In addition, Gangzhen also installed a small nuclear fusion reactor with a power of 30 kilowatts inside the "Dream" aerospace plane. Directly use the powerful plasma in the fusion reactor to output current.This kind of fusion reactor can run continuously for [-] years after being filled with fuel at one time, and its efficiency is much higher than that of boilers.

These are the results of the modifications made by Gangzheng in the past week. According to the previously established plan, Gangzheng only needs to change the cargo compartment of the "Dream" aerospace plane from the original open type to an airtight type. Chen Xin's moon landing The plan will work.

But when Chen Xin came over today, Gang Bian unexpectedly gave him a surprise.

"Old bean, come and have a look, I researched a very useful new material last night."

Gang Beng jumped off the "Dream" aerospace plane, holding a silver-white film-like object in his hand, and bouncing to Chen Xin's body.

"Hey, what is this?"

Chen Xin bent down to take the film from the steel tool. The film is round in shape, only the size of a handkerchief, neither silk nor brocade.

With flashing electronic eyes, Gangzhu smiled triumphantly: "Old Dou, look again!"

The steel hammer snapped its fingers at the membrane, and the originally soft and boneless membrane in Chen Xin's hand suddenly stretched into a hard, arc-shaped membrane as if by magic.

Chen Xin stared dumbfounded at the changes in front of him, and couldn't turn his head around for a while.

"Steel, what kind of material is this, and how did you do it?"

Chen Xin said in surprise.Even though he was used to the magic of steel, Chen Xin was still shocked by this magical material.

Gangzhu proudly said: "This is a special nano-material made of lithium metal. As for its specific use, you can guess it, old man!"

Chen Xin frowned.Looking up and down the nano-lithium thin film, a sudden flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and I blurted out: "Solar sail?!"

When talking about the non-propellant spacecraft with Gangzheng before, Chen Xin also discussed the idea of ​​solar sails with it.It was only later that considering that solar sails were also a problem, they turned their attention to microwave propulsion, which is easier to achieve.

Chen Xin never imagined that the steel 镚 had unknowingly solved the material problem of the solar sail.


The steel iron quacked and said with a smile: "Old Dou, how about it? It's not bad. This material is very tough. We can put it away when we don't use it. If necessary, we only need to pass a small current. It will It can be unfolded instantly. The density of this material is ten times lighter than that of water, and it only needs one hundred kilograms to unfold into a solar sail of about five square kilometers, providing us with the same thrust as a non-propellant engine in space .I plan to install it on the Dream space plane. When we go to the moon, it will only take less than six hours including acceleration and deceleration. It will only take a month to go to Mars. If we accelerate at full speed , within two years, we can go back and forth from Pluto, which is completely enough for us to use in the solar system."

Speaking of this, Gangzheng's tone suddenly dropped again: "It's a pity that I only have a second-level intermediate level now, and I have already collected almost all the materials on the earth. It may be difficult to upgrade in a short time, otherwise it will be directly in the The anti-gravity engine installed on the Dream is much more high-end than solar sails and non-propellant spaceships."

Chen Xin could only shake his head and smile wryly.It's been two years.Steel coins have already squeezed out the remaining value of the earth's civilization, which is why they tried to leave the earth.

Chen Xin thought for a moment, then suddenly said: "Gangyi, why don't you just eat that Kahn spaceship on the moon. In this way, you should be able to upgrade, right?!"

The electronic eyes of the steel coin flickered wildly.Speechless: "Please, old bean, that's a creation of a fifth-level civilization. I'm a small second-level King Kong. If I digest materials that can only be produced by a fifth-level civilization, am I not afraid of indigestion? Even we King Kong clan, civilization levels also require I went up step by step, and even if I found some special materials on the spaceship that would allow me to upgrade to Level [-], I would still be unable to create a superluminal engine.”

Chen Xin nodded and said, "That's true!"

In the final analysis, steel 镚 is a very special existence. For those metal materials produced by civilizations that are lower than or equivalent to it, it can obtain their technological information by digesting these materials, so as to upgrade them.

But for the special materials produced by civilizations higher than it, it only has the ability to imitate.

For example, it can obtain calorie metal from the captain's peak, and then use these materials to create anthropomorphic robots.

But it can't analyze the technology contained in calorie metal, and synthesize calorie metal by itself.

Because of this, when they first learned that there was a spaceship made by a fifth-level civilization on the moon, Chen Xin and Gang Yan were not in a hurry to check it out.

This was useless at all for the first-level steel 镚 at that time.

Next, Chen Xin discussed the technical details of the solar sail with Gang Yan, and the two began to immerse themselves in the technical modification of the "Dream".

The cargo hold of the Dream is about [-] cubic meters. Chen Xin separated about one-third of the space inside and used it as a plant room, where he planted various plants that are good for purifying the air.

Of the remaining [-] cubic meters, there is a mechanical maintenance room, a food storage room, and a room for placing miniature unmanned reconnaissance drones, auxiliary robots, and two all-terrain lunar vehicles.

According to Gangzhu's latest refit plan, just wait another three days, and the Dream can be completely refitted.

But before that, he had to deal with Kerry, the special envoy of the President of the United States and the new Secretary of Defense of the United States.

At 03:30 in the afternoon, the Tu195 passenger plane carrying Russian Defense Minister Andrei Soratrovsky landed slowly on the runway of Mogadishu International Airport.

Half an hour later, the Air China Boeing 747 flight carrying the special envoys of China and the United States also landed on time.

Chen Xin and Solatrovski had been waiting on the runway for a long time.

Although both China and Russia, the ignorance of war, and the United States are in a state of hostility at the moment, the necessary etiquette still needs to be observed when the high-level leaders of the other party arrive.

The Chinese representative who accompanied Kerry to Mogadishu was an old acquaintance of Chen Xin, General Chang Siwei, chief of the general staff.

When Kerry got off the plane, he paused thoughtfully for a while on a row of F22 unmanned fighter jets parked at the far end of the runway, and then walked down the ramp car with a smile on his face to shake hands with Chen Xin.

"Mr. Chen, hello, I have known you for a long time, and it is a great honor to meet you this time."

Kerry's attitude was sincere and his face was full of smiles. If someone who didn't understand the inside story stood by, he might never have guessed that these were actually a pair of life-and-death enemies who always wanted to put each other to death.

"Mr. Kerry, welcome to Mogadishu!"

Chen Xin shook hands with Kerry while admiring the performance quality of American politicians.

The four exchanged a few pleasantries at the airport, and then took a special car to the seaside hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Chen Xin arranged for the representatives of the three countries to go back to their rooms to rest, on the pretext that they had traveled seven or eight hours on a long-distance flight.

Kerry seemed to understand Chen Xin's thoughts, and he was not in a hurry to get to the point, so he agreed.

Chen Xin took this opportunity to meet with Chang Siwei and Andre in private and asked what was going on.

General Chang Siwei smiled wryly and said: "Mr. Chen, don't ask me about this, I don't know. In fact, the American's move this time was very sudden. Kerry came to China on the pretext of visiting Tokyo. After the capital, he made a request to us, hoping to have a secret negotiation with the Bureau of War and Oblivion. In addition, he also asked that when the United States negotiated with the Bureau of War and Oblivion, representatives from both China and Russia should be present to make a comprehensive review of this negotiation. witness."

Chen Xin and Andre Soratrovsky looked at each other, and Andre said: "No matter what the Americans think, as long as the three of us maintain a tacit understanding, we will be invincible."

Chen Xin nodded and said: "General Andre is right, General Chang. After the dinner tonight, I will arrange a four-party meeting. I hope we can advance and retreat together."

Chang Siwei said: "Naturally." (To be continued~^~)

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