super robot clone

Chapter 499 Humanitarian Crisis

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Tonight is a sleepless night for many people.

It was already early morning when we left Prince Sultan Air Force Base, and Chen Xin took away 56 F22 fighter jets in the base at the same time.

There were originally 22 F[-]s in this base, but fourteen were ignited and burned in the previous electromagnetic pulse attack, and there was not much value for repair.

Most of the remaining electronic equipment was damaged, and the steel hammer easily restored them to normal.

The return trip was surprisingly easy and there were no more surprises.

Chen Xin fell asleep on the plane.

When Ahdi and Yusuf, who stayed behind in Mogadishu, saw Chen Xin, they immediately had a backbone.

Although Chen Xin didn't let Somalia participate in this war, they paid more attention to this war than Chen Xin himself.

After all, Somalia, which is waiting for success, cannot afford any failure.

However, Chen Xin did not disappoint them. In the first wave of air battles, they exchanged for more than 200 fighter jets at the cost of a mere [-] drones.

Especially when they saw the more than 50 Raptor fighters brought back by Chen Xin, they were stunned in shock.

Although the previous experience had already gotten used to Chen Xin's supernatural powers, but this time, Ahdi and Yusuf were really convinced.

Facing such a powerful opponent, it is unbelievable that so many advanced fighter jets of the enemy can be captured.

And the happiest is the pilots of the former ground support force of the Chinese Air Force.Who would have imagined that Chen Xin would casually acquire more than 22 F50 fighter jets, which were regarded as the biggest imaginary enemy by the Chinese Air Force.

When Yu Zhenwei and Ji Feng saw an F22 slowly landing on the runway of the Mogadishu base, their eyeballs almost popped out.

Even them.At this time, deep in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little worship towards Chen Xin.

Yu Zhenwei couldn't care too much, so he hurried over with Ji Feng and asked Chen Xin if he could let them study F22.

With a big wave of his hand, Chen Xin allocated two of them directly.Let them toss.

The two of them were so excited that their eyes were red on the spot. After paying a solemn military salute to Chen Xin, they excitedly went back to gather their subordinates and prepared to tear F22 into pieces!


As the aftermath of the electromagnetic storm gradually calmed down, communications in the Middle East gradually resumed, and the news that the Arab League countries were hit by large-scale electromagnetic pulse bombs was also transmitted by the media to all parts of the world.

Subsequently, reporters from other regions entered the electromagnetic pulse strike zone with intact cameras and video cameras, and the internal situation of the major cities hit by electromagnetic pulse bombs was gradually conveyed.

A New York Times reporter living in Dubai who experienced the EMP strike wrote in his column: "We were attacked very suddenly. I was invited on a sailboat when the EMP bomb hit. A cocktail party at the hotel. The city gathered high-ranking officials and dignitaries from Gulf countries. The ultimate luxury and enjoyment of the Burj Al Arab has made many people linger, but no one realizes that at this time, their country is fighting with a mysterious and powerful enemy Fighting. The war that happened on the other side of the sea seemed to them to be something from another world.

But just because they don't care about war doesn't mean that war won't find itself.

The moment the electromagnetic pulse bomb exploded.Lightning illuminated everyone's faces, and immediately after, the originally brightly lit hall fell into darkness.All kinds of electronic equipment sparks flew everywhere, and the cameras, mobile phones, tablet computers, notebooks and other electronic equipment that everyone carried with them were all burned as if by magic.

Everyone was at a loss, and the well-dressed rich and powerful were not much better than ordinary people in the face of the crisis.

The reception had to be interrupted temporarily, and the crowd became restless. Many people tried to leave the reception, but found that the hotel elevator had stopped running due to a power outage, and the 56-story Burj Al Arab became a cage.

thank God.The reception hall I attended is located on the No.19 floor of the Burj Al Arab.It's not too difficult to walk down the stairs.

I knew something big must have happened in Dubai, and all the strange sights that followed the lightning bolt just now reminded me of an electromagnetic pulse bomb, which is a terrifying weapon.As a reporter, I must send everything that happened in Dubai back to China as soon as possible.

But there are more difficulties than I imagined.My Ford off-road vehicle, the electrical system has been completely burned.Unable to start.

So I had to walk home.

The streets are full of stalled cars and terrified crowds. Many people don't know what happened and just run around aimlessly.

Some people realized that the situation was wrong and began to go to the supermarket to scan goods and stock up on supplies.

But most supermarkets and shops chose to close their doors due to the collapse of the power system and the failure of the cash register system.

I was lucky enough to buy enough food and water to last me five days and then go home.

As night fell, this metropolis, known as the city that never sleeps, seemed to be swallowed by Satan, turning into a city of darkness.No rescue force came to the city.All kinds of rumors were flying all over the sky, riots gradually spread, and foreign tourists rushed to the airport in groups, only to find that the airport was closed and no plane was allowed to take off.The hospital was overcrowded, and many people were affected by various accidents caused by the explosion of the electromagnetic pulse bomb.For two full days, Dubai's electricity and traffic were completely cut off, food was in short supply, and drinking water became a big problem.Large-scale riots began to appear in the urban area. Mobs smashed shops, supermarkets and looted supplies in groups. The police department responded slowly...

It was not until two days later that the riots that spread throughout the city gradually subsided with the arrival of outside rescue forces.

I later learned that this humanitarian crisis that lasted for several months did not only happen in Dubai, but also that many big cities in the Arab League have encountered similar situations..."

After this report came out, it aroused enthusiastic responses all over the world. Many people were stunned by the disastrous consequences of the electromagnetic pulse bomb.

According to statistics later, the electromagnetic pulse strike caused a total of 5671 deaths, 13528 injuries, and the crash of two civil aviation airliners. The direct economic loss was as high as 5000 trillion US dollars, and the indirect loss cannot be calculated.

What is even more tragic is that the Arab League coalition forces, as the main target of electromagnetic pulse bombs, lost more than 90% of their heavy equipment.The hundreds of thousands of Arab League troops have basically lost their combat effectiveness.

Some mechanized troops marching towards Somalia also had to stop, waiting for further instructions from the rear command center.

Fortunately, the Somali army did not take the opportunity to launch a large-scale military operation against the Arab League, otherwise this armed army to the teeth may be in danger of being wiped out. (It’s a great event for the pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread immediately WeChat public account!) (to be continued~^~)

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