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Chapter 465 The Satellite Navigation System Controversy 2

In 2005, the first "medium-orbit" experimental satellite "GLOVE-A" of "Galileo" was successfully launched on the Russian "Soyuz" launch vehicle.

Although this is just an experimental satellite and not one of the 30 navigation satellites to be finally deployed, the launch of "GLOVE-A" marks the transition from design to operation of the European Union's "Galileo" program.

However, in 2005, European politics began to turn. The former "pro-China" German Chancellor Schroeder retired sadly, and Merkel, a pro-American politician from a right-wing party, became the new German Chancellor.

And France has also entered an era of leadership transition. Chirac's influence has gradually declined. The pro-American politician Nicolas Sarkozy began to serve as the French president in 2007.

Pro-American politicians came to power one after another, dimming the EU's desire to build a "multi-polar world", and Europe quickly moved closer to the United States.

In this context, the European Space Agency and the United States "repaired" and agreed to revise the previously planned transmission frequency similar to that of the US GPS, so that the possibility of signal conflicts after it is put into use can be minimized.

But such a technical re-correction cost a lot of money outside the budget.In return, the United States agreed to technically support the development of "Galileo".

Precisely at this time, the EU began to quarrel over the financial and benefit distribution of the "Galileo" project.It was also from this time that the EU began to exclude China.

Seeing that a huge amount of money has been invested, but the treatment is not commensurate with it, and the treatment is even lower than that of other non-EU countries that have not invested a cent, such as India and other countries.Much to China's dissatisfaction.

Not only was China unable to enter the decision-making body of the "Galileo" program, but it was even blocked by obstacles deliberately set up by the European Space Agency in terms of technical cooperation and development.

Apart from the "good reputation" of a participant, the Chinese side has nothing to gain, and instead has to bear a huge amount of capital investment.This "ending" made China very dissatisfied.

In this context, China began to shift its attention to the "Beidou" system that had been silent for several years.

The fourth "Beidou" navigation satellite launched in 2007 replaced the decommissioned satellites, and the "Beidou" system began to activate.

By the end of 2007.China successfully launched the first "medium orbit" navigation system, marking a major breakthrough in the technology and planning of the "Beidou" system.

At this time, the EU is still in the midst of internal strife.

It was not until April 2008, 4 that the second experimental satellite of the "Galileo" system was launched. At this time, it has been almost four years since the last launch. This progress has been delayed by a full five years compared to the original plan.

The birth of "Beidou" No. [-] not only greatly reduced the European "Galileo" system's desire to compete with the US GPS.It also dilutes the future market prospects of "Galileo".

"BeiDou" No. 0.5 is technically more advanced than "Galileo", and its positioning accuracy even reaches the [-]-meter level, which shocked the Europeans deeply.

On the other hand, the launch of the previous "Galileo" program stimulated the United States and Russia to speed up technological updates. The technical indicators of the new generation of GPS and the new generation of "GLONASS" quickly surpassed "Galileo", "Galileo" Gradually lost the advantage of relative leading technology.

To change the passive situation.The Europeans have no choice but to increase financial investment. At this time, in order to exclude China, the European Space Agency has stipulated in legal form that all development funds come from EU public funds. This means that if you want to increase investment, you have to It is endlessly "noisy" inside.

Europeans began to say sourly that China's Beidou-[-] technology was "stolen" from the European Union's "Galileo" program. Such nonsense has become another example of European arrogance.

Out of strategic needs, China has not completely given up cooperation with the EU's "Galileo" program.But this can no longer stop China from launching its own global navigation system.

Follow the procedures common to the International Telecommunication Union.China has notified the organization of the satellite launch frequency it intends to use, which happens to be the frequency that the European "Galileo" system intends to use for "public administration services".

Channels are a rare resource.The United States and Russia, which have taken the lead, have the best frequencies for use respectively, and the frequency China is looking at is considered to be the "suboptimal" frequency after the United States and Russia.

According to the principle of international law that "whoever uses it first gets it", China and the European Union have become competitors for this frequency.

However.China will launch three "Beidou" second-generation satellites in 2009 to officially use this frequency.However, the European Union did not even shoot all the three scheduled experimental satellites, and was destined to lose in this "unexpected" competition, thus losing the ownership of the frequency.

Today, China has successfully launched sixteen "Beidou" second-generation satellites, while Europe's "Galileo" project is still struggling.

If the Bureau of War and Neglect assists China in completing the global network deployment of the Beidou satellite navigation system in a short period of time, it will also conclude the previous frequency dispute, and Europeans will no longer have the capital to compete with China for the frequency of the satellite positioning system.

This is why Chen Xin's proposal to speed up the networking of the Beidou satellite navigation system has attracted the attention of so many people.

Chen Xin asked General Li Yuanqing, "General Li, how is the training of the Shuguang and Julong aerospace planes going?"

Li Yuanqing said: "According to the current training progress, the crew members of these two aerospace planes will be able to perform flight missions in about a month."

Chen Xin nodded and said: "This is the best. The remaining 19 satellites will be manufactured by our Bureau of War and Neglect, and they will be delivered to you for launch at that time. The war preparations of OPEC countries will last for another two months at most. Now there are intelligence reports that, Egypt has already joined the OPEC camp, and these countries are fully capable of threatening Somalia through land, so we don't have much time."

The "Beidou" satellite navigation system is composed of 5 geostationary orbit satellites and 30 non-geostationary orbit satellites. Some satellites are still under development and cannot be put in place immediately. It is made by Yi, and the launch task will be handed over to the two Chinese aerospace planes at that time.

Li Yuanqing laughed and said: "Mr. Chen, then it's settled. I can't wait to see what kind of expressions those Europeans will have when the Beidou satellite navigation system is deployed!" continued~^~)

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