super robot clone

Chapter 524 Command Center

Calorie metal once appeared in the captain's peak base and reappeared on the moon, which is not too surprising.

This kind of metal has a good deformation effect. After the spaceship of the Kahn civilization is cut and broken by the space force, using it to repair the cross section can be regarded as the best use.

The steel coin was integrated from the connection between the Calorie metal film and the lithium-based strong-interaction material shell, and the image projected on Chen Xin's retina immediately became pitch black.

After a long while, accompanied by the belch of the steel iron, the scene in front of Chen Xin's eyes lit up again.

"Old Dou, I'm coming in."

Hearing Gangbang's contented tone, Chen Xin understood that this guy probably swallowed a lot of calorie metal.

It's a pity that the steel can't digest the strong interaction material of the spacecraft's hull, and can't fuse with it, otherwise this big guy alone is enough to upgrade the steel.

Compared with the very sci-fi calorie metal in the captain's peak base, the internal structure of the spacecraft is much more normal.

What appeared in Chen Xin's eyes was a long passage, which was bigger than Chen Xin imagined, one meter wide and about 1.7 meters high, barely enough for a human man to walk through, but compared to the 1.2 meters of Kahn tribe tall, this channel is more than enough.

The inner wall of the channel is white, and the light is soft, and the specific source of these lights cannot be seen.

Chen Xindao: "Steel, search forward, first find the command center of the spaceship, you must put your own safety first!"

Although I learned from that Mr. Kahn last time that there are no living people in this base, but there is no guarantee that there is any weapon system in the spaceship to prevent foreign enemies from invading. The reason for the search.


Steel Tong said so.The pace of progress is not slow.

Along the way, from time to time, you can see crooked Kahn characters and some cabin doors. Gang Bian had already mastered the Kahn writing system when he occupied the captain's peak base before, so he also recognized these signs.

The above is nothing more than some cabin names and channel signs.Like labs, storage rooms, hibernation pods, etc.Most of the instruments and equipment in the laboratory have been damaged, even if they are in good condition, but even the steel hammer does not know the specific purpose of these equipment.

Although there is a unified standard for the division of civilization levels in the universe, each civilization has its own unique technology tree.It is not to say that advanced civilizations can know all the technical routes of low-level civilizations.

There are no useful materials in the storage room. The only thing that catches the eye is the hibernation cabin. These hibernation cabins are mainly suitable for long-distance flights. Like this kind of exploratory super-light-speed spacecraft, it often costs dozens of dollars to go out. Years, during the lonely journey, except for a few crew members on duty, most people choose to spend this long time in deep hibernation.

But this also reminded Chen Xin.If I really want to leave the earth in the future, I can let Wang Xiaoyue and the others go into hibernation first. In this way, the passage of time can be greatly slowed down, and I can also find a way to extend human life.

Except for the hibernation cabin, the other cabins have long been empty, and no corpses of Kahn tribesmen were found inside.

However, Chen Xin could understand this situation.For carbon-based life, once they fall into trouble in the universe, the corpses of their kind will often become a source of food and protein.

Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle will not disappear as the level of civilization rises, it will only become more hidden and cruel.

After walking another few hundred meters, the passage suddenly turned right, and what appeared in front of Gangzhen was an unusually wide square.

To be precise, this is not a square, but a large platform similar to a subway station.

But compared with the subway station.The layout of this platform is much more interesting.

The platform is divided into two floors.The height is about six meters.

Two tracks on the left and right are arranged on the first floor, and two tracks on the front and back are arranged on the second floor. These four tracks are perpendicular to each other, forming a rectangular structure.

Other than that.There are also eight longitudinal tracks similar to elevators inside the platform.

Such an arrangement is completely understandable.

Like this large spacecraft with a length of more than ten kilometers and a diameter of several kilometers.The number of crew members inside should be calculated in millions, and its scale is much more magnificent than those large cities on the earth. Therefore, the rail transportation has become more three-dimensional and complicated.

Gang Beng walked to a route sign and immediately shouted: "Ha, old bean, I found their control center."

Chen Xin smiled and said: "Good job, go to the command center first to see if you can find useful information, and search for other places later!"


Gang Beng walked to a longitudinal track, and inside the track covered by transparent glass, a capsule-shaped rail train could be seen.

This kind of train uses superconducting maglev propulsion, does not need to be in contact with the track, and does not need any traction device.

Gang Bin stretched out his hand and tapped twice on the door of the carriage. Soon, the door opened and Gang Bin walked in.

The energy system in the spaceship was functioning well, and after the steel forge fumbled for a while, the train started.

In just a few seconds, the train slowed down, and the steel coin had already appeared on another platform.

Then, Gangzhuan made two more train transfers, and it took less than 5 minutes before it appeared at the gate of the spaceship command center.

The door was ajar, and there was a faint light coming from inside.

The steel 镚 gently pushed the door and entered. The command center hall was glowing with a dim light. The layout was very simple. Except for an operating table and seats with a diameter of more than 80 meters, there were no redundant facilities.

But at this time, neither Chen Xin nor Gang Bian paid any attention to it. They were all attracted by the innumerable dots of starlight projected by the holographic projection above the console.

These starlights are composed of countless stars, and the brilliant starlight spreads down, forming a majestic galaxy.

"This is……"

Chen Xin felt that he was about to stop breathing. Although he saw not only such a huge galaxy, but none of them could compare with the projection in front of him. For the first time, he felt that the universe was so vast and incredible.

Gang Jun said: "Old Dou, this should be the Large Magellanic Cloud, 16 light-years away from the Milky Way, a satellite galaxy composed of 200 billion stars."

After a while, Chen Xin said: "Gangbi, can you connect to the central data computer of this spaceship and see if you can find some useful information."


Gang Beng nodded, searched around the command platform, and quickly found the data interface of the spaceship's central computer, and then connected to it.

After a while, Gangzheng disconnected from the central processing unit of the spacecraft, and said, "Old Dou, most of the information has been damaged. I only recovered a small part of the data, only one petabyte, even the billions of original data of the spacecraft. Not a fraction of it."

Chen Xin was a little disappointed, but still comforted him: "This is not bad, you can send the data back first, and don't forget to translate it into Chinese." (To be continued~^~)

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