super robot clone

Chapter 497 Pure Natural and Pollution-free XX

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In fact, compared with the restless media, the governments of various countries got the news much earlier and in much more detail.

Although the magnetic storm generated by the electromagnetic pulse bomb swept the Gulf region, it did not have any impact on the spy satellites hundreds of kilometers above the altitude.

Therefore, not long after the Prince Sultan Air Force Base and Dubai and other cities were hit by electromagnetic attacks, satellite photos and corresponding intelligence analysis and judgment data were sent to the leaders of various countries.

But at this time, no country has stood up to express its attitude, and no country has released relevant news to the media to expose the truth.

While the countries were overwhelmed by the ruthless methods of the War Bureau beyond ordinary people's imagination, they were also urgently discussing the next countermeasures.

Everyone knows that the Somali war has become like this, and it is unnecessary and impossible to continue.

The question now is, how to adjust the strategy for Jinlong Battery, continue tit for tat or compromise cooperation?

How to clean up the mess in the Middle East?

How should this region, which is endowed by nature and rich in oil and gas resources, develop in the future?

The most important thing is, next, how should various countries get along with Somalia and the ignorance of the war?

These issues are the focus of headaches for leaders of various countries.

China and Russia are fine, anyway, they are tied to the Zhanhu Bureau, and the Zhanhu Bureau is stronger.The happier they are.

It is the Western countries that are really sitting on the wax at the moment.

By now, everyone knows that the rise of Somalia is unstoppable.

Anyone who has witnessed the power of electromagnetic pulse bombs to wipe out the ground may not have the courage to fight such a war at the risk of completely destroying their own industrial system.



U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Command Center.The atmosphere was so heavy that water could drip out.

Not long after Ao Guanhai and Crown Prince Salman finished talking, they received news that they had lost contact with the Prince Sultan Air Force Base.

Subsequently, the spy satellite captured three flashes of light inside the Prince Sultan Air Force Base, blinding everyone's eyes.

The photos were immediately handed over to relevant technical personnel for analysis.Experts quickly concluded that the Prince Sultan air base was struck by an EMP bomb.

Immediately afterwards, important cities and military bases in the Gulf region such as Riyadh, Dubai, Doha, Manama, and Celera captured similar flashes of light, and the US Fifth Fleet Command (based in Manama, the capital of Bahrain) also lost connect.

At this moment, everyone realized that something had happened.

U.S. President Okami, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and CIA Director David Petraeus held an emergency meeting immediately to discuss countermeasures.

At the same time, the Pentagon also sent the data related to the electromagnetic pulse bomb received by the satellite to major top scientific research institutions in the United States for further analysis and research.

two hours later.Ao Guanhai and the others haven’t discussed a result yet. Dr. John Braun, a senior adviser to the White House Science and Technology Committee and director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States, rushed over from New Jersey to submit the electromagnetic pulse weapon to the National Security Council. Analysis report of the scrub operation.

Ao Guanhai and others also interrupted the meeting immediately to listen to Dr. Braun's report.

The Pentagon meeting room.

Dr. John Braun is talking on a slideshow of photos taken by spy satellites.

"According to the data analysis of the keyhole, lacrosse and magnum spy satellites by the expert group and the simulation calculations of the supercomputer, it can basically be confirmed that the power of the electromagnetic pulse bomb of the Bureau of War and the 20-ton nuclear bomb released The electromagnetic pulse emitted is roughly equivalent, and the effective killing radius of electronic equipment reaches about ten kilometers (completely destroyed within 1.5 kilometers)."

Dr. John Braun paused slightly.Looking at everyone present, he continued: "Furthermore, according to the previous satellite images, it can be confirmed that the vehicle used by the other party should be the Chinese Longjian 10, and the warhead it can carry does not exceed 300 kilograms in weight, that is to say, The weight of these electromagnetic pulse bombs should be less than 300 kilograms, and the miniaturization technology is excellent."

The faces of everyone in the conference room changed slightly, only 300 kilograms?

Even without the use of ballistic missiles, this weapon can easily be placed on the mainland of the United States by means of war and ignorance.Think of that horrible scene.Everyone couldn't help being shocked!

Dr. John Braun paused, and continued: "The next thing I want to say is also the point that we need to pay attention to the most. According to the data analysis received by our detection equipment. These electromagnetic pulse bombs should be non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs." bomb!"

"What? How is this possible?!"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"How can a non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bomb be so powerful!"

The first to react violently were General Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who was born in the military, and David Petraeus, director of the CIA.

Ao Guanhai, Hillary and others were a little confused.I don't know why Admiral Mike Mullen and David Petraeus had such a big reaction.

Secretary of State Hillary asked strangely: "General Mullen, is there any problem with non-nuclear EMP bombs?"

At this time, Admiral Mike Mullen also calmed down, looked at Dr. John Braun with piercing eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Let's leave this question to Dr. Braun to explain."

Dr. Braun gave a wry smile, knowing that most of the people here are politicians, and their sensitivity to technology is not as high as that of the military and scientists.

He was silent for a moment and said, "Well, let me first explain to you the difference between a nuclear EMP bomb and a non-nuclear EMP bomb. In fact, these two bombs not only have different electromagnetic pulse generation principles, but also have different powers."

"Nuclear electromagnetic pulse bomb, also known as EMP bomb, this bomb releases extremely strong gamma rays into the atmosphere with uneven density after exploding at high altitude, ionizes the air, and the electrons generated leave the center of the explosion at the speed of light, making the explosion center gather around A large number of positive ions form a strong electromagnetic field, and the electromagnetic field radiates outward at high speed to generate a strong electromagnetic pulse. The strong electromagnetic pulse acts on electronic systems, electronic equipment, and communication systems to generate high instantaneous voltage and current, thereby causing damage or instantaneous interference. Our electromagnetic pulse bombs are all manufactured by modifying and tailoring nuclear warheads, which can convert 40% of the energy of the two nuclear bombs into electromagnetic pulses."

"Currently, only the five permanent members of the UN Security Council have truly mastered this technology in the world. The electromagnetic pulse bombs produced by them are basically nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs, with an effective killing radius ranging from tens to hundreds of kilometers. Above non-nuclear EMP bombs."

"But this kind of bomb still belongs to the category of nuclear weapons. It will have residual radiation and cannot be used easily. Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs just don't have this concern. This thing is pure natural and pollution-free. It can be used whenever you want, and it can't be restricted at all. But according to our The technology we have mastered, the power of non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs is limited, the effective killing radius is only a few hundred meters, and the cost is high, and the actual combat value is not high. But now it seems that Zhan Wuju has solved this difficulty.”

After Dr. Braun's explanation, everyone in the conference room understood!

No wonder Zhan Huju dared to use such a big killer so recklessly, so he had nothing to fear.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, interjected: "Dr. Braun is right, but there is one more point I would like to add. The manufacture of nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs is still inseparable from enriched uranium. Some of the uranium mines are in the hands of our five permanent members. Even if the Bureau of War and Ignorance can collect some of them, the number of electromagnetic pulse bombs that can be produced is very limited. However, if the other party uses non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs, it will be quite scary .I don't know how much such EMP bombs cost, but at least in terms of materials, they are not subject to any academics."

Everyone present was shocked. Since Zhan Suju could easily drop [-] electromagnetic pulse bombs on the Arab League, does that mean they have more such weapons in their hands?

And according to common sense, the cost of non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs is not as high as that of nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs. Does that mean that it is a pity that the Bureau of War and Omission can easily produce [-], [-] or even more of this type? arms? ! (It’s a great event for the pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread immediately WeChat public account!) (to be continued~^~)

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