super robot clone

Chapter 307 The Secret on the Moon

But what shocked some was not just the lifelike hologram, but what was shown in the projection.

Many people who knew this secret involuntarily stood up from their seats.

What is projected on the holographic projection is an image taken from an alien planet. Under the dazzling sunlight, without the diffuse reflection of the atmosphere and the ocean, the sky is pitch black, but there is a blue and white moon hanging on the surface of the planet. It was a crater, but what really shocked them was the towering crater not far away.On the crater, a metal object that obviously does not belong to the natural creation lies across the crater. Under the sunlight, the metal object reflects a beautiful silver light. The years and cosmic dust have not left any traces on its surface, and it is as smooth as ever like New.

"This is……?"

The head chief also lost his usual composure and stood up from his seat.

Chen Xindao: "I think the chief should not be unfamiliar with it! This is a restoration of the picture on the moon, a creation of a fifth-level civilization, a spaceship from the Kahn civilization in the Large Magellanic Cloud!"

There was a whisper in the meeting room, and many high-level officials who had no right to know the secret were asking their colleagues what was going on.

Peng Guochen was also shocked. Before that, he didn't understand the meaning of the scene given by Chen Xin, but Chen Xin's explanation just now made him faintly guess a truth that shocked him.

As for those who already knew the secrets on the moon, they were also surprised by Chen Xin's words.

The Chief Chief said in a deep voice: "Xiao Chen, you know the origin of this spaceship."

Chen Xin nodded, and said: "The original owner of this spaceship belongs to a fifth-level civilization called the Kahn tribe. It accidentally came to the solar system from the Large Magellanic Cloud 5000 years ago. As for how they came here, I am not very clear. , because the fifth-level civilization does not have the ability to sail across the river system. They lived on the moon until the ecosystem on the spacecraft collapsed and had to move to the earth. This should be more than 60 years ago, but they are not very Fortunately, a transport boat exploded in Roswell, the United States, and the remaining Kahns were all controlled by the Yankees. This is the famous Roswell UFO incident. Later, the Americans rescued several Kahns , the underground base of Area 51 was built, and the secrets on the moon were also obtained from the mouth of the Kahn people. This is also the reason why the United States and the Soviet Union competed to land on the moon in the 70s and [-]s. I think our Chang'e project should not be just for studying the moon. It's that simple!"

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other in blank dismay. No one expected that Chen Xin would drop such a big bomb just as soon as he came up.

And it is obvious that the information held by the Zhanbu Bureau is much more than that held by the Chinese side.

The Chief Chief said: "How do you know these secrets?"

Chen Xindao: "Do you still remember the Las Vegas UFO incident last year? The Americans wanted to wake up the Kahn tribe in hibernation to deal with the war, but our people killed one-fifth of their nuclear weapons reserves instead. We only learned about the secrets of the Kahn tribe after that incident. As rumored on the Internet, there is indeed a secret base of the Kahn tribe inside Captain Peak, but now...!"

General Chang Siwei, chief of the general staff, interjected, "How did you kill the US military's nuclear stockpile?"

Chen Xin laughed and said: "This involves confidentiality, how to do it. I can't say."

Chang Siwei nodded, but he did not doubt Chen Xin's words. With the ability to ignore the situation in battle, it is not unacceptable to have this kind of technology.

Peng Guochen couldn't help but murmured, "No wonder the Americans are facing an enemy after the Las Vegas ufo incident."

The movement of the Americans that night shocked many countries in the world, but the United States only mobilized troops within the country, and very few people knew the specific reasons.

Even though the general staff finally received relevant information from the Bureau of War and Negligence, they did not expect such an inside story.

Everyone here understands this in their hearts.When Chen Xin said this, he did not intend to warn them. Since the Zhanhu Bureau has the ability to destroy one-fifth of the strategic nuclear weapons reserves of the Americans, of course it is also capable of destroying the strategic nuclear weapons reserves of country c.

The conference room was quiet for a while, and everyone was still digesting the information that Chen Xin had revealed before.

However, the head chief didn't seem to be paying attention to this, he looked at Chen Xin with piercing eyes.Asked: "Xiao Chen, what do you mean by the five-level civilization you just said? Do you know the rules for dividing alien civilizations?"

Chen Xindao: "The age of the universe is 138 billion years, and human civilization is only a few thousand years. In the past countless times, there have been more than billions of alien intelligent civilizations in the universe. Therefore, there is a kind of interpretation in the universe based on the level of technological development. According to the division method of civilization, from the first level civilization to the tenth level civilization, the earth belongs to the first level high-level civilization. According to the current speed of technological development, it should be able to enter the ranks of the second level civilization within 200 years. Of course, various types The wisdom and civilization of the world are very different, and I recommend everyone to read a science fiction novel "Rules of Survival Interstellar", which is currently being serialized, and there should be answers you need in it."

Most of the people present looked at a loss, apparently they had never heard the name of this popular science fiction novel.

But one of the chiefs seemed to have thought of something, and said: "The Rules of Survival in the Stars"? I seem to have heard of this book somewhere. Oh, by the way, my kid is talking about time and space at home all day long. It is said that it is a science fiction novel that is being serialized on the Internet, which involves quite a lot of knowledge of astronomy and physics, and has written more than 2000 million words, so it should be this one, right?"

Chen Xin nodded with a smile, and said, "This is the book. If you have time, you can read it."

Everyone nodded. Since Chen Xin said so, it means that this novel has a lot to do with the Strategic Deception Bureau.

What Chen Xin didn't know was that after this meeting, domestic experts were specially dispatched to study this book, and as a result, they really got a lot of enlightenment in aerospace and basic science from it.

The chief hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Xiao Chen, I have a question that I know is quite presumptuous, but I must know the answer before I can make a decision... I want to know the relationship between the Strategic Deception Bureau and alien civilizations."

This question speaks out the aspirations of everyone here. In many people's imaginations, the war with so many unimaginable technologies should be inseparable from alien civilizations. Otherwise, how could Chen Xin, a young man, know that there is an alien ship on the moon? How could it be possible to know the division of intelligent civilizations without a star spacecraft.

Chen Xin became serious and said, "Chief, I can only guarantee that the Strategic Deception Bureau is completely controlled by us Earthlings, to be precise, controlled by Chinese!"

The Chief Chief said: "Then what is your real purpose?"

Chen Xindao: "We are interested in this spacecraft on the moon, but we don't have enough manpower and material resources to integrate forces to develop aerospace technology. The previous series of actions are just to integrate secular forces and establish industrialization controlled by the Strategic Deception Bureau. The country is preparing for the establishment of a space elevator in the equatorial region. This time it chooses to cooperate with the government, and it is the same."

A senior military leader in charge of aerospace systems asked: "Then why don't you build large-tonnage rockets? I think with your technology, you should be able to build a launch vehicle more powerful than the Saturn V."

Chen Xin laughed and said: "The carrier rocket is inefficient and expensive. What we need is a low-cost and reliable space-to-earth transport system to prepare for flying out of the solar system in the future. The goal of Zhan Suju is not on the earth, so I want Zhan Su The Bureau and your side have a sufficient basis for cooperation."

The chief responsible for managing the economy said: "Xiao Chen, what kind of cooperation do you think is better between the Zhanbu Bureau and the government?"

Chen Xindao: "We provide technology, and the government provides human and financial support. Of course, the construction of Somalia will not stop, and we cannot put all eggs in one basket, so the arms deal I proposed before is still valid. As for technology, I think we can cooperate in aerospace, optics, microelectronics, atomic energy technology, material metallurgy technology, etc... Also, if the time is right, we can even provide you with cheap high energy density metal battery manufacturing plan, thus driving the fourth global scientific and technological revolution, and pushing China to the status of a fully industrialized developed country in one fell swoop.”

Many people in the meeting room suddenly became short of breath. Not everyone can refuse this kind of temptation.

If it is not interested in this kind of battery technology, how can China maintain a cooperative relationship with Transwarp Group after learning that it has made so many big things in Africa?

Super metal batteries are involved in all aspects of people's daily life, whether it is military or civilian. To some extent, once the technology of mass production of this super battery is mastered, it is very likely to overturn the current petrodollar in the near future system and establish a new international energy financial system.

This is a ruthless hand that digs out the lifeblood of the Americans.

Although Americans have realized the disadvantages of this energy system in recent years, they have continuously developed shale gas technology, hoping to replace imported oil. However, due to the high cost of shale gas extraction, it is almost impossible to get rid of dependence on oil in a short period of time. .

The emergence of super metal batteries has made many high-level leaders see the dawn of China's overtaking in curves.

Chen Xin seemed to see what everyone was thinking, and said with a smile: "Commanders, I have already said what I need to say. If there is nothing else, please allow me to leave first. I will stay in the capital for the next week and wait for a reply at any time. "

The Chief Chief said: "Okay, Comrade Guochen, take Mr. Chen down to rest first. You will be responsible for Mr. Chen's basic necessities for a while. You must entertain our distinguished guests well."

Peng Guochen stood up and saluted the head chief: "Yes, I promise to complete the task."

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