super robot clone

Chapter 523 Strong Interaction Force Materials

"Cybertron is a cube?"

Chen Xin was taken aback.

You must know that although the volume of a neutron star is only a dozen kilometers, its mass is equivalent to that of the sun, and its density is one billion tons per cubic centimeter, which is 100 trillion times the density of water.

It is hard to imagine how such a highly dense body can maintain the shape of a cube under the strong gravitational force.

Chen Xin shook his head, this technology has exceeded his imagination.

"Old Bean, when we leave the solar system, we must find a neutron star to play with!"

There was a look of hope in Gangzheng's eyes.

Chen Xin said: "Gangyi, this time, you must search in the spaceship of the Kahn civilization to see if there is any suitable material that will allow you to upgrade to the third level."


Gang Beng nodded, and then his tone dropped again: "It would be great if I didn't live in such a muddle during those 9000 million years."

Although the steel 镚 has been promoted to the seventh level of civilization before, it is completely unable to sort out a complete technological system from the first level to the seventh level.

The reason is still the innate attributes of the Vajra clan itself.

Before the steel 镚 rank fell, it was basically looking for food all day long, and it dared to eat any material.

With the unique talent of the King Kong family, it can analyze any material that is one level higher than itself according to the level of the material.

But it is also because of this that it does not know much about the technology contained in those materials. Coupled with the different ways of thinking between different civilizations, even a seventh-level steel coin is not as good as some low-level civilizations in terms of understanding of key technologies.

But since two years ago, I established that kind of mysterious and mysterious connection with Chen Xin.Gang Bian then discovered that he was able to fully understand and accept the way of thinking of people on Earth.

This is also the reason why it is more interested in activities that require perceptual thinking such as music, painting, and writing when it wakes up.

Later, with the gradual integration with the earth civilization.Steel can even understand the scientific and technological data on the earth and even make progress in some fields.

But even so, the level of technology it has mastered is only the second-level high-level, unless it and Chen Xin spend 20 years on the hadron collision test, or give it a key material of the third-level civilization. Digestion and absorption.Otherwise, it will be difficult for the steel penny to break through the second level in a short time.

"Forget it, steel 镚, don't think too much, let's go to the spaceship to look for it first, maybe there will be unexpected gains!"


Steel Coin immediately cheered up, and stared at the large spaceship thousands of meters away.

The two boarded the rover.

The lunar rover is a fully enclosed six-wheel shape, eight meters long and [-] meters wide.Two meters high, like a small car.Its total weight is about [-] tons, it is fully electric drive, the outer casing is covered with solar cells, and its cross-country speed is [-] kilometers per hour.The car has constant temperature and humidity, and there are also special living cabins and material cabins, and drinking water and food are stored inside.It can last half a month without any external support.

In a sense, this rover is a small base.

It took 10 minutes for Chen Xin to drive the rover to the foot of the crater and stop about 100 meters away from the spacecraft.

Seen from a close distance, this spaceship is even more magnificent than Chen Xin imagined.

It is cylindrical in shape as a whole, like a well-crafted cigar.

The surface of the spaceship is smooth and shiny, and the long years have not formed any traces on its surface.

"Huh? Lithium-based strong-interaction material?!"

Steel Bing yelled.

Chen Xin asked suspiciously: "Steel, what is a lithium-based strong interaction material?"

Chen Xin knows that the strong interaction force is the force that combines protons and neutrons into atomic nuclei, and it is also the interaction force between quarks.Its magnitude is several orders of magnitude greater than the electromagnetic force.And because of this.It can overcome the strong repulsive force produced by the electromagnetic force, and bind the hadrons tightly into atomic nuclei.

However, this force is a short-range force, and the action distance is within the range of 10-15m. Once this distance is exceeded.The force will quickly disappear.

Gang Jun explained: "This material overflows the strong interaction force inside the helium atoms through a special gravitational field, and the strong interaction between atomic nuclei makes the vibration of these atoms tend to zero. But such a material must at least master the grand unity Field theory civilizations can only be manufactured at level [-]. From hydrogen-based to carbon-based, there are six levels in total. Generally speaking, the first level of level [-] can produce hydrogen-based strong interaction materials, the middle level can produce helium-based materials, and the high-level can produce lithium According to the arrangement of the periodic table of elements, the fifth-level advanced civilization can produce carbon-based strong interaction materials. The Kahn civilization has just been promoted to the fifth level, and it is completely understandable that their spaceships use lithium-based materials. The strength is extremely high, and the surface temperature is close to absolute zero. As long as it is given speed, it can easily penetrate a planet like the earth, and the material itself will not fall off."

Chen Xin was taken aback, and said, "Since this material is so strong, how could this spaceship break into two pieces?"

When the spaceship of the Kahn civilization crashed into the moon, it was broken into two pieces, half of which was the part that Chen Xin saw, leaning against the outside of the crater, and the other half was inside the crater, temporarily invisible.

Gang Bian said: "Maybe it's because of the power of space."

Chen Xin nodded thoughtfully. It seems that Mr. Kahn did not lie to himself. It was an accident that the Kahn civilization came to the Milky Way from the Large Magellanic Cloud. The hole allows the spacecraft to span a distance of 16 light-years at one time.

"Old Dou, this section should be the tail of the spaceship. The spaceship's energy compartment and material compartment should be inside. I'll go in and have a look! You can come in if everything is safe."

"Okay! Be careful."

Gang Beng nodded, and flew out of the lunar rover with a swish.

Chen Xin set the helmet glass of the space suit to projection mode so that he could follow the angle of view of the steel coin at any time.

The steel 镚 did not directly touch the surface of the spaceship and fuse into it. Instead, it transformed into a small drone, slowly flew to the top of the mountain, and observed the fracture of the spaceship.

The diameter of the spaceship fracture is about 2000 meters. It stands to reason that such a fracture should be full of destroyed cabins.But after the steel 镚 flew up, it was discovered that the fracture of the spaceship had been repaired by the Kahn civilization at some time, and the surface was covered with a thin layer of metal film, and basically there was no damage.

"Calorie Transforming Metal!"

With a loud cry of excitement, Gang Beng pierced through the break in half of the spaceship. (to be continued~^~)

PS: I found that many children's shoes questioned whether the spaceship can accommodate 70 billion people, so I will explain to you.The spaceship in the book is conceived as a cylinder with a diameter of 2 kilometers and a half length of 7 kilometers.Steel 镚 is calculated as a cylinder with a diameter of 2 kilometers and a height of 10 kilometers.The average volume of a person is about 70 cubic decimeters. You can calculate that after 70 billion people enter this cylinder, the volume per capita will be 4 cubic meters, so it can fit completely.

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