super robot clone

Chapter 315 is about to arrive

For Ao Guanhai's caution, David.Petraeus understood, too.

In the Battle of the Bering Sea, the joint fleet of China, the United States and Russia had no way to take down the mysterious nuclear submarine of the Somali pirate group. Instead, a Seawolf-class nuclear submarine of its own was hit by the opponent and seriously injured.

Later combat assessments showed that the comprehensive performance of this submarine has far exceeded the combat effectiveness of the most advanced nuclear submarines in the United States. In addition to the 18 intercontinental missiles it carries, any rational US president will not make a decision. An action that provokes the opponent.

This time Kenya and Ethiopia invaded Somalia, the Americans were more happy to see what happened, especially the CIA. They contacted the hardliners of the two countries through intermediaries and did a lot of work behind them. As for how the situation will develop next , then it depends on whether Ethiopia and Kenya can lead out the organization behind the new Somali government.

Of course, neither Ao Guanhai nor Petraeus is optimistic about the outcome of this military operation between the two countries.

Others only think it is luck that the Somali pirates won such a big victory in front of the Americans. Anyone who knows a little bit about the inside story will understand that the reason behind it is far from that simple.

It has a high-power electromagnetic pulse bomb that can deal with the Aegis system of the United States, a ballistic missile nuclear submarine with a speed of up to 40 knots, and excellent silent performance, not to mention the eighteen submarine-launched intercontinental missiles on the submarine. All are great threats.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the United States, the United Kingdom, France or Russia, when they knew that Ethiopia and Kenya were planning to invade Somalia, they did not express anything.

It is a rare scene in the world that there is a war between three African countries with abundant resources and excellent geographical location, but no world power intervenes.

Of course, except China!

As soon as he got the news, Peng Guochen reported the information to Osborn who was negotiating in the capital, and Osborn directly sent the information to Chen Xin's secret mailbox by email.

At the same time, the world's major media also became active.

Over the past six months, the rise of the Somali pirate group has attracted the attention of the global media.

Especially when Ahdi was negotiating with the Americans, the media was filled with all kinds of rumors and false news every day. Some people thought that the Americans would not compromise easily, while others thought that even if the Americans chose to pay the ransom, Somali The pirate group's next ending will not end well either.

After the establishment of the new Somali government, no government in the world has recognized the legitimacy of this new government, even the Beibai and Persians who are hostile to the United States are no exception.

Many people laughed and said: "The so-called Somali pirate group has become so isolated that even a country like Beibang despises it."

But where the new Somali government will go in the future, it is still highly concerned by the global media.

Especially when Somalia sent representatives to the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian foreign minister publicly stated that representatives of the Somali puppet government were not welcome to go to the AU headquarters.

In the face of such strange eyes everywhere, Ahdi still insisted on sending representatives to Addis Ababa, and took the trouble to explain the new government's ruling philosophy to the media.

For example, they used most of the war reparations paid by the Americans for the reconstruction of Somalia, improving Somalia's infrastructure, and promoting reconciliation between the northern and southern Somali ethnic groups, etc.

It is a pity that under the disturbance of Kenya and Ethiopia, this trip to the African Union has turned into a criticism meeting of the new Somali government.

The other party seized the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia and pursued it fiercely, demanding that the new Somali government must be responsible for the incident, hand over the murderer and pay compensation.

Since then, the situation has taken a turn for the worse. After realizing that peace is irretrievable, the new Somali government began active preparations for war.

It's a pity that the Somali country is initially determined, and most of the warlords are in a state of reorganization. After discussing with Ahdi and Yusuf, they decided to send the core armed forces of both sides to delay the enemy's actions and try to delay the time as long as the reorganization of the army is completed. If the new equipment promised by Chen Xin is in place, then they have full confidence in driving the invaders out of the country.

However, the enemy came earlier than they expected.


indian ocean.

The New Typhoon still maintained a high speed of [-] knots and headed towards the scheduled target, and they were less than a day away from the scheduled sea area.

Chen Xin was sitting in the command cabin with a dignified expression. He was talking with Ahdi in Mogadishu through the video call system.

According to the original estimate, they thought that Ethiopia and Kenya would have to wait at least a month before sending troops. Who would have thought that the time would be much earlier.

Therefore, Chen Xin immediately contacted Ahdi through the communication system in the submarine, hoping to obtain further information.

"Chief, we have deployed nearly 3000 military forces in Beledwin, including 200 armed pickup trucks. In order to slow down the advance speed of the enemy's armored forces, we have sent all the [-] anti-aircraft missiles in Mogadishu's reserve All the tank bazookas were dispatched to the front line, but we are not sure how effective it will be.”

"As for the southern front, the Kenyan army has also dispatched about 1 troops. Their equipment is similar to ours. They are also mainly armed with pickup trucks. Yusuf and I have already discussed that he will be in charge of commanding the southern front. command, but there are less than 3000 soldiers defending the southern line, three times the number of Kenyan troops, and we are not sure how long we can defend!"

Chen Xin thought for a while and said, "Old Ai, please tell Yusuf to me that you must defend for at least a week. Don't save me weapons and ammunition, and adjust as much as you have. The first batch we bought now Rifle bullets, mortars, bazookas and other equipment have been loaded and set off, and it is estimated that they will arrive in Mogadishu in a few days."

Ahdi suddenly became excited, and said: "Boss, that's great. As long as we have enough weapons, we can drive the enemy back even if we take human lives!"

Chen Xin said with a smile: "I don't need your lives to pay for it. This time the enemy's attack is a test for us on the one hand, and it is also a good opportunity on the other. I hope that through this war, you can help I have trained a group of troops with sufficient combat effectiveness, by the way, this time I also brought you two hundred experienced instructors, which should speed up the reorganization of the army."

Ahdi said: "Really? Chief, this is great. I'm worried about this problem. The slow pace of troop reorganization is not unrelated to the lack of excellent grassroots non-commissioned officers!"

Chen Xindao: "By the way, the seven Ospreys are all well preserved, right?"

Ahdi said: "Don't worry, the leader. We have been sending people to watch the seven planes of the Americans. There should be no problems. In addition, I have purchased enough fuel reserves according to your requirements."

Chen Xin said: "That's good, then I won't say much else, I should be able to arrive in Mogadishu tomorrow, see you then!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to read the novel Online ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to to read.)

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