super robot clone

Chapter 464 The Satellite Navigation System Controversy

The Great Elder smiled slightly, and said slowly: "This business is indeed done."

As soon as his voice fell, the originally tense atmosphere in the conference room suddenly relaxed.

Chen Xin also breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at the Great Elder: "Chief, on behalf of the Zhanhu Bureau, I would like to thank the Chinese side for their assistance."

The Great Elder smiled and said, "It's only natural to reciprocate."

In fact, there was a clear decision in yesterday's meeting on the resolution to support the War Neglect Bureau.

After all, if Zhanbuju is willing to take action against OPEC countries, it will greatly damage the strength of the oil country camp, and it may have an unexpected effect on the promotion of Jinlong batteries.

The Great Elders and the others are waiting for Chen Xin to come over today, but they hope to use another method to support Zhan Huju. After all, this time the main battlefield is in the Middle East, and the Long Sword 10 cruise missile does not have global combat capabilities. A thousand cruise missiles do not make any sense.

Originally, the Great Elder was ready to provide Somalia with short- and medium-range ballistic missiles to deter Saudi Arabia and other countries. No one expected that Chen Xin would propose to help China complete the global network deployment of the Beidou satellite positioning system ahead of schedule in this meeting.

In this way, China no longer has a reason to refuse to provide a thousand cruise missiles to the Zhanbu Bureau.

Chen Xin turned his head to General Li Yuanqing, head of the General Armament Department, and said, "General Li, time waits for no one. I wonder if China can provide us with a thousand long swords within a month?"

"Within a month?" Admiral Li Yuanqing hesitated and said, "According to our production capacity, it may be a bit difficult to get together a thousand long swords 10 within a month."

Chen Xin frowned.Said: "Time waits for no one. Now the Middle East countries headed by Saudi Arabia are preparing for war intensively. If they really fight us desperately, the more than 300 planes in Somalia alone may not be able to keep the enemy out of the country. So we I hope these thousand cruise missiles can be put in place as soon as possible."

The Great Elder said: "Old Li, how many long sword 10s does the Second Artillery have now?"

Admiral Li Yuanqing looked at Chen Xin and said, "A total of 490 are deployed so far!"

The Great Elder said: "Then give all the 490 six pieces to the Zhanhu Bureau, and order the remaining [-] pieces to be produced by the relevant companies within one month!"

General Li Yuanqing was taken aback.Quickly stood up and said: "Yes!"

After a pause, he looked at Chen Xin again and said, "However, Mr. Chen, all we are equipped with are land-based cruise missiles. If you want to equip them on Typhoon-class nuclear submarines, you may need some modifications."

Chen Xin said with a smile: "This is no problem, we can handle it by ourselves."

General Li Yuanqing said: "That's good!"

Chen Xin laughed and said, "The problem of the cruise missile is solved, then let's talk about the problem of the Beidou satellite navigation system!"

The faces of everyone in the conference room suddenly became serious.

The importance of global satellite navigation systems cannot be doubted.As early as the 90s, the United States relied on its strong national strength to complete the deployment of the Global Satellite Positioning System (GPS).

In the next ten years, whether it was the bombing of Yugoslavia, or the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the GPS system played an extremely important role.

There are even reports that GPS can increase the combat effectiveness of the US military by 100 to 1000 times.

This is not without reason.

According to the concept of "force multiplier" in modern military theory, mathematical models can be used to calculate the degree to which the GPS system improves combat capabilities.

For example.Air refueling aircraft can greatly extend the air patrol time of fighter jets. The patrol mission that originally required 8 fighter jets to complete now only requires 4 fighter jets to complete.In this typical example, aerial tankers tripled the effectiveness of the original force.

Satellite navigation plays a huge role in the accurate dispatch and deployment of the army. The previous methods of inertial navigation and map interpretation are incomparable with satellite navigation in terms of accuracy and convenience.

Moreover, many weapons and ammunition now use satellite navigation guidance (GPS guidance). For example, at a cost of only about 1 yuan, an aerial bomb with an optimal throwing accuracy of only 40 meters can be converted into an aerial bomb with an accuracy of about 5 meters. GPS guided bombs.

The combat effectiveness of a GPS-guided bomb is equivalent to 1000 to [-] ordinary aviation bombs. Considering the impact on aircraft sorties, it can be said that the GPS-guided bomb allows the Air Force to perform more than [-] times the effectiveness of attacking point-like solid targets on the ground. .

Of course.This simple calculation does not hold in every case.Because in addition to GPS-guided bombs, there are now laser-guided and TV-guided bombs to choose from.

In the civilian field, the GPS system has shown great commercial application potential, only in China. GPS has monopolized the satellite navigation market of up to 5000 billion yuan, and the booming smart phone industry is fueling the development of satellite navigation systems.

Therefore.China, the United States, Russia, Europe and other countries have launched their own satellite navigation systems, such as China's Beidou satellite navigation system, the United States' GPS system, Europe's Galileo system and Russia's GLONASS navigation system.

At present, the GPS system of the United States is thriving in the global satellite navigation system, occupying most of the market in the civilian field.

As for China's Beidou satellite navigation system, it has to mention the grievances and grievances with the European Galileo system.

In Europe in 2003, anti-American and anti-war sentiments were everywhere. The United States insisted on implementing a unilateral foreign policy and brazenly launched the Iraq war in spite of the opposition of the international community. Europeans felt the potential danger caused by the "unipolar world".

The then French President Jacques Chirac advocated the establishment of a "multipolar world", and his call was firmly supported by the then German Chancellor Schröder.Against this background, the EU decided to include China in the "Galileo" program launched by the EU in 2002, and China became the first non-EU participating country.The news spread, shocking the United States.

For a long time, the global satellite positioning system GPS of the United States has dominated the world in the field of civil navigation, while the Russian GLONASS system has only 12 satellites in orbit due to its unstable operation and short service life. In addition, the development of user equipment is slow. There are few manufacturers, and the equipment is bulky and heavy. It has already faded out of the international market, and it simply does not have the ability to compete with GPS.

The "Galileo" global satellite navigation program launched by the European Union is considered to be the most powerful challenge to ending the "monopoly" situation of the United States.According to the design, "Galileo" will have a total of 30 "medium-orbit" and "stationary-orbit" navigation satellites covering the whole world. Its positioning accuracy exceeds that of GPS, and it is also superior to GPS in design aspects such as compatibility and accuracy.In order to break the monopoly position of GPS, the frequency to be used by the "Public Management Service" system of "Galileo" is deliberately chosen to be close to that of the US GPS. Such an arrangement may dilute the effect of the GPS channel and make Americans restless.

At that time, the "Beidou" system was still in the stage of experimental development, and its technical parameters lagged behind GPS and the "Galileo" system that the European Union decided to launch in 2002. More importantly, "Beidou" No. [-] was only regional. Its commercial value is not high.Against this background, the Europeans took the initiative to "invite" China to join the global satellite navigation system, and China readily accepted it, and the two hit it off.

The inclusion of China in Europe not only enabled the leaders of some European countries to earn sufficient political capital, but also greatly eased the stretched financial situation of the "Galileo" plan, and laid the foundation for "Galileo" to enter the attractive market in China.

At the end of 2003, after the Chinese side actually completed the regional navigation system "Beidou" No. 2004, China and the EU initially signed a cooperation agreement. In 2.3, China and the EU officially signed a technical cooperation agreement, and China promised to invest a huge amount of 7000 million euros, and the first tranche of [-] million euros was transferred to the European account soon.

Cooperation between China and the EU has both strategic and practical benefits.Some people commented that China-EU cooperation in high-end technology has essentially broken the US-led European arms embargo against China, and it is equivalent to abolishing the European-American Trade in Arms Regulations (ITAR) against specific countries such as China, which is the ultimate legal solution to the The arms embargo against China has torn a hole.As satellite navigation plays an increasingly important role in modern warfare, the United States even threatened that if the United States feels threatened, it has the right to destroy the "Galileo" satellite. (to be continued~^~)

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