super robot clone

482 Declaring War 2


"Why didn't Saudi Arabia inform us?"

"Isn't the Arab League's ultimatum until December 31? Why did you suddenly declare war early?"

"What happened in the middle?"

There was a buzzing sound in the conference room, and it suddenly became noisy.

"Quiet!" Ao Guanhai had to pat the table.

After finally waiting for everyone to calm down, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said: "I think the reason why the Arab League declared war in advance is very simple. The Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank just launched by China and Russia is probably theirs. The trigger for an early declaration of war."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted.

Everyone here is not a fool. The Arab League dared to attack Somalia this time. The biggest confidence lies in the support of Western developed countries. However, the emergence of the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank is very likely to break their foundation, and may even split Europe and the United States.

The Americans can see this, and the key members of the Arab League can also see it.

If you think about it, you can understand that in order to deal with Somalia, both Europe and the United States have opened up their own arsenals to sell arms to the Arab League. Now that the war has broken out ahead of schedule and the ship has left the port, the EU just wants to get off this ship. At least until the outcome of the war comes out.

"I didn't expect that the Arab League unintentionally helped us solve a big problem." Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta sneered, "I'm afraid those European guys will be scolding their mothers!"

Everyone at the meeting smiled, imagining how annoyed the group of greedy Europeans would be now.

The atmosphere in the White House conference room also relaxed.

Soon, the White House secretary turned on the LCD TV in the conference room.The screen of the English channel of Al Jazeera appeared on the display screen.

The Secretary-General of the Council of the Arab League, His Highness Crown Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia, is speaking into the microphone in Arabic, with English subtitles below.

"My dear fellow Muslims:

For the past few years, the vicious Somali pirate group has been entrenched in the Horn of Africa.Willfully enslaving the Somali people, killing innocent people, hijacking merchant ships, and extorting.Do all the evil.

They have become the public enemies of the world. We must uphold the will of Allah and eradicate this evil group.

Starting today, the Arab allied forces will formally declare war on this terrorist group.

We will have the support of the world as our troops are about to go to war to disarm Somalia, liberate the Somali people, and save the world from the first stages of a dangerous military operation.

I have ordered.Allied forces are about to attack some important military targets in order to destroy the military strength of the Somali pirate group.This is the beginning of a wide-ranging, concerted campaign. Twenty-five countries have given significant support to the Arab League, allowing them to use their naval and air bases, assist our intelligence agencies and logistics, and deploy our troops.

Every country in this alliance takes responsibility for the common defense and is proud of it.

To every member of the Arab League Armed Forces, the hope of world peace and the oppressed peoples rests in you, and the enemies you face will learn from your bravery and ability.The people you liberate will witness the glory and good spirit of the Arab League Army..."

With a smile on his face, Aoguanhai clapped his hands lightly, as if applauding Salman's speech.

He tilted his head and whispered to the White House secretary beside him: "Notify the Saudi ambassador to the United States immediately, and I hope to talk to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia later!"

"Yes!" The White House secretary left in response.

Ao Guanhai turned his head and said to everyone in the conference room: "Guys, let's all act, this war is very likely to affect the future structure of the world, we must keep it within a controllable range. "


Capital of China.

The sudden early declaration of war by the Arab League shocked not only the United States, but also the whole world.No one can think of it.Countries such as Saudi Arabia will disregard consistent international norms of behavior.Come on like this.

All of a sudden, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and other countries were all caught in a panic.

Ouchi.meeting room.

When the Great Elder walked into the conference room, the entire conference room was already full.Among the people present at the meeting, not only members of the Presbyterian Church and senior military officials, but even Qiao Ting was allowed to participate in this confidential meeting as an exception.

The Great Elder sat down at the top, looked around and said, "Comrades are all here, let's start! I believe everyone has received the news that the war has broken out!"

Elder No. [-], who was sitting opposite the Great Elder, said, "Yes, I really didn't expect that we would inadvertently push the Arab League by setting up the Eurasian Investment Bank this time!"

Elder No. [-] frowned and said: "The war did not come at the right time. Originally, I was sure that the Europeans would stop blood transfusions to the Arab League before the war broke out and remain neutral. In this way, the Arab League also had concerns about launching a war, but now it seems that I'm afraid it will be difficult."

General Chang Siwei, chief of staff, said: "I don't know how to deal with the sudden situation. Their enemy this time is not ordinary."

During this period of time, China's intelligence agencies were also quite active in the Middle East, providing a large amount of military information for the Bureau of War and Ignorance. General Chang Siwei naturally knew the strength of the Arab League coalition forces.

More than a thousand third-generation fighters and above, and even a considerable number of fourth-generation fighters. This alone has surpassed the Chinese Air Force in terms of strength. In addition, there are also a considerable number of foreign elite pilots participating in the war in the form of mercenaries .

With such a huge air force, even China would be terrified to deal with it. It can be said that apart from having no nuclear weapons, the Arab League has formed the second largest air force in the world.

On the army side, there are more than a dozen divisions equipped with advanced mechanized units, thousands of tanks and armored vehicles, and nearly [-] artillery pieces. These units are highly digitalized and have powerful combat capabilities. It can be said that they can easily deal with the poorly equipped militias in Somalia. .

In addition, Saudi Arabia temporarily ordered a batch of land-based Tomahawk IV long-range cruise missiles and the "HIMARS" high-mobility rocket launcher system from the United States for long-range firepower.

With such a well-equipped firepower system in the near, middle and far distances, if it hadn’t been for the many miracles created by the Zhanhu Bureau before, no one would believe that Somalia could survive in the face of such a powerful force.

"Little Qiao, what did Chen Xin say?" the elder looked at Qiao Ting and asked.

brush brush --

Everyone focused on Qiao Ting.

A group of elders in their 60s and [-]s are discussing state affairs, and it always makes people feel a little out of harmony to suddenly insert such a young and beautiful girl.

But this is also understandable, because of Chen Xin's relationship, Qiao Ting's identity has long been different, and most of the people present are well aware of this.

If Qiao Ting was with Chen Xin in the past and she was a representative of the Chinese government, then at this time, she has become a representative of the War Bureau. Otherwise, it is impossible for Qiao Ting to have the opportunity to attend a meeting of this level. .

Qiao Ting naturally understood the reason behind this, and said: "I just contacted Chen Xin, and he said that he was grateful for the support of the Chinese government. He told us not to worry, and that the Zhanhu Bureau has enough capabilities to deal with the Arab League's attack. In addition... "

Qiao Ting seemed to be hesitant.

"What else?"

Qiao Ting took a deep breath and said, "Chen Xin also asked me to convey that he hoped that we would be ready for the large-scale promotion of Jinlong batteries."

"What? Large-scale promotion of Jinlong batteries?"

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, what was Xiao Chen thinking? The Arab League is already under pressure, and he is still thinking about promoting Jinlong batteries?

The Great Elder thought for a moment and asked, "Little Qiao, you mean that Chen Xin is sure to end the war in a short time?"

Qiao Ting nodded and said, "He probably meant that."

General Li Yuanqing, head of the General Armament Department, couldn't help but frowned and said, "What kind of hole card does this Xiao Chen hold in his hand, so confident?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Qiao Ting quickly shook her head and smiled wryly: "To be honest, I don't know what cards Chen Xin has. Chen Xin told me on the phone before that the war may last longer than everyone imagined. Much shorter."

"Much shorter?"

The first elder and the second elder looked at each other.

Having been in contact with Chen Xin for so long, they are also aware of Chen Xin's personality, and know that he will not joke about such things. If what Chen Xin said is true, then the result of this war may shock the world. (to be continued~^~)

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