super robot clone

Chapter 498 I'm an Atheist

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At the same time, scientists from China, Russia, Britain, and France almost came to the same result.

These countries are all big aerospace countries, with a complete network of military reconnaissance satellites, coupled with the technical reserves of nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs, their understanding of nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs and non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs is much higher than other countries .

Therefore, the degree of shock they produced was not much weaker than that of Ao Guanhai and others.

England, Downing Street, 07:30 p.m. local time.

After more than two hours of closed-door meetings, British Prime Minister Cameron made an unexpected and unexpected decision, that is, to discuss the possibility of Britain joining the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank through contacts with the Chinese government through the ambassador to China .

The Chinese Ministry of Finance responded overnight and welcomed the UK's joining. .

More than an hour later, the French made the same choice.

The three parties quickly finalized and sent a delegation to the Chinese capital to sign relevant agreements as soon as possible.

However, in order to prevent the United States from interfering, China, Britain and France all strictly abide by the principle of confidentiality. Otherwise, once this news is made public, it is unknown how much waves it will cause in the world.

Capital of China.

Although it was already late at night, the elders of the Supreme Presbyterian Church still did not rest, anxiously waiting for the latest news from the Middle East in the Xishan Strategic Command Center.

At this time, the director of the Central Office hurried to Elder No. [-], handed a document to Elder No. [-] and said, "Boss, this is the application that the French government just submitted through the embassy in China."

Elder No. [-] was taken aback for a moment, took the document and browsed through it, handed it to Elder No. [-], and said with a smile: "The Frenchman has also compromised!"

soon.This application circulated in the hands of the members of the Presbyterian Church, and finally returned to the hands of the Great Elder.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Both Britain and France have made such statements. It seems that there is no big problem in Europe.

The Great Elder couldn't help sighing: "From now on, I'm afraid the five permanent members of the Security Council will be changed to the sixth permanent members!"

Everyone present nodded with sympathy.


A conference room in the command center of the Prince Sultan Air Force Base was lit with soft lights. Senior leaders of Middle Eastern countries were sitting around the conference table, looking at Chen Xin who was sitting at the head with complicated expressions.

For this yellow-skinned and black-eyed young man, everyone present wanted to eat his flesh and lay bare his skin, but the situation was stronger than others, and more than 100 lives of Little Butterfly's armor.In minutes, I taught everyone here how to behave.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Xin showed his skills and restored the power facilities that were severely damaged by electromagnetic pulse bombs in a short period of time, the eyes of everyone looking at Chen Xin began to become complicated and inexplicably mysterious.

Before the start of this war, relevant information about Chen Xin appeared on the desks of the leaders.

However, most people don't care. How can a small non-governmental organization be able to resist the huge military power assembled by the Arab League.

But I never imagined that it would be a war with a well-thought-out plan.It turned out to be like this.

Whether it is the powerful drone or the sudden electromagnetic pulse bomb, the Arab League coalition forces have no power to fight back.

What's even more astonishing is the little butterfly armor worn by this young man. Its unimaginable ability makes everyone astonished.

Therefore, everyone respects and fears Mr. Cheng, who has a mysterious and powerful background.

Chen Xin smiled and said: "Okay, how to deal with the aftermath is up to you to decide what to say and what not to say. I think you know it in your heart. The communication facilities in the base can be restored around [-]:[-] in the morning. Then we will be able to get in touch with the country.”

Chen Xin stood up and was about to leave!

All the leaders of the Arab League present cheered and got up to send off the god of plague.

Crown Prince Salman showed a hint of hesitation on his face.He suddenly gritted his teeth, stepped forward and said, "My lord envoy! I hope you can show us MSL a way out!"

The other senior officials present were slightly taken aback.Many people immediately understood what Crown Prince Salman meant, and stepped forward one after another: "My lord, please point out a way for us Arab people to survive."

Chen Xin stopped in his tracks immediately. The Somalis had arranged for him to be an envoy of God. Now that Crown Prince Salman calls him an envoy of God, the meaning behind this is intriguing.

Chen Xin turned around, looked at Crown Prince Salman with a half-smile and said, "His Royal Highness, your Saudi royal family's assets all over the world should be no less than one trillion dollars!"

Crown Prince Salman turned slightly pale, and gritted his teeth: "My lord, if you need it, the Saudi royal family is willing to donate 50.00% of its property to Allah."

UAE Prime Minister Al Maktoum also stepped forward and said at the same time: "Our Abu Dhabi consortium is also willing to donate half of its property to Allah."

With these two leading the way, the leaders of the rest of the Arab League countries, even if they don't want to, are unwilling to be the first bird at this time, and they have expressed their willingness to hand over half of their assets.

Seeing everyone's expectant but painful eyes, Chen Xin smiled and said, "This is not necessary! I still understand the principle of taking advantage of short hands and eating soft mouths. If you have any requirements, please tell me!"

Crown Prince Salman lowered his head and said cautiously: "My lord envoy, this, the Golden Dragon battery..."

Chen Xin frowned, and said in a deep voice: "It is the general trend for Jinlong batteries to replace petroleum. If you want to bargain on this issue, don't even think about it!"

Crown Prince Salman quickly said: "Mr. Chen, you misunderstood, we didn't mean that!"

Chen Xin said, "Then what do you mean?"

Crown Prince Salman said: "Mr. Chen, if... I said that if possible, I hope we can join the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank led by you. In addition, can I ask you one thing, that is, to build several banks in the Gulf region in the future. A large Jinlong battery factory. As long as you agree to this condition, I can promise you on behalf of the Arab League that in the next three years, OPEC members in the Gulf region will stop all oil fields!"

Chen Xin was stunned for a moment. The suggestion made by Crown Prince Salman suddenly made him a little interested.

Although there is no doubt about the victory of this war, with the riches of the Gulf countries, there is still no problem in delaying the promotion of Jinlong batteries for a year or a half if they want to solve the problem of the promotion of Jinlong batteries. of.

But if they try their best to cooperate and reduce or even stop oil production, it will be very beneficial to the promotion of Jinlong batteries.

At that time, let alone Europe, I am afraid that the United States can only raise its hands high and have to be tied to the chariot of the Golden Dragon battery.

Crown Prince Salman observed the words and expressions, and naturally noticed Chen Xin's expression of emotion. He thought for a while, and continued to say: "My lord envoy, if you agree, then we in the Arab League can fully recommend you as the leader of the MSL world." Spiritual leader!"

It was the first time for Chen Xin to face up to this seemingly simple and honest Crown Prince, and said with a slight smile, "I am an atheist!"

Crown Prince Salman also responded with a smile and said: "As long as you want, you are our Lord Allah!"

Chen Xin almost spat out old blood. He looked at Crown Prince Salman speechlessly and said, "No wonder there are so many factional disputes within your MSL. It turns out that you have the same virtue as the Western gods."

Crown Prince Salman smiled: "As long as you want, then no faction will cease to exist!"

Chen Xin frowned: "Don't tell me you want to create an organization similar to the Western Holy See."

Crown Prince Salman nodded: "I think only you can unify the MSL world!"

Chen Xin fell silent. The temptation proposed by Crown Prince Salman is not insignificant, but the responsibility behind it is also huge.

Chen Xin said sternly: "It's a very important matter. I need to think about this matter before I can give you an answer. How about it? Come to Mogadishu to see me after the domestic affairs in Saudi Arabia are over."

Crown Prince Salman said with joy: "Yes! My Lord God Envoy!" Just qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow the qdread WeChat official account!) (to be continued~^~)

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