super robot clone

Chapter 314 Belle Dewen

In fact, as early as a month ago, when representatives of the new Somali government were in a war of words with representatives of African countries in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia (where the headquarters of the African Union is located), there were rumors in the media that Chen Bing on the border between Ethiopia and Kenya , it is likely to do something to Somalia.

However, most Somali people dismissed this. After experiencing a head-on confrontation with the Americans, the Somalis have already burst into confidence. They firmly believe that the new Somali government has defeated even the rich and handsome Americans, and unified Somalia with an iron fist. Are you afraid of these poor neighbors?

Even ordinary civilians like Bazak, who don't know much about national affairs, know that Somalia is no longer what it used to be. Although it offended the Yankees, not everyone can bully it.

So he dared to come here to herd sheep even though he knew that Ethiopia was stationing additional troops on the border.

During this period of time, media such as "Somali Youth Daily" and "Somali National Daily" reported the situation encountered by representatives of the new Somali government at the headquarters of the African Union every day.

Compared with the progress of the previous negotiations with the Americans, the situation of the diplomatic representatives of the new Somali government in Addis Ababa is not good.

I don't know whether it is because of the fear of the United States or the real reason behind the cia. Except for a few countries, most African countries refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the new Somali government, and also prohibit the new Somali government from joining the African Union on behalf of Somalia.

Among them, Ethiopia and Kenya are the most clamorous, because the AU peacekeeping force was mainly composed of soldiers from these two countries, and they themselves have territorial disputes with Somalia.Therefore, they demanded that the new Somali government must call out the murderer who attacked the AU peacekeeping force, otherwise they would fight against Somalia.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the United Nations and the African Union, representatives of the two countries are also actively mediating, hoping to obtain authorization to send troops into Somalia legally.

However, in the eyes of the Somali people, the demise of the peacekeeping force is entirely their own fault.

Back then, the African Union peacekeeping force expelled the Somali al-Shabaab and entered Somalia, but what they did was not like that of the peacekeeping force. The Somali people still remember that peacekeeping force.

It can be said that wantonly tortured and shot captives, QJ Somali women, and massacred civilians.This so-called peacekeeping force.It is no different from ordinary invaders.

On the Internet, videos of peacekeepers killing Somalis for fun have been widely circulated.

A soldier also filmed his "brother" abusing Somalis.The intent of the abuse is clearly for fun, and soldiers on peacekeeping missions may find life in Somalia lonely and uninteresting.So do everything possible to find some spices to increase the "interest" of life.So after "brainstorming".They decided to exploit the starvation of Somalis.

They set their sights on a 16-year-old Somali boy who was hungry.Then deliberately put food and drinking water in a place where he can get it casually, to lure him into the bait.The peacekeepers hid in the dark to see how the boy moved.Just as they expected.The boy was tricked and ended up in their pocket.

The photographer said that several soldiers covered the boy's eyes with a cloth and tied him to a tree stump.A drunken Canadian soldier slammed the Canadian national anthem triumphantly as he smacked the boy's pussy with a stick.Another soldier put a gun to the boy's head, preventing him from resisting.

Hours later, the boy was tortured to death, dripping his own blood where he sat.

Kenyan peacekeepers seem to have their own methods of torture.They caught a Somali boy, tied him up and hung him to a log, and then lit a fire on the ground, roasting him like game. Although the little boy screamed hoarsely, The peacekeeping soldiers acted as if they hadn't heard it, and their faces were full of smug smiles...

These are just the atrocities that have been exposed, and there are countless others that have not been exposed.

This is also the reason why UN peacekeeping forces have been unable to gain a foothold in Somalia. The Somali people generally have great hostility to outsiders, which has something to do with their actions.

Originally, Bazak thought that after the hijacking of the "Vila Bay" last year, other countries would restrain themselves.

But he never expected that the Ethiopian army would really dare to drive in, and it would come in swaggeringly along the NO.30 highway.

Highway NO.30 is the highest-grade highway in Somalia. It runs from northwest to southeast, passes through Somali cities such as Beledweyne, Bloburti, and Jowhar, and connects to Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. However, this so-called high-grade The road is not even as good as an ordinary provincial road in China, but the road surface has been hardened and has two lanes. Most of the vehicles that run on this road on weekdays are armed pickups of local warlords.

After the new Somali government seized full independence, these armed pickups have also decreased.

Of course, for the Ethiopian armored forces, taking this road is also a helpless choice.

Large-scale mechanized units have very high requirements for logistical support, and their material consumption is more than ten times that of ordinary infantry units. Considering the poor traffic conditions in Africa, they can only choose to advance from the road.

But it doesn't matter. In the eyes of General Babem, commander of the Ethiopian First Armored Division, this military operation is more like an armed parade, and Somalia's local armed forces cannot pose enough threats to them.

His primary target is Beledweyne, a city in central Somalia.

This city, located on the right bank of the middle reaches of the Shabelle River, is a distribution center for local grain, livestock, and leather in Somalia. It is also an important station on the Somalia-Ethiopia highway. After the Beledwin-Burao highway is completed and opened to traffic, the traffic location will be even more important.

If you want to attack Mogadishu, Beledwin is almost a must. At the same time, capturing this city can also become the rear base camp of the Egyptian army.

Therefore, for this city, General Babem is determined to win.

Ahdi and Yusuf also understood the importance of Beledwin, and they also focused on the defense of the northwest direction here, an armed force of 3000 people with the former Ahdi brigade and the former Somali sailors as the core. Forces have been stationed in this city, and their mission is to delay the Ethiopian Army's attack in Beledwin and defend it for at least half a month.

In southern Somalia, the new government also sent the same number of defenders to guard Kirimayo to prevent the Kenyan army attacking from the south from easily capturing this important port city in southern Somalia.

Of course, whether it is Ahdi or Yusuf, they all know very well that with the current military strength of Somalia, they are not opponents of the coalition forces of Kenya and Ethiopia at all. They put the decisive battle in Mogadishu. They believe that, As long as reinforcements from the Halo Group arrive in Mogadishu, the Somalis are fully capable of driving the invaders from their homeland.


The capital of the United States, Washington.

David Petraeus, director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, hurried into the office of President Okumi.

"Mr. President, Ethiopia and Kenya have already started to fight!"

Ao Guanhai raised his head from the copywriting, and said expressionlessly: "Our people are not exposed!"

David Petraeus said: "Absolutely not. This time we will operate directly through a middleman, and the relevant funds will go through underground channels. It is impossible to leak information."

Ao Guanhai nodded and said after a while: "That's good, from now on, cut off any contact with the Ethiopian and Kenyan governments."

David Petraeus frowned and said, "This... Mr. President, the intermediary said that the other party hopes to obtain intelligence support from satellites and reconnaissance planes from us."

Ao Guanhaidao: "Don't pay attention to them, you just need to properly strengthen the monitoring of the area by satellites and drones, and keep the necessary attention."

David Petraeus opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, nodded and said: "Yes!" (To be continued...)

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