super robot clone

483 Declaring War 3

While China is holding an emergency meeting, high-level officials from Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other countries are also urgently discussing countermeasures.

Compared with China and Russia, the European countries such as Britain, France and Germany are the most depressing.

You must know that the reason why they support the Arab League is because they are worried that Europe will be subject to China and Russia on energy issues in the future. Who would have thought that China and Russia would suddenly propose the establishment of the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank? Russia and Russia occupy the largest share, but as long as they can occupy a place in it, Britain, France and Germany can also have a certain say in future energy issues.

These European countries are not the United States. They have long since lost their ambition to compete for world hegemony, as long as they can maintain their current status as a powerful country. Therefore, it is not impossible to join the Sino-Russian alliance.

Unexpectedly, when a group of military and political officials from Britain, France, Germany and other countries were urgently discussing whether they should join the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank, the Arab League actually made a move.

You must know that in this war, Europe has earned a large amount of foreign exchange from the oil countries. How many elite pilots have joined the Arab League Air Force in the name of mercenaries with the tacit approval of the government.

Now that the war broke out, even if Europe wants to get rid of the responsibility, it is impossible.

French President Francois Hollande slammed his glass at the Elysee Palace, and Britain's No. [-] Downing Street and the German Chancellery were also restless.

In comparison, the most calm ones are the Somali government and Chen Xin who are far away in the depths of the ocean.

" this war, the Arab League is facing an enemy that disregards the rules and morals of war. Ahdi deployed Somali troops and military equipment in civilian places in an attempt to use innocent people and children as a shield for their troops. This It was Ahdi's last atrocity against the Somali people.

I want the world to understand.The Arab allies will do everything possible to avoid harming innocent people, and fighting a war in a country full of treacherous terrain means that the war will be longer and more difficult than expected.

Only our unwavering faith can help Somalia build a united and stable state.We come to Somalia with respect for Allah and the great people of Somalia.We have no intentions in Somalia, we just want to destroy a terrorist group.To restore control of the country to the Somali people.

I know the families of our troops are in their prayers for their safe return home as soon as possible.Tens of thousands of Arab people are praying for the safety of your beloved family and the protection of the innocent.Because of your sacrifice, you have won the gratitude and respect of the Arab people.I can tell you that our troops will come home as soon as they have done their job.

Our nation volunteered for this war.Our purpose is clear.The Arab people will not allow the threat of Somali pirate groups armed with weapons of mass destruction to continue.

Our Navy, Army, Air Force, and Marines rise to the challenge of threats now so that firefighters, police officers, and medical personnel will no longer face threats in our cities.

War has come, and a determined army is the only way to shorten it.I assure you that this will not be a half-way operation, the only outcome we can accept is the defeat of Somalia.

My dear citizens, the dangers to our country and the world will be eliminated.We will get through this dangerous time and continue our cause of peace.We will defend our country and we will bring peace to other countries.We will definitely win.

May Allah bless the Arab League and all those who defend Muslims..."

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Salman's declaration of war continued with a "snap".Chen Xin turned off the TV screen and said, "What you said is so fucking grand!"

Gang Bing said: "Old Dou, the Arab League's air forces deployed at Djibouti International Airport, Addis Ababa Bole Airport, Aden Airport, Mombasa Airport and more than a dozen large air force bases have begun to dispatch on a large scale."

The steel coin stepped on the podium a few times, and soon, the projection screens of the major military bases appeared on the holographic projection.

The screen showed that in just half an hour, more than [-] fighter jets began to assemble.Demonstrated strong organizational skills.

Chen Xin sneered and said, "The Arab League Air Force really thinks highly of us! Investing in [-] fighter jets at one time, is this trying to flatten Somalia?"

Gang Yan said: "There are [-] escort fighter jets equipped with short-range combat missiles and medium-range interceptor missiles. In addition, there are another [-] equipped with 'Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles'. According to the information we got from Europe , these cruise missiles should be equipped with ammunition dispensers and are used to deal with airports."

Chen Xin knew that this kind of ammunition dispenser was extremely vicious, and it usually consisted of hundreds or thousands of small timed warheads.The detonation time of each warhead varies.It can't be cleaned up at all, and a few such bombs may paralyze a large airport for a day or two.

There are only a few airports in Somalia, and the only military airports are Hargeisa and Mogadishu.The rest of the small airports are used as spares, and these two hundred fighter planes are equipped with Storm Shadow cruise missiles.Enough to completely destroy all airports in Somalia.

Without the airport, the [-] planes of the Somali Air Force are equivalent to tigers with their teeth pulled out, and they can only obediently be prisoners of the Arab League.

"The Arab League has a good plan!"

Chen Xin sneered and said, "Gangbang, order the fighter jets to take off. Those escort fighter jets can ignore them, but you can't let go of any fighter jets with ground attack weapons!"


Gang Bian's eyes lit up, and he quacked with a smile: "Old Dou, let those Arabs see how powerful our drones are!"

Although these drones are composed of retired F14, F15, F16 and other old-fashioned three-generation aircraft, but after careful modification by steel mills, their combat power can completely match the F22, plus the early warning aircraft, tankers, and electronic warfare aircraft behind them. Support, the combat power they can display is far from being as simple as one plus one equals two.

The only thing that is slightly weaker is the weapons they are equipped with.

Chen Xin imported 9 PL-12 short-range air-to-air missiles and [-] PL-[-] medium-range interceptor missiles from China as the main air combat weapons, which are not the same as the air-to-air missiles that were modified with steel bars in the United States at that time. the same level.

But to Chen Xin, these missiles are just consumables, as long as they are enough.

The real big move is yet to come. (to be continued~^~)

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