after take-off of No. 1701 and No. 1702. It seems that the U.S. military is still putting pressure on the Varyag aircraft carrier battle group.

Chen Xin got off the plane along the gangway, and Major General Huang Haibo greeted him with a smile, and said, "Mr. Chen, how do you feel?"

"It's not bad, but the time is too short, it's not fun! It would be great if the J-15 can eject and take off."

Chen Xin shook his head, the aerial combat just now was still not as good as compared to the previous Tokyo air combat.

Major General Huang Haibo and Qiao Ting, who was following him, looked at each other, Huang Haibo said: "Why don't we think about it, but the catapult, it will take a few years to talk about it!"

Chen Xin nodded, but did not speak.

At this moment, an orderly came to Huang Haibo's side and whispered something in his ear.

Huang Haibo's face suddenly changed: "What? The Philippine Coast Guard ships blockade Huangyan Island and detain the fishermen?" (To be continued...)

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