super robot clone

Chapter 520 The Book of War

At seven o'clock in the evening, Chen Xin held a working meal in a box of the hotel to welcome Kerry's visit.

But perhaps realizing what to say next, none of the four of them had much interest in eating. After a tasteless dinner, Chen Xin took the three of them to a small conference room to sit down. Chen Xin looked up at Ke Ke who was opposite him. Li said: "Okay, Mr. Kerry, we celebrities don't talk secretly, now we can talk about what is the purpose of this visit?"

Chang Siwei and Andrei Solatrovski also kept their eyes on Kerry

Kerry smiled slightly and said: "I like Mr. Chen's frankness very much. Since this is the case, then I will make it clear. Mr. Chen, I am here this time mainly to represent the United States of America and challenge you!"


All three of them were taken aback.

"Yes, it's a gauntlet!" Kerry said seriously, "Mr. Chen, I believe you should understand the conflict between you and me, unless China, Russia, and the Bureau of Warfare and Ignorance are willing to share with the United States the advantages of the Golden Dragon battery and controllable nuclear fusion. interests, otherwise it will be difficult for us to reconcile for the time being. That being the case, we can only use force to speak. But both you and I have nuclear weapons at the same time. Once the situation gets out of control, it is easy to abuse nuclear weapons. This is not only for you and me Irresponsibility is also irresponsible to the whole world. Therefore, in line with the attitude of being responsible to all mankind, we hope that the United States of America and the Bureau of War Neglect will wage a local war under high-tech conditions. The scope of the war is limited to Somalia, during the course of the war, no other third-party forces are allowed to participate in the war process. Both sides must not use nuclear weapons, biological weapons, electromagnetic pulse weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, and must not attack all space facilities of the enemy, including satellites. War As a result, whether or not Mogadishu can be captured is the key to victory, which determines the distribution of interests between you and me. If the United States wins this war, then the Bureau of War and Ignorance must open all information on the Golden Dragon battery and controllable nuclear fusion technology to the United States of America. , if your side wins, then we are willing to join the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank as an ordinary country. And provide support for your ladder plan!"

After Kerry's voice fell, not only China and Russia were stunned, but even Chen Xin himself was stunned.

They never expected that the United States would propose such an unimaginable solution.

Chen Xin couldn't help laughing. What is the difference between the Yankee's approach and those bastard students who have a fight in school? It's just that one party set the date for the fight at the back of the school, and the other party set the date for the fight in Somalia. That's all.

Chen Xin asked: "Mr. Kerry, you mean that China and Russia cannot participate in this war? It can only be dealt with independently by the War and Neglect Bureau?"

"Yes, they can't participate! If they participate, I am afraid that China alone may not be able to cope with the United States. The war mobilization potential of hundreds of millions of people will almost catch up with our total population. In this way, conventional wars will not have any practical significance."

Chen Xin nodded, expressing satisfaction with Kerry's explanation. A conventional war with China, a populous country that has established a complete industrialization system, would be a nightmare for all countries in the world.

Chen Xin said with a half-smile, "Mr. Kerry, since that's the case, why do you think I will agree to your terms? After all, without China and Russia, it would be very difficult for Zhanhu Bureau to resist the conventional attacks of the United States."

Kerry said: "Mr. Chen, do you have no confidence in Zhan Huju's strength?"

Chen Xin shook his head and said, "That's not true!"

Kerry laughed: "Then why do you underestimate yourself?!"

Chen Xin chuckled.Ignore Kerry's run.Said: "Mr. Kerry, what do you think of the strength of our three parties?"

Kerry said: "Very powerful!"

Chen Xindao: "Then why do you think I will give up my existing advantages and fight such an unknown war with the United States?"

Kerry chuckled, and his tone gradually cooled down: "If you don't agree with our conditions, then we can only fight a nuclear war!"

At this time, General Chang Siwei, who had not spoken much before, said: "Mr. Kerry, you are too irresponsible for talking like that!"

Andrei Soratrovsky sneered: "If the United States is willing, Russia is willing to fight a nuclear war with you!"

The atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly turned cold!

Chen Xin couldn't help laughing. The big gangster is indeed a big gangster. He used to think that Russia likes to play hooligans. He didn't expect that Yankees, who have always regarded themselves as civilized people, played hooligans like old men. Mao Zi is much inferior.

However, how much sincerity is there in the Americans' proposal? !

If they fail, whether they will abide by the content of the agreement is probably a big problem!

But what does it matter? As long as you destroy the nuclear power that the Yankees depend on for survival, then no matter how much they lash out, it may be useless.

A tiger with its teeth pulled out is no different from a sick cat.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

The Yankee sent the gauntlet at this time, which happened to provide enough time for his plan.

Kerry stared at Chen Xin with embarrassment and said, "Mr. Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Xin laughed and said, "Okay, I will follow up with this gauntlet!"

"Mr. Chen!"

"Mr. Chen must not!"

Andrei Solatrovsky and Chang Siwei stood up to stop them at the same time.

After cooperating with Zhanhuju for so long, they naturally understand that Zhanhuju always wins by quality. If a conventional war of attrition starts with the United States, it will be hard to say who will win the game in the end.

Chen Xin shook his head at them and said, "I've made up my mind. You don't need to persuade them anymore!"

Kerry was overjoyed, and took out four agreements from his briefcase and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen, since that's the case, then we will sign this agreement. Representatives from China and Russia are the witnesses, and we hope to sign it as well." Just a moment. In addition, if the agreement takes effect, then we will launch this war in the name of revenge for President Aoguanhai a week later."

Chen Xin took the document and browsed it roughly. The United States does not have legal rules and regulations in this agreement. Many rights, responsibilities and obligations are clearly written. He nodded and said, "No problem."

As he said that, Chen Xin signed his name on it, and then he turned his eyes to Chang Siwei and Andrei Solatrovsky and said, "Both generals, I hope you can respect Zhan Hu Bureau's decision, sign this agreement!"

"Mr. Chen... oh!"

Chang Siwei and Andrei Solatrovsky looked at each other silently.

After the agreement in duplicate was signed, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly relaxed. Kerry got up and said, "Mr. Chen, since the agreement has been signed, I will take my leave first!"

Chen Xin smiled slightly and said, "Let's go!"

Seeing Kerry's figure disappear at the door, Chang Siwei said: "Mr. Chen, your decision this time is really unwise!"

Andrei Soratrovsky also said: "Yes, Mr. Chen, if you easily succumb to the nuclear threat of the United States, it may not be a good thing for our future!"

Chen Xin smiled slightly and said, "Both of you, haven't you noticed that Kerry and I haven't mentioned the specific binding force of this agreement?"

Both Chang Siwei and Andrei Solatrovsky were slightly taken aback.

It's really not their fault, they are all pure soldiers, they rarely look at things from the perspective of diplomats, and they can't do anything with Kerry, an old fritter who has been in American politics for decades. compared.

Chen Xin mentioned it a little bit, and Chang Siwei and Andre quickly figured out the twists and turns.

Andre frowned and said, "Mr. Chen, isn't this agreement meaningless?"

Chen Xin smiled slightly and said, "Who said it's meaningless? Although I don't know what the Yankees want to do, they must be delaying time through this war!"

Andre said: "In that case, why do you still agree?"

Chang Siwei answered this question instead of Chen Xin: "If my guess is correct, I am afraid that the Bureau of Zhan Huanju is also delaying time through this agreement?" (to be continued~^~)

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