super robot clone

Chapter 306 I Represent Warfare

Peng Guochen looked at the confidential mobile phone that was ringing on the table, and looked up at the position where the chief executive was.

The Chief Chief said: "Comrade Guochen, answer the phone!"

Peng Guochen nodded, turned on the speakerphone, then pressed answer, and said, "I'm Peng Guochen, who are you?"

Chen Xin's laughter sounded from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Peng? I'm Chen Xin. You should have received the news. I will participate in your cooperation negotiation as an official representative of the Strategic Deception Bureau and Xinghuan Group. I don't know How will you arrange it?"

Everyone in the meeting looked at each other in blank dismay. They never expected that when they first started discussing the relationship between Chen Xin, Xinghuan Group, and Zhanhu Bureau, the other party would come to their door as a negotiator of the Strategic Huyou Bureau.

This is really surprising!

Peng Guochen and the chief of the general staff, General Chang Siwei, looked at each other. This is really in line with the usual style of war and neglect. Before you can take the next step, the other party has already made arrangements for you.

The Chief Chief squinted his eyes and considered for a moment, then said: "The guests have already arrived, so we naturally have to show our respect as landlords, Xiao Peng, you tell Chen Xin to come directly to ZNH, and we will wait for him in the conference room."

Before Peng Guochen could speak, Chen Xin's voice sounded again from the microphone: "Then thank you chief, I'll be there in an hour!"

As early as October last year, Wu Jun had set up a branch of Cybertron Digital in the capital for the convenience of cooperation. This time when he came to the capital, Chen Xin directly asked the company's employees to prepare a black Audi a6.

After sending back the Cybertron digital staff responsible for receiving him, Robot No. [-] got into the driver's seat, and after checking around, he said to Chen Xin: "Master, everything is normal."

The No. [-] robot opened the rear door for Chen Xin and got in together with Chen Xin.

The Audi started and soon got on the airport expressway.

The response from the government was quite quick. In less than 5 minutes, Chen Xin received a call from Peng Guochen, saying that police vehicles had been dispatched to meet them.

soon.Two traffic police motorcycles appeared in front of the Audi, and just a few minutes later, several police cars joined the guard convoy.

The convoy sounded the alarm and escorted the Audi car all the way towards the core of the capital.People who didn't know it thought it was another head of state who was visiting.

All the traffic lights were basically ignored along the way, and the roads at all major intersections were temporarily closed by the police, and the traffic was reopened after the convoy passed by.

It was the first time for Chen Xin to enjoy the treatment of such a high-ranking political figure. Looking at the cityscape all the way from the Capital Airport, although he had been to the capital several times before, this time he came here with a particularly unusual mood.

After 10 minutes, the convoy arrived at Ouchi Xinhuamen.The five-star red flag at the gate flutters high, with the national emblem and the logo of the central government hanging on it, and the guards at the gate stand majestically, solemnly and dignifiedly.

Peng Guochen was dressed in a neat general uniform, and he had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Robot No. [-] gets off first.Then came to the other side to help Chen Xin open the door.

Chen Xin is wearing a straight gray woolen uniform, which is somewhat similar to a Chinese tunic suit, but looks more vigorous. On the left chest of the uniform, there is a strange logo patterned with silk threads. Eight concentric circles and a small golden ball in the center form the solar system logo. , surrounded by green olive branches, and below are the three letters of English sfa.

Peng Guochen glanced over Chen Xin's left chest.He greeted him with a smile on his face, shook hands with Chen Xin and said, "Mr. Chen, welcome!"

Although the two had met before, but this time Chen Xin, as the representative of the Strategic Deception Bureau and the Xinghuan Group, had an extraordinary status. Naturally, Peng Guochen could not treat Chen Xin with the same attitude as before.

Although it is not clear what kind of identity Chen Xin is in the Strategic Deception Bureau and the Xinghuan Group.But to be able to appear in znh as a negotiator for the war and neglect bureau, one can imagine the implication.

With a smile on Chen Xin's face, he held Peng Guochen's hand and said, "Minister Peng, come here uninvited, and look forward to Haihan!"

Peng Guochen smiled and said: "Where is it? Mr. Chen can come here as Zhan Suju, and it's too late for us to welcome you. By the way, the chief has been waiting inside for a long time, please!"

Chen Xin nodded, and walked inside with Peng Guochen.

The No. [-] robot behind him just wanted to keep up, but a guard immediately stopped him.

Chen Xin turned around and said, "No. [-], you and No. [-] are waiting for me outside!"

The No. [-] robot stopped and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen!"

In front of outsiders, the No. [-] robot would naturally not address Chen Xin as its master.

Peng Guochen glanced over the face of No. [-] robot, and said to a lieutenant colonel of the security bureau who was following him: "Old Li, go and entertain these two guests!"

Old Li saluted Peng Guochen and said, "Yes!"

Along the way, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the green is shaded, but no matter the architecture or the decoration, there is a simple and solemn atmosphere.On the way, I met a lot of staff in the university, including young people in their 30s and 50s and middle-aged people in their [-]s and [-]s. They seemed not surprised that Peng Guochen led such a strange young man walking in the university. Seeing them Everyone nodded and smiled.

Chen Xin also responded one by one, showing a good bearing.

Since he chose to take the initiative to attack this time, Chen Xin naturally couldn't fall into the disadvantage of war and neglect. After more than a year of experience, he has been able to spontaneously curb his sloppy habits.

Peng Guochen took Chen Xin to the door of a conference room, knocked on the door lightly, the door opened quickly, and the two entered one after another.

Chen Xin was well aware of this meeting, but when he saw these chief executives who could only be seen on TV, the pressure suddenly came up.

The head chief stood up, and everyone in the meeting room cheered and stood up too.

The head chief smiled and said, "Xiao Chen is here. I never expected that we would meet again under such circumstances. We old guys here must have known each other on TV, so I won't introduce them one by one. .”

The two had already met once during their visit to France before, but that time the chief just treated him as an ordinary rookie in the business world, which was completely different from this time.

Suppressing the tension in his heart, Chen Xin went up to shake hands with the head chief, and said, "Hello, chief, hello all the chiefs here, I'm really sorry for taking the liberty to visit."

The Chief Chief laughed and said: "Everyone is Chinese and speaks Chinese, so there is no need to be polite like outsiders. Xiao Chen, sit down, comrades, please sit down too!"

Chen Xin was flattered and sat down next to the head chief. The head chief's words meant something, and he treated him with such words to the younger generation, which made him a little dazed.

The meeting room fell silent, the chief executive did not speak, and neither did the others.

Chen Xin took a deep breath and said, "All the leaders here, to be honest, if it wasn't for Lieutenant Colonel Qiao Ting's accidental discovery, I would not have come here. I think you should have guessed the relationship between the Star Ring Group and the Strategic Deception Bureau. It's related! Let me explain to you here that the Star Ring Group is a group company under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of War and Oblivion. It mainly provides funds for our organization through commercial activities. Of course, when appropriate, it will also intervene in some conflicts in some countries and regions.”

General Chang Siwei, chief of staff, said, "Such as Somalia? Russia?"

Chen Xin laughed and said, "To tell you the truth, the Somalia incident was indeed a whim of mine. In fact, at the beginning, the senior officials of the Bureau of War and Ignorance wanted to find a country close to the equator for infiltration control. It didn't happen that the cargo ship Dongfang Event? So I recommended Somalia to them. Somalia has been in war all year round, and the people are suffering. If you want to unify it in a short period of time and form a coalition government, you must do a major event that attracts everyone's attention. The major forces at home and abroad Intimidate."

General Chang Siwei said: "So you created the 'Vila Bay' hijacking case?"

Chen Xin said with a smile: "It's not a hijacking. The pirates defeated the warship. They should be prisoners. Later, when things got serious, the American people would definitely not let it go. However, the sudden war can't be done casually. We have no choice but to start from Russia got a Typhoon-class nuclear submarine and transformed it to make it our strategic nuclear deterrent, so that the Americans will have nothing to do with us. Of course, it needs to be explained that the Halo Group and Cyber Cybertron’s investment in China is entirely based on commercial considerations. We believe that China’s film industry and entertainment industry have a bright future. The performance of Cybertron Digital in the past year also confirms this, so we will invest in Jiangcheng. A lot of money. Of course, this is my hometown, so I am naturally happy to attract such a huge investment for my hometown."

At this time, another chief intervened: "Xiao Chen, we hope to know the exact purpose of the Strategic Deception Bureau's activities in Africa. We have had pleasant cooperation with you before, and we don't understand what you have done in Somalia." What is the reason for such a big commotion?"

Chen Xindao: "This is exactly the purpose of my coming here today, and it is also the reason why the Bureau of Strategic Deception seeks cooperation from the Chinese side."

The people present looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Chen Xin meant by this.

Chen Xin took out a disc-shaped object from his handbag, put it in the center of the conference table, and said, "I think the heads of state should have heard of our holographic projection technology. Next, I will show it to you. Our plans for the future of the Bureau of Warfare."

Chen Xin pressed the power button of the holographic projection, and then clicked a few times in the void with both hands. A virtual light and shadow appeared in midair without sound. The phantom quickly expanded and occupied the center of the conference table.

As the phantom gradually solidified and the picture became clear, there was a burst of exclamation in the meeting room.

Even though everyone present had heard from Huang Haibo and others how powerful the virtual projection in Chen Xin's hands was, they still felt deeply shocked when this scene was so clearly displayed in front of them.What high technology has brought to human beings is not only a great change in life, but also a broadening of horizons.

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