super robot clone

Chapter 313 They Are Here

Early the next morning, Lu Xiaoyu, Chen Dahai and his group found Chen Xin, hoping to visit the entire submarine.

Of course, Chen Xin nodded in agreement.

Although these senior engineering experts are all national treasures, but now, Chen Xin sees a burning thirst for knowledge from their eyes.

It is a good thing that Chen Xin can feel the heat deep in their hearts, and Chen Xin will naturally not stop it.

As long as China's nuclear submarine industry can learn something from the New Typhoon, Chen Xin's painstaking efforts will not be in vain.

Although China's nuclear submarine industry started earlier, there is still a big gap compared with the United States, Russia, Britain, France and other countries.

In the circle of military fans, there has always been a saying that China's 091-class nuclear submarine could wake up the US troops stationed in Japan as soon as it left the port.

This statement is somewhat self-deprecating.

The noise of the 091-class attack nuclear submarine is as high as 160 decibels, even compared to the world's first nuclear submarine "Nautilus".

Therefore, the emergence of this class of nuclear submarines has not had a revolutionary impact on the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Navy, and the symbolic significance is far greater than the actual significance

Even if the Julang-092 submarine-launched ballistic missile was successfully tested and equipped on the [-]-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, it did not help China establish a real sea-based second-strike nuclear force.

With a range of more than 2000 kilometers of Julang-092 and the low survivability of [-]-class nuclear submarines in front of American-made nuclear submarines, it can only form a certain deterrent to Japan and Russia, and has no impact on the United States.

It is said. After the 092 entered service, only a few training missions were carried out each year, and no truly effective combat duty cruise was performed.

This nuclear submarine looks more like the mascot of the Chinese Navy.

But it also laid the foundation for the birth of the 094-class attack nuclear submarine, especially the successful test-firing of the Julang-[-] submarine-launched intercontinental missile, which enabled China to have a reliable sea-based nuclear force for the first time.

But this is far from enough.

In order to become a world power, in addition to a strong economic strength, China must also have a matching nuclear power in order to become a real superpower.

Just look at Russia and you will understand that even after so many years of weakness, its economic strength is far inferior to that of China.But its huge nuclear arsenal ensures the polar bear's great power status.

therefore.Chen Xin certainly hopes to help China shorten this process of catching up.

There is no difference between day and night in a submerged submarine. In order to facilitate everyone's life, Chen Xin set the time in the boat to the capital time, and arranged their life and entertainment according to this.

Members of the officer corps basically gather in the restaurant during the day to learn about Somalia's geography, history, culture, military and other aspects.After all, this rescue operation was carried out quite hastily.They can only use this time to shorten their understanding of Somalia.

Evening is free time.At this time, cinemas, libraries, gymnasiums, and swimming pools have become good places for many members of the officer corps to spend their time.

also.The restaurant in the submarine implements a time-scheduled dining system, with three meals a day. In addition to traditional Chinese meals, there are even delicious red wine and caviar.

Many members of the officer corps joked that they were not here to endure hardship, but to come on vacation.

But for people like Lu Xiaoyu and Chen Dahai, there is no time to enjoy these things at all.

They wander around every corner of the submarine every day, dissecting and analyzing the design ideas and technical principles of this super submarine.

They saw several tons of metal batteries in the power cabin. Once charged, in addition to meeting the needs of everyone in the submarine, it can also allow the new typhoon to sail at full speed at a high speed of 40 knots for a full week. Lu Xiaoyu and the others were horrified by such a high energy storage density.

As for the superconducting ferrofluid thruster they inferred, although they did not see the real thing, Chen Xin provided them with the electronic version of the design drawing of this system. The combined size of all the drawings is nearly 10 g. The complexity of the device.

In addition, the command system, power system, sonar system, and weapon system of the submarine have all become the objects of attention of experts. They even saw the actual supercavitation torpedo in the torpedo cabin, which shocked Lu Xiaoyu who knew the inside story into a cold sweat , it is obvious that the new Typhoon did not use its full strength in the last Bering Sea battle, otherwise the combined fleet of China, the United States, and Russia may suffer heavy losses.

Ding Xiaofeng, a torpedo expert, knows the power of this torpedo best. China once obtained a small amount of Storm torpedo from the Russians. During the test, the supercavitation technology gave the Storm torpedo a speed of up to 200 knots. After it is aimed, there is no possibility of escape. Coupled with the amazing silence of the New Typhoon, unless the plane is dispatched, the New Typhoon is completely an invincible warship in submarine-submarine confrontation and submarine confrontation.

Of course, in the field of software, the new typhoon has also attracted a lot of attention.

The ultra-modern multi-functional command module integrates early warning, reconnaissance, command, control, and communication. Only a few people can complete the control of the entire warship.In comparison, even the new-generation command system used by China on the 095 level is much behind the new Typhoon.

A month later, Lu Xiaoyu, who returned to the capital, wrote in the report submitted to the top military: "If modern nuclear submarines are divided into first, second, third, and fourth generations, then our 091 and 092 only belong to the first generation of nuclear submarines. 093 and 094 are the second generation, and the 095 and 096 under construction are only the third generation. The Virginia Gee of the United States and the Severodvinsk class of Russia have entered the ranks of the fourth generation of attack nuclear submarines, but I don’t know how To designate the new Typhoon, whether it is its command and control system, power system, reconnaissance system, weapon system, or even the living environment, it is far beyond the scope of existing nuclear submarines. I personally think that the new Typhoon can at least reach The category of sixth-generation and even seventh-generation nuclear submarines is more than 30 years ahead of the world. If it wants to deliberately hide it, no country has the ability to find it out, not even the United States!"


Early morning, Somalia, southwestern border.

The herdsman Bazak drove the flock up the hillside.

It is still in the dry season, there is not much rain, and the vegetation is not luxuriant, so Bazak has to graze grass after grass. For Bazak, he has long been used to this kind of life, and he is also worried about the way the sheep will go. I know it well.

But it was time to go back. Bazak knew that after passing this dirt slope, the Ethiopian border was on the opposite side, and the border police would not be merciful to a poor Somali man like him.

But today's situation seems to be a bit wrong. In fact, when he was at the foot of the mountain before, Bazak heard a faint sound similar to thunder, but the sky is clear, so where is the thunder coming from?

Bazak didn't think much, but continued to go up the mountain.

After finally reaching the top of the hillside, Bazak found a rock and sat down to rest his feet. The thunderous roar suddenly became louder and came from behind him.

Bazak turned his head slowly, and his face became dull all of a sudden. What appeared in front of him was a scene that covered the sky and the sun, the yellow sand was rolling, and a mechanized army in grass-green military uniform was like a torrent flowing along the foot of the mountain. Highway 30, which connects Somalia and Ethiopia, is making strides.

Bazak jumped up in horror, and murmured: "They are here, they are really here!" (To be continued...)

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